Site News

Starfall Faire Raffle 2023 Winners!

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by Starbask

The raffle for this year's Starfall seasonal raffle has concluded, and our winners are:

MYO/Growth/Upgrade Winners:

1. Noble : Nalico
2. Adventurer: missdevichi
3. Adventurer: Ayxoi
4. Adventurer: synicals
5. Kittom: Knife
6. Kittom: Alterial
7. Kittom: Keilin
8. Kittom: Strabi
9. Kittom: northfarer


Mutation Winners:

1. High Tier Limited (Bonded): Mewwsic
2. High Tier Limited (Bonded): Shadonut
3. High Tier Limited (Bonded): SmolPeep
4. High Tier Limited (Bonded): MewWolf
5. High Tier Limited (Bonded): Alibastar
6. High Tier Limited: CandyChameleon
7. High Tier Limited: Najishio
8. High Tier Limited: Milim
9. High Tier Limited: Casteds
10. High Tier Limited: Becci
11. Lower Tier Limited (Bonded): wander
12. Lower Tier Limited (Bonded): goomy-king
13. Lower Tier Limited (Bonded): ShinPurple
14. Lower Tier Limited (Bonded): ceruleansblue
15. Lower Tier Limited (Bonded): binghu
16. Lower Tier Limited: tara-elani
17. Lower Tier Limited: Katsuki
18. Lower Tier Limited: emacodo
19. Lower Tier Limited: Nekoyang
20. Lower Tier Limited: bisflorescentia
21. Exotic: Erilidae
22. Exotic: adgerelli
23. Exotic: Wila
24. Exotic: ghostaris
25. Exotic: KelpiePie
26. Rare: osteoh
27. Rare: SYLSYL12
28. Rare: umbral-wind
29. Rare: 404msg
30. Rare: Llew
31. Rare: blankshi
32. Rare: wolvesstrife
33. Rare: ForonGur
34. Rare: Yumehaeya
35. Rare: Giz
36. Uncommon: Kloana
37. Uncommon: Chickolates
38. Uncommon: DearRyufur
39. Uncommon: Malis
40. Uncommon: jahpan
41. Uncommon: BlackMajixCat
42. Uncommon: Vontier

DA notes have been sent out to the raffle winners for the MYO/Growth/Upgrade slots! The mutation winners will see those mutations added under each specified elnin's note tab in the next 24 hours or so!

Rolling took place in our discord #games_and_raffles channel today.

Anyone who didn't win a prize has received the 8 EC participation prize! Thank you everyone for your participation in this year's Starfall Faire Seasonal raffle!

Late September Update!

Posted 10 months ago :: Last edited 10 months ago by Starbask

We're almost through the month of September. So we're popping in with a few reminders and updates!

Starfall Faire Activities

The activities for Starfall Faire this year are still ongoing. You can read more about them in the news post here, but we wanted to mention word search 1 has a typo. The search itself says "festivites" but the key reads the correct spelling "festivities" so there's a missing letter "i" in the search itself. If you circle "festivites" it should be fine.

Masterlist Art Accessory Clarifications

Recently there's been a bit of confusion internally about costs associated with accessories being added later on to approved base art. This is an area we've clarified once in the past, but recently have realized there was still a bit of ambiguity in the language surrounding accessories and outfits. Unfortunately, this has led to a few users being charged for accessories being added to base art that should have been part of a one time "free" allowance.

We've granted a few users back EC that they were incorrectly charged for the single time free allowance recently, but we recognize we may have missed others. If you believe you've been wrongly charged for an accessory addition in the past and not seen any sort of a refund, please submit a ticket with a link to the relevant elnin and design approval where you were charged for the accessory, along with any info you can provide, and we'll double check if EC needs to be granted back to you. Please note this is only applicable if you submitted the design approval yourself, and the elnin is currently in your ownership!

The recent confusion surrounding these costs has also led our team to discuss some different scenarios, like if the one-time allowance applies to an elnin for the rest of its time. For example, if an elnin's gone through other revisions over the years that were paid, is the allowance still considered limited to the first time it was done years ago, or is there ever a case we'd allow other accessories be added for free? With that in mind, we've adjusted the language slightly to add a bit more flexibility for small accessories between paid edits. Consecutive accessory edits will still have a cost to value review time and avoid abuse (we're opting for this approach over a time gate), but there should be a little more opportunity if someone's revisiting an old design to add an accessory on after the fact for no cost if they forgot to initially.

Regional Affinity Reminder for Prompts

We've been bumping into more prompts missing enough regional features or language lately, or cases where elnin are covering up more than half of the background so features are difficult to see. If anyone has had a prompt kicked back in recent months for missing enough regional specific features or elnin obscuring too much of the background, please be sure to revisit our Regional AP guide page. That page goes into detail about art and written guidelines for earning AP. Thanks for your patience and willingness to work with us in this space!

Prompt Rule Clarifications and Problems with Artificial Intelligence

This month we've been looking to clarify the group's stance on artificial intelligence (AI), as it relates to work submitted to the group. We'll also be covering some general expectations within the group that have been around a while.

The topic of AI hasn't been talked about much in an official context, so we're doing that now. As of this news update, we’ve added language to the group's TOS and a few other prompt-related areas on the site to be more explicit that AI should not be directly used in the creation of prompts submitted on site. These additions reinforce existing language that work must be your own. (Additions to several areas in this news post will be in bold.)

The World of Eyre Terms of Service states:

  • Your Content must be your own and must not be infringing on any third party's rights. World of Eyre reserves the right to remove any of Your Content from this Website at any time, and for any reason, without notice. Work of any kind directly produced through the use of Artificial Intelligence is not accepted in this group. This includes slight modifications to work produced by AI.

