March Raffle 2024

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Starbask

Between now and next Sunday we will be hosting a short raffle for some premade kittom prizes.

Please read below for additional info on how to enter and rules.  You will need to submit a response to the appropriate google form, so please keep this in mind!


March 2024 Raffle Details


  • To be entered into any raffle pools below, you just need to submit a response to the form including a few sentences in response to a question about what your favorite part of spring is! No one word answers since we're not doing a prompt to enter this time around!
  • Designs will not be raffled off to new or inactive accounts. (Accounts under 5 months of age on WoE or accounts with no recent activity. See this page for details on how staff verify user activity and See the Group TOS here for additional details.)
  • This raffle will be rolled on March 17th, with an exact time pending!

Submission Process:

The raffle form will close March 15th at 11:59pm PST.

Prizes being Raffled:

  • x9 Premade springy kittoms!

March 2024 Raffle


  • Designs will not be raffled off to new or inactive accounts. (Accounts under 5 months of age on WoE or accounts with no recent activity. See this page for details on how staff verify user activity and See the Group TOS here for additional details.)
  • Prizes will be raffled off to entrants, but each entrant can only win a max of 1 prize.
    • (For example: If you win a premade kittom early on, you will not be eligible for any of the premade kittom designs raffled off thereafter.)
  • These prizes are considered free gifts, so these prizes will have zero added resale value.
  • The prizes themselves can't be traded, gifted, swapped, etc. until appropriate cooldowns have passed.
    • Keep in mind you absolutely may not trade this prize for non-Berry-Bazaar designs whether it's for art, under-the-table, etc. If you do not want a prize any longer  and do not wish to swap or gift it, please submit a ticket on site and a