The Community Guidelines state:

  • Do not trace, copy, reupload, or otherwise steal another artist's work
  • Do not plagiarize, copy, or repurpose another writer's written material
  • Do not use direct output from generative AI for works submitted to this group (excluding translation tools)
  • Do not heavily reference another person's art in order to create your piece. Even if it's not strictly traced, lifting the whole composition, color scheme, poses, or the like would still be against the rules

General Prompt Guidelines will now include the following note:

  • Prompt submissions must be your own work, and cannot be commissioned, collaborated, or completed with the assistance of artificial intelligence. The only exception to the use of AI is for the use of translations (ex. Translating a written prompt initially written in French into English).

And Prompt Specific Guidelines state:

  • Please only submit newly created art. Please do not submit commissioned works or previously-created art or art done on reused bases.
  • Collab pieces are not allowed for prompt submissions.
  • All submissions must be your own work. Works produced through the use of artificial intelligence are not accepted in this group.

Based on those guidelines and our recent additions, AI should not be used in the group to replace the efforts taken to create art and/or writing within this group. Please treat AI as a tool if used and use it responsibly. We just want to be extra clear on what expectations are for this group. Prompts must be drawn or written by you. They should not be created through collaboration with other group members or through the use of AI or via commission. All prompt art should be newly created and not traced or recycled. Commissions are not gifts, and art trades where users are obligated to finish "their half" are not gifts. We understand it's different if you want to reciprocate by giving gift art to others who have kindly done gift art for you in the past, but gift art should never be discussed as a trade of any kind. Please keep the good will in gifting!

We also want to be clear that we understand there are times when AI is a tool and being used as one to help people out. We know some users in our group use translation tools (that are likely AI) to take something they've written with their own hands and get it translated to English so it can be reviewed by our team. This use case is fine, since individuals are still writing the prompts and translation is not the type of AI we're worried about. We also know some people like referencing images, and as a group we recommend using sites where users can verify they are allowed to reference those images without infringing on any copyrights. This goes for AI too.

If you're using AI to help ideate compositions, absolutely do not trace any reference (AI or otherwise), but in good faith try to verify where certain sites or tools are sourcing their image data from. Make sure it is ethically sound. We do not condone infringing upon other people's copyrights or seeing other artists hurt by this movement. We also want to reiterate that while you can use AI to help you with ideating something (as long as it is done in good faith), any image or writing containing any amount of direct output from generative AI should be treated as personal and would not be allowed to be submitted to the WoE site as submissions.

Please note: these rule clarifications do not apply to prompts that have already been submitted to the WoE site at the time of this posting, including those that are still awaiting feedback or approval. If submissions created directly through generative AI have been approved in the past, this does not condone the use of AI-generated content moving forward.

Feyhallow 2023

Planning for Feyhallow is underway! This year, we plan to have the event run throughout November and there will be some guest artist sales as a part of this event. We also would like to do a myo/trait/mutation raffle for the broader community outside of sales during the Feyhallow event. (Entry requirements are still being determined for the raffle part of this event.)

A few notable details about this year's Feyhallow sales:

  • This Feyhallow's sales will be kittom-focused.
  • There will be two standard kittom sales and a subtype kittom sale (which will include faenin and djinnin subtype kittoms).
  • All sales will be flatsale raffles (flaffles).
  • The subtype kittom flaffle will be the first flaffle (earlier in November/within the first half of the month).
  • Standard kittom pricing will not exceed $100, and subtype kittom pricing will not exceed $375.
  • Artists are allowed to do payment plans, but not required to. (Some artists may do them, while others may not.)
  • The event overview post will go live early November with design name and pricing details, as well as payment plan info (if applicable).
  • Some of the standard kittoms may sport more limited mutations typically only available during special quests or patreon sales.
  • Standard kittoms will not sport any subtype traits or mutations.
  • There will be a cap of 1 kittom per user, so for example, if you end up winning a subtype kittom, you would not be eligible for the other kittom flaffles.

While we can't post all details currently since event work is in progress, we did want to give some advanced notice for anyone that's interested in subtype kittoms or standard kittoms and might want to save up!

Moderator News

Due to event planning, hiring of new moderators will be a bit delayed. The team needs to focus on wrapping up Starfall Faire 2023 as well as preparing for and running Feyhallow 2023. Onboarding new moderators while juggling the event planning and event itself in the next two months would be a lot, so we'll be circling back to hiring after the events have ended. Applications have been reviewed and we're confident we'll have time to properly onboard and train new moderators closer to the Winter months, hopefully around December or early next year.

In other news, the team will also be slowing down during the winter months for a well deserved break. Some staff are likely to have family obligations around that time and after back to back events (or planning) this fall, the team will need the rest time. We recognize if we onboard new staff around that time, it will be a bit slow for the new staff. That is intentional, aswe would rather be able to take the time to train new staff when the turnaround times are a little more relaxed.

As we get closer to December and the winter months, we'll include some more specific info on how long the break or slow period will be for, and give the community a stronger idea of when the team is back fully. While prompts will continue to run each month, we may still do small things, and quality of life work is still ongoing in the background, even with the events occurring. Patience in these upcoming months will be appreciated, since some mods will be encountering some of their real life job workloads increasing as the year starts to wrap up.

Starfall Faire Raffle 2023

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by Starbask

From now until the end of September, we're hosting a raffle for a variety of MYO/Growth/Upgrade and Mutation prizes.

Please read below for additional info on how to enter and rules. Completing this year’s Annual Starfall Faire Seasonal prompt will not automatically enter you for this raffle. You will need to submit a response to the appropriate google form, so please keep this in mind!

NEW! There will be additional bonded pools for some mutations.


Starfall Faire 2023 Raffle Details


  • To be entered into any raffle pools below, you must have completed a submission for this year's Starfall Faire Seasonal Prompt ([S-3] Annual Starfall Faire).
  • This raffle will be rolled on October 8th, with an exact time pending!

Submission Process:

If your submission is soft-rejected, the mod who did so will explain the requirement you missed and you will need to fix it before re-submitting it. We will not be giving leeway for edits this month relative to the raffle. If your edits are not made and submitted before the 5th of October at 11:59pm PST, you will not be allowed to enter the raffle. The raffle form will close October 6th at 11:59pm PST.

  • Complete your prompt piece.
  • Submit your prompt piece to this prompt by 11:59pm on September 30th.
  • Once your entry is approved by a moderator on site please fill out the form for the raffle you are eligible to join:

    • 2023 Starfall Faire Raffle Form
      (Requires your prompt submission to be completed and approved for this year's seasonal Starfall Faire prompt!)
      You must also own an elnin or MYO slot to participate in the mutations part of this raffle as these will not be tokens this time around!

Prizes being Raffled:

Anyone who has completed a submission for this year's seasonal Starfall Faire prompt can enter for the following prizes:

  • x1 Noble, or lower rank, MYO (or growth or upgrade to an existing elnin/kittom)
    with the following guidelines:
    • A 4MP crown style or no crown
    • A 4MP tail style or lower
    • Two Common mutations (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • Three Uncommon mutations (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • One Rare mutation (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • One Exotic mutation (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • Note for MYOs: Crown and tail styles must follow standard elnin options. Hybrid traits and sub-type traits are not available options.
  •  x3 Adventurer, or lower rank, MYO (or growth or upgrade to an existing elnin/kittom)
    with the following guidelines:
    • A 3MP crown style or no crown
    • A 4MP tail style or lower
    • Two Common mutations (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • Three Uncommon mutations (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • One Rare mutation (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • Note for MYOs: Crown and tail styles must follow standard elnin options. Hybrid traits and sub-type traits are not available options.
  • x5 Kittom MYO (or upgrade to an existing kittom)
    with the following guidelines:
    • A 1MP crown style or no crown
    • A 4MP tail style or lower
    • Two Common mutations (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • Two Uncommon mutations (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • One Rare mutation (must be hereditary mutations with a region listed)
    • Note for MYOs: Crown and tail styles must follow standard elnin options. Hybrid traits and sub-type traits are not available options.
  • x5 High Tier Limited Mutation (Bonded Elnin Only)
    • Choice of 1 Mutation or Mana flaw off the following list: Crystallization, Hydra tail, Splintered anima, or Veins of corruption.
    • Alternatively, a single Exotic or lower rarity mutation that is hereditary with a region specified can be chosen instead.
  • x5 High Tier Limited Mutation
    • Choice of 1 Mutation or Mana flaw off the following list: Crystallization, Hydra tail, Splintered anima, or Veins of corruption.
    • Alternatively, a single Exotic or lower rarity mutation that is hereditary with a region specified can be chosen instead.
  • x5 Lower Tier Limited Mutation (Bonded Elnin Only)
    • Choice of 1 Mutation or Mana flaw off the following list: Gloom kissed, Capricious shadow, Oddly-colored pomu (single color), Cloud breath, Fire breath, or Phantom step.
    • Alternatively, a single Exotic or lower rarity mutation that is hereditary with a region specified can be chosen instead.
  • x5 Lower Tier Limited Mutation
    • Choice of 1 Mutation or Mana flaw off the following list: Gloom kissed, Capricious shadow, Oddly-colored pomu (single color), Cloud breath, Fire breath, or Phantom step.
    • Alternatively, a single Exotic or lower rarity mutation that is hereditary with a region specified can be chosen instead.
  • x5 Exotic Mutation (hereditary with a region specified)
  • x10 Rare Mutation (hereditary with a region specified)
  • x15 Uncommon Mutation (hereditary with a region specified)
  • 8EC will be awarded to anyone who submits a google form for the raffle but does not win one of the above prizes. Please select “None (I’m just entering for the participation prize!)” if none of the other pools interest you.
    • Moderators will be sitting out of the MYO and Mutation raffle prizes this time but will receive the participation prize if they submit a form and have done the seasonal prompt. We will not be adding any additional pools to this raffle.


  • Prizes will be raffled off to entrants, but each entrant can only win a max of 1 prize. MYOs will be rolled first, and then the respective mutation pools, with bonded pools rolled before standard pools.
    • (For example: If you win an MYO, you will not be eligible for the mutations. If you win a bonded pool, you will not be eligible for any other pools.)
  • If you win a MYO prize (not a mutation or mana flaw trait) we will be following up via modberry note on dA with winners after this raffle is rolled to confirm how the winner wants to use their prize. If a response to the note sent is not given within 1 week (7 days) we will roll a new winner for that prize.
  • These prizes are considered free gifts, so these prizes will have zero added resale value.
  • The prizes themselves can't be traded, gifted, swapped, etc. They will be added to the notes of an elnin/kittom or MYO slot and art must be updated for a prize to be applied to that elnin.
    • Keep in mind you absolutely may not trade this prize at all whether it's for art, under-the-table, etc. If you do not want the prize any longer, please submit a ticket on site and a masterlist moderator will remove it from your account and remove the related cooldown. (Specifics will be announced should this come up.)
    • If you are found attempting to trade a prize from this raffle prior to its application or cooldown being over, you will receive a warning and the prize will be removed from your account. If the prize is discovered to be part of any under-the-table trades after its use, both you and the other party will receive warnings. You can, of course, trade your elnin with the prize applied after art is updated and cooldowns are over, but nothing should be part of a deal made prior to the application of the prize and cooldowns running their course.
    • Any group member found soliciting winners for their prizes will also be warned for doing so. If you win a prize and are approached by another group member to trade your prize, you are welcome to submit a ticket to the moderator team on site and we will handle it. We may take more severe actions than just a warning if a user is found to be persisting to solicit the same user or soliciting other winners. Please be kind to fellow group members. No one wants to be harassed for something they won.
  • Prizes in this group are free gifts. Any profiting or attempting to profit from them by way of trade is frowned upon and grounds for a warning. As users must enter themselves manually into these raffles, we will be taking this to mean you want the prize for yourself. Trading or attempting to trade implies otherwise and will not be tolerated as it is directly taking opportunities away from other community members that participated. Again, if you do not want the prize at a later time (before art is updated), you can always submit a ticket asking the prize be removed from your elnin. At that time, a masterlist moderator will permanently remove the unused prize and any related trade/gift locks and associated cooldown.
  • Winning any of the above prizes will cause the new MYO or existing elnin/kittom to be temporarily unable to be sold/gifted/traded and once art is updated with the prize, a 1 month cooldown will be applied to that elnin.
    • This cooldown starts when the design update art is finished and approved by the moderator team via design updates.
  • Prompt entries must be submitted by September 30th, 11:59pm PST.
  • If your prompt entry has been soft-rejected, the fixed entry must be resubmitted by October 5th, 11:59pm PST at the latest. After your prompt is approved, you may enter the form.
  • Entries that miss either of these deadlines are not eligible for the prizes. No extensions, no exceptions.
  • If you fear you may have somehow entered the raffle form twice by accident (via being signed in through another family member's account or some other means), please submit a ticket! The form will be limited to 1 response per google account, so if we see names appearing twice, we will reach out via modberry prior to October 7th at 11:59pm PST time. If we do not get a prompt response before the time the prizes are raffled on October 8th, then any names found to have entered more than once will be entirely removed, both the initial entry and the duplicate entry.


A bit about this raffle:

Prizes for this raffle will be a little more in line with what can be earned elsewhere through group participation this time around. This coincides better with a quieter Starfall Faire in general. This does not mean we won't try to bring some more peculiar or interesting mutations or traits back for future events.

Having raffles set up in specific ways helps us try out different things without anything getting too overwhelming for one event. Usually one event being a little more predictable also allows the team to put a bit more thought into future ones where we might want to mix things up a bit more. There's just a longer break period for thinking through how we can distribute prizes in different ways without raffle forms getting too complicated or split up.

Starfall Faire Activities 2023

Posted 11 months ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by Starbask

Hi everyone! We'll be running this activity from now until the end of September!

Overarching Rules
  • Activity answers/responses will be submitted via claim using the appropriate activity form provided below.
    • One claim submitted per user! Do not claim activities separately. We will only be approving 1 claim per person, so if you're doing more activities, wait until you are done with them all to submit your claim.
  • Claims can be submitted from now until September 30th, 11:59pm PST.
  • Activity claims submitted after 11:59pm PST on September 30th will be rejected.
  • There will be no edit period past the activity end time, so please do not submit or resubmit anything late!
  • That said, if you submit an activity claim and it gets rejected for whatever reason, you’re still free to resubmit a new claim with revisions as long as it's before the activity end time stated above
  • You can earn a maximum of 8EC if 4 (or more) activities are completed.
    • Each completed activity can earn up to 2 EC.
    • Certain activities (Activity 2 and 3) will award partial credit if a certain number of answers are correct.
      • Activity 2: Rewards 1EC for finding 6 (or more) words, while finding all 12 rewards 2EC.
      • Activity 3: Rewards 1EC for finding 5 (or more) differences, while finding all 10 rewards 2EC.
  • You cannot do more than 2 of the same kind of activity.
    • There are 4 kinds of activities:
      • Activity 1: Color a Mask/Lantern Template
      • Activity 2: Word Search
      • Activity 3: Find-the-Difference
      • Activity 4: Create a Starfall Faire Food or Drink
    • For example: You could color 2 mask/lantern templates and do 2 word searches, but you could not color 3 mask/lantern templates and do 1 find the difference.
Activity 1: Color a mask/lantern template!

Additional Guidelines

  • Please avoid referencing any copyright/franchise designs.
Activity 2: Word Search

Additional Guidelines

  • Word Searches must be completed individually. Answers should not be shared/posted publicly.
Activity 3: Find-The-Difference
  • Another booth you stumble upon seems to have an assortment of pictures. For some reason, you wonder why there seems to be duplicates of everything, though upon closer inspection, it seems there are trace differences. The booth attendant has a mischievous look in their eyes, and states that each picture has 10 differences to find. Are you able to spot them all?
    • Try to find the 10 differences in the templates below!
  • Templates:
    • Template 1 (Circle the differences on the right image.)
    • Template 2 (Circle the differences on the right image.)
    • Template 3 (Circle the differences on the bottom image.)
    • Template 4 (Circle the differences on the right image.)

Additional Guidelines

  • Circle the 10 differences you see on the template using a color that stands out, then link that picture in your form.
  • Templates must be completed individually. Answers should not be shared/posted publicly.
Activity 4: Create a Starfall Faire Food or Drink
  • While you sample the various tasty dishes at the festival, you're struck with inspiration, and want to try your hand on creating something truly faire-worthy. What do you decide to make?
    • Create a Starfall Faire-themed food or drink!

Additional Guidelines

  • We reserve the right to potentially make food or drink items depicted in entries canon if desired (though this is not guaranteed).
    • We're looking for ideas that are as original as possible. It doesn't have to be entirely unique but we shouldn't be seeing strong/near identical references to other works/games/CS/etc.
  • For Drawn submissions:
    • Draw a Starfall Faire-themed dish, and provide a small blurb on the name of the dish/ingredients used.
    • Drawings must be colored and show the entire dish.
  • For written submissions:
    • Provide a name for the dish, ingredient list, as well as instructions on how to make it.
    • Submissions must be written in English.
      • It doesn't need to be perfect English as long as the idea you're trying to get across is clear!
    • Submissions must be 300-500 words total.
  • Nothing in these submissions is canonical at this point. This is just for fun. We may consider some of these food ideas for the group in the future, so you must be willing to let these ideas be used by the group down the road.

Activity Form

Please use the following forms in the "Comment" box when submitting your activity claims. Please use a new form per activity in the comments.

  • Activity completed:
  • URL Link to your art/writing: (Please use a discord image link or a link. We want to be sure links don't expire before we get to reviewing them and other sources have at times failed on us. Written pieces can just be entered into the "comment" section.)

Please submit your submission as a claim under the "Current Activity Participation" category here ( You can use this link for the "URL" field: . Remember to adjust the EC amount to the number of activities completed! (Max 8 EC).

Click here to see an example of what a completed claim looks like.

Final Notables

These activities should be submitted via claim. These aren’t meant to be high pressure. Just something small and fun to earn a little extra EC.

End of July Update!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 11 months ago by Starbask

July flew by and we're almost to August! Here's a quick update to address a few things!

Moderator Applications Reminder

As July comes to a close at the end of this week, the moderator application form window will also be closing on July 31st at 11:59pm! If you're interested in applying to be a moderator for the group, please read the news post about it here! The forms can also be found on that post.

DeviantArt Group Galleries

Historically, certain group galleries were open for anyone to submit to, but due to some abuse of this in the past, we've decided to adjust how we handle submissions to the group's dA gallery moving forward. Very soon, we'll require every submission to the group's dA galleries to be approved by staff before it is shared in the group.

Users are still welcome to submit their art or journals to the respective group galleries on dA. Once submitted, moderators will check regularly to make sure submissions go through if they do not break any group rules. We hope this will help keep things more vetted for community members that are still active in our dA's group spaces!

DeviantArt Masterlist

Soon we'll be putting masterlist entry deviations into storage to finalize our masterlist being fully on the World of Eyre site. We've been wanting to solidly retire all aspects of the dA masterlist for a while now, and we've stopped updating a number of things there as the years have gone on to keep our focus on the masterlist here. The manaseed account will still remain a group moderation account on dA but it will not be checked as regularly as things on site moving forward. The masterlist transfer journal on manaseed will still be active for users who want to transfer a nin but not make a WoE account, we just ask that you link the WoE masterlist entry instead of the one that used to be on dA! Thank you.

Starfall Faire 2023

This Starfall Faire will be a bit quieter than last year, but we're aiming to have it start some time mid to late August and run through September this year. We will not be doing any sales for this event. As fun as it is to have guest artists, we felt timelines this summer would be a bit tight. Rather than rush anything and end up with overwhelmed artists and staff, we're going to aim to do some smaller activities and possibly a raffle to keep things a bit lighter.

In recent years, we've been trying to rotate which events get a little more time and thought sunk into them. This year, Feyhallow will probably be a little later than usual in light of Starfall Faire running a bit later. We hope to give Feyhallow a little extra attention compared to Starfall Faire depending on how planning goes. We're excited to see what fun we can cook up for group members to enjoy!


Quick End of June Update!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Starbask

Covering a few things as the month wraps up here!

Moderator News

Staffing will be a bit lighter this week. Starbask is on vacation, so some of her usual tasks will not be covered until her return late next week. Design approvals may experience some delays just due to the new nature of the subspecies, and not all staff being present to tackle some harder questions should they arise.

As mentioned in the last news post, Moderator Applications are open now! Go check it out if you have interest in possibly being a mod! Sorry for the delays on this front. Things have been a bit busy!

General Reminders for Prompts
The Seasonal Prompt Ends June 30th at 11:59pm PDT time, as does June's monthly prompt!

If you haven't gotten to participating in the seasonal prompt for this quarter of the year, it wraps up at the end of this month. Be sure to take a look and get submissions in if you're inclined!

July's prompt will go live on the 1st of the month as expected, so no delays there!

Patreon Helpdesk

We've redone the patreon helpdesk and shifted it over to the WoE site to hopefully cover some general patreon-related info and FAQs, as well as give a new home to the updated Lifetime Noble Reward Slot form. You can check out the updated page here if you are a patron and curious!

2023 Moderator Applications Open!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Starbask

Hello Berry Bazaar community members!

We are looking for a few new moderators to join our team. If you have interest in volunteering your time and contributing a bit more to the Berry Bazaar community, please continue reading! If you are not interested at all in this sort of thing, then carry on and just expect to see a few new faces on our moderator team in the future.

Who we're looking for:
  1. Active community members or members who want to play a more active role in the group's normal processes/activities. Events do happen from time to time, but they generally sit second seat to the stuff we would like to have open or happening regularly.

  2. Team players who would be comfortable working with our current moderator team. Communication is important for a lot of what we do, due to the team effort nature of how we problem-solve.

  3. Patience. Those familiar with the group should be aware we are not a super fast-paced group. We try not to overwhelm our community members or moderators. At times on the moderator side it calls for it, but generally we spend a lot of time considering feedback when implementing or modifying existing group systems/activities. It is not a quick process and so we definitely need moderators who can patiently bear with us as we work on setting things in motion.

  4. Individuals that can keep moderator-only/behind-the-scenes information private. Moderators have the perk of knowing inklings of things we are planning or that will happen in the long-term future. We ask this information not be disclosed publicly until it is posted to the group, not even to close friends. A lot of what we work on is liable to change and even if something seems not liable to change, we expect it to not become public knowledge. This is to avoid any unfair advantages to parties that we would account for if they were a moderator or foster false hopes/information if it changes. Moderators should not be pressured to give any behind-the-scenes information to non-moderators. We expect them to not disclose details so it is fair that they are not pressured to do so. We encourage fairness in how we approach moderators being involved in group activities given they have this knowledge (you may have noticed we like random number generators/RNG as it's often the fairest way we can let moderators participate without concerns of favoritism or unfair advantage). This is a courtesy to our fellow group members.

  5. Individuals that have good communication skills and a generally positive attitude. We know everything is not always pomus and kittoms levels of positivity in the group, but there isn't a single moderator role in our group that is not involved in communicating with community members in some way! When possible, we want the group to be a positive space that others can enjoy in their off time, so we try to keep our communications with community members in line with that.

  6. Individuals that can regularly commit to helping with group work monthly and communicate weekly with other mod staff. Moderators must be able to regularly communicate with other moderator staff without prompting to ensure moderator tasks are being completed and areas of the group they are helping in are effectively covered.


Position Details

This position/work is purely volunteer. Moderator rewards are occasionally granted, usually in the form of group items/mutations/slots for volunteer work done, but they are not promised or guaranteed. Please keep this in mind when applying that being a Berry Bazaar moderator is not a paid position, and while some rewards may have monetary value added to them, moderator compensation is not what the team works for or expects on a regular basis.

We acknowledge there are perks to being a mod. However, the community and group's welfare should always be the highest priority when acting as a mod, above self interests. It's a lot of fun getting to meet new people and contributing ideas to how the group runs. Generally, this also means moderators will know about group plans in advance and other details that should not be community knowledge until solidified.

While the community is a high priority, please know we also work hard to make sure the moderator team is a safe space. The mental health of our moderators is a priority when we organize and plan how the group runs events among other things. We are 100% respectful if a mod wishes to or needs to step down to take care of themselves. This is volunteer work, so it should be enjoyable. If there are things that come up that would put a potential strain on moderators owing to a long term absence, please notify us in advance. We understand some things aren’t planned and happen suddenly, but communication is key and working together to make sure we all have the necessary support is essential.

At the end of the day, moderators are group members too, and while we contribute a service for the group that goes beyond the average community member, the decisions we make impact everyone, including ourselves. Moderators are also expected to understand that community interactions are relative to the group and often we're speaking on behalf of the group in ways that are transparent across the whole team. This means a lot of the feedback we're receiving and giving is in no way personal, so we're really working through things as a community and internal team.

As stated in a prior news post, compared to the last time we hired, this opening we'll be hiring for more specific positions to build upon our existing internal teams. While most mods currently are capable of wearing multiple hats, we have mods that specialize/focus on certain areas more than others.

We'll be focusing on the following three roles:

  • Design Approvals
    • This role will focus primarily on any and all design approvals that run through our group. This includes art updates, design edits, MYOs, elnin rank-ups, kittom growths, and guest artist design approvals (including adult and kittom designs). \o/
    • We are especially seeking some folks that feel confident with their math skills and the group's pricing resources for EC/SC group currencies! While you're not required to know the ins and outs of design updates within the group, it will help you if you do.

  • Prompt/Quest Approvals
    • This role will focus primarily on art and text-based submissions for prompts and questing claims through our group. If you're passionate about seeing and hearing more about other group members' elnins, and cross-checking guidelines for drawn and written content through the group, then this may be the role for you! ^^
    • While not largely math-based, this role will still require knowledge of prompt and quest requirements, and making sure proper currency grants are awarded! So knowledge of how prompts and questing works is appreciated.

New mods ideally will fall respectively under those existing specialized areas with less bleed across roles as time goes on. Communication between teams and mods will still be required, as our tasks often impact other mods in some way. The group is very interconnected. ^^b

Additional info to keep in mind
  • Application Window: [06/27/23 at 12:00am PST] - [07/31/23 at 11:59pm PST]

  • Follow up: We will be following up early to mid August, after the application window closes or during if we have more questions. If we do not reach out to you this time, please don't be discouraged. We tend to like to grow our team slowly so we have time to work with the moderators we bring on board.

  • Application Edits: You will be able to edit your application at any time during the submission window by clicking on the link above/returning to the form page. Once the window closes, application edits will also be closed, so please be sure you include all information you feel is important before the deadline!

  • Probationary Period: [3-6 months] Getting situated working with a team is a process. There are slow periods and faster periods. Should there be any major problems we see causing strain between current moderators and new moderators, we will let you know if something is not working out. We do not want a toxic volunteer workspace for anyone. Working out any confusion or miscommunications will always be done first, but as a last resort, we're making this probationary period known so it's clear we are paying attention to the comfort of new and old mods alike.


Application Forms

If you are interested in applying for a specific role, please fill out the respective application form below. You may apply for different roles by filling out all or some of the forms, but you will only be hired for one position/role within our team. We are using a google forms approach to give us a little more organization and wiggle room with how we handle applications. Thank you. ^^b


If you have any questions about this process, feel free to ask them in the #questions channel in our discord, or submit a ticket to the "Community" ticket type on the WoE site. Thank you for your interest and time! We look forward to another fun year working with and for the Berry-Bazaar community. <3

June 2023 Update and Upcoming Sales on dA

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Starbask

Summer is nearly here and we're overdue for a much needed update.

Site Owner Rebrand

This is mostly just for clarity for group members! Manaberry has rebranded as Manaberri across several platforms!

You can now find her as Manaberri on the following sites and platforms:

  • World of Eyre as manaberri (and the alternate account manaberry is also hers)
  • DeviantArt as manaberri (redirected from manaberry)
  • as manaberri (but she also has the account Manaberry)
  • Discord as manaberri (she does not have the manaberry username on discord)
Questing Updates

New quests have been released for a while now. We rolled these quests out a while back but announcing their complete release was a bit delayed.

I'll reiterate in this post some of the biggest changes we made with this effort:

  1. The Questing Guide has undergone wording revisions. Previously, this page was highly resonance-specific because that was the only quest we've had for a long time. Now it should be a bit less Resonance Quest-specific. All of the same info for the Resonance Quest info is still there, but wording will be adjusted to be more inclusive of other quests.
  2. We now have a Quest Directory page. Previously, our list of available quests was found at the bottom of our Questing Guide page. With the addition of more quests, this section now has its own page.
  3. The Acts Directory page is no longer a resource page on our site. Moving forward, we'll be doing fewer detailed directory pages and keeping those pages more overview-focused to avoid duplicate language between the act entries and other pages. Details for each act are under the details section where the act is submitted. Our Quest Directory will instead make an effort to link to specific groups of acts and categories where possible.
  4. A category for Special Quests has been added. Special Quests involve traits, mutations, or features in the group that typically are only acquirable through special means (e.g. Patreon Sales or Event Raffles) Not all traits/mutations/etc. will have a related Special Quest, but we may be adding more over time. At the moment, this quest category will not contain quests related to elnin subtypes or subtype-specific traits.

Other helpful details to know about quests:

  • These quests are designed specifically to err more similar to how our mutation system works with a few differences, meaning they should not be compared to resonance quests in terms of workload.
  • These quests will be available year round, and they will not require you to spend AP.
  • The number of acts required to do these quests will be comparable to the number of prompts you would typically do to acquire a mutation of the same rarity, with an additional piece required beyond the standard amount.
  • These trait quests will generally reward an additional 1 AP (Any Region) that users can put towards other goals they have for a character.
  • The number of times users can do a certain Special Quest will be limited on an annual basis. This may be adjusted later, but we're considering this first year (2023) a trial period to get a sense of the workload before deciding if we want to change our approach.
    • Please keep in mind, if this were limited by AP, you might only be able to complete less than a handful of quests in a year. This approach allows users to do potentially 6+ different quests annually at a variable pace if they wish, rather than it being dependent on all submissions being complete in a month.
    • We will be counting this based on when quest claims are submitted. So if you submit a quest claim in 2024, it would count towards that year's annual limits, even if your acts were completed or submitted in 2023. There will be no exceptions on this, so please be mindful of when you submit your claims!
  • Quests now exist for the following mutations/mana flaw traits: Cloud Breath, Fire Breath, Hydra Tail, Phantom Step, Oddly-Colored Pomu, Crystallization, Splintered Anima, Veins of Corruption, Gloom Kissed, and Capricious Shadow.
    • More mutations/mana flaw traits may be added at a later time. This is just a solid starting point for us.

All the new quests have been added for now, so users will be able to start working on them. Please give moderators at least a month to review quests submitted to the Special Quest category. This is a fairly large release of quests, and with the quest length, we expect that approvals for these quests may take a bit. While we won't be aiming for these approvals to take a whole month, we don't want these approvals to compete too much with our regular monthly prompt approvals in terms of time commitments. We will be seeking additional mods in this area to support this effort as time goes on, but that process will follow this release and take some time to work through.

Djinnin Subtype Release and Subtype Trait And Mutation Updates

The Djinnin subtype has officially been released. You can read more about this subtype and some of it's associated traits on its guide page!

We know this has been a long awaited release and we're happy to announce that progress has been made towards clarifying it and trying to get some djinnin out to the community!

Djinnin Kittoms Flatsale Raffle and Auctions

With the djinnin subtype release, sales will be live over the course of the next few days starting today!

Important Details:

  • Sales will take place on the modberry deviantart account with Manaberri crossposting from her profile to the sales on the modberry DeviantArt.
  • Sale Dates
    • June 8th at 4pm PDT Time - June 9th: (24 hour Flaffle on dA on the Modberry account. 2 Designs. Price $375) [World clock link]
    • June 9th at 4pm PDT Time - June 11th: (48 hour Auctions on dA. 2 Designs. SB: $375. No AB.) [World clock link]
  • There will be no preview periods for either of these sales since both will be open for a minimum of 24 hours.
General Reminders for Prompts and Trait Questions
The Seasonal Prompt Ends June 30th at 11:59pm PDT time!

If you haven't gotten to participating in the seasonal prompt for this quarter of the year, it wraps up at the end of this month. Be sure to take a look and get submissions in if you're inclined!

Trait and Mutation Questions in Discord

This is a reminder if you have any general trait questions to use the form and post them in the #design_feedback channel, as that's the place they would go. Group members are also able to submit a ticket on site if that method is preferred for asking questions. Thanks so much for your help on this!

Moderator Applications

Hopefully next week we'll be opening up application forms again. This will be done in a separate news post in the coming week and will be open for a while. With a lot of the changes mentioned towards the beginning of this news post, we expect there will be a need for additional moderator staff to help keep approvals and group processes moving. We'll likely close the form in July and follow up at that time.

An Aquatic Raffle Overwild (Aquatic) Token Winners!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Starbask

The Overwild (Aquatic) Tail Token Raffle from this May's prompt has been rolled and our winners aarrrrrreeeeeee~

  1. Malis
  2. Voiaethe
  3. SmolPeep
  4. Strabi
  5. personya
  6. Katsuki
  7. Kloana
  8. quicktal0n
  9. yumehaeya
  10. Nekoyang
  11. LizzyJun
  12. BlackMajixCat
  13. Staarbytes
  14. Wila
  15. ForonGur
  16. missDevichi
  17. Milim
  18. Mewwsic
  19. Jahpan
  20. ghostaris
  21. CrystalBerri
  22. bisflorescentia
  23. Najishio
  24. Sharky
  25. Chickolates
  26. Trashiebag
  27. Picnyx
  28. LeechiPeachy
  29. Staarbits
  30. Nalico
  31. Vontier
  32. daffupanda
  33. AliLV
  34. DearRyufur
  35. mirrorly

Congratulations winners and thank you everyone for participating in this past month's prompt. Tokens have been sent out to the raffle winners!

Rolling took place in our discord #games_and_raffles channel today. It was a fun raffle to host this year! ^^

Additionally we've granted the 2 EC consolation prizes to any entrants who did not win a token prize! Thank you everyone for your participation in this years Overwild (Aquatic) tail raffle!

An Aquatic Raffle

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Starbask

For the month of May we'll be hosting a raffle for 15 Overwild (Aquatic) Tail Tokens. We're reposting the information here since once the prompt closes people may still need form access and access to the rules/guidelines for these tokens, so we've moved the information over to a news post as well!

As an aside, additional info can be found on the Overwild (Aquatic) tail entry in our encyclopedia for those of you trying to ponder out tail ideas. We know there's still some that have come up that we're still woking through but we'll expand upon the trait entry as we work through questions.

Please read below for additional info on how to enter and rules. Completing May's monthly prompt will not automatically enter you for this raffle, you will need to submit a response to a google form so please keep this in mind!


May Raffle Details


  • To be entered into the Overwild (Aquatic) tail raffle pool, you must have completed a submission for this month's prompt ( [M-065] Watery Wonders).
  • This raffle will be rolled on June 4th, with an exact time pending!

Submission Process:

If your submission is soft-rejected, the mod who did so will explain the requirement you missed and you will need to fix it before re-submitting it. We will not be giving leeway for edits this month relative to the raffle. If your edits are not made and submitted before the 3rd of June, you will not be allowed to enter the raffle. The raffle form will close June 3rd at 11:59pm PST.

  • Complete your prompt piece.
  • Submit your piece to the [M-065] Watery Wonders prompt.
  • Once your entry is approved by a moderator on site, please fill out the form for the raffle you are eligible to join:

Item being Raffled:

  • Overwild (Aquatic) Tail Token x15
    • 5 pools for group members who have never won an Overwild (Aquatic) tail before who meet the entry requirement.
    • 10 pools for any group members who meet the entry requirement, including those who have never won an Overwild (Aquatic) tail before.
    • While we do not do this for every raffle, if a moderator is rolled for any pool, we will add an additional pool to the raffle within that same section. For example, if a moderator who has never won an Overwild (Aquatic) tail style from a past raffle is rolled in the first 5 pools, another additional pool will be added to that section, and so on.


  • Tokens will be raffled off to entrants, but each entrant can only win a max of 1 token. If you win a token, you may not win another.
  • These tokens are considered free gifts, so these tokens will have zero added resale value.
  • These tokens are not MYO slots/characters. If you do not own an elnin, you may choose to hold onto the token until you have an elnin you wish to apply it to.
  • The tokens themselves can't be traded, gifted, swapped, etc. They must be used on an elnin/kittom you own and art must be updated for the token to be removed from your inventory. We will not be adding the tail style to an elnin's notes section. The token must be attached to the design update of the elnin it is being used on with the respective art change.
    • Keep in mind you absolutely may not trade this token at all whether it's for art, under the table, etc. If you do not want the token any longer, please submit a ticket on site and a moderator will remove it from your account to be re-raffled off to the community at a later time. (Specifics will be announced should this come up.)
    • If you are found attempting to trade a token from this raffle, you will receive a warning and the token will be removed from your account. If the token is discovered to be part of any under the table trades after its use, both you and the other party will receive warnings. You can, of course, trade your elnin with the Overwild (Aquatic) tail after, but it should not have been part of a deal made prior to the application of the token.
    • Any group member found soliciting winners for their tokens will also be warned for doing so. If you win a token and are approached by another group member to trade your free gift, you are welcome to submit a ticket to the moderator team on site and we will handle it. We may take more severe actions than just a warning if a user is found to be persistently soliticing the same user or soliciting other winners. Please be kind to fellow group members. No one wants to be harassed for something they won.
  • Free gifts in this group are free gifts. Any profiting or attempting to profit from them by way of trade is frowned upon and grounds for a warning. As users must enter themselves manually into these raffles, we will be taking this to mean you want the token for yourself. Trading or attempting to trade implies otherwise and will not be tolerated, as it is directly taking opportunities away from other community members that participated. Again, if you do not want the token at a later time, you may always give it back to the group via submitting a ticket and allowing the moderator team to re-raffle it off at a later time.
  • Use of this token on an elnin will apply a 1 month cooldown
    • This cooldown starts when the design update art is finished and approved by the moderator team via design updates.
  • Prompt entries must be submitted by 5/31, 11:59pm PST.
  • If your prompt entry has been soft-rejected, the fixed entry must be resubmitted by 6/2, 11:59pm PST at the latest. After your prompt is approved, you may enter the form.
  • Entries that miss either of these deadlines are not eligible for the token prizes. No extensions, no exceptions.
  • If you fear you may have somehow entered the raffle form twice by accident (via being signed in through another family member's account or some other means) please submit a ticket! The form will be limited to 1 response per google account so if we see names appearing twice we will reach out via modberry prior to June 3rd PST time. If we do not get a prompt response before the time the tokens are raffled on June 3rd, then any names found to have entered more than once will be entirely removed, both the initial entry and the duplicate entry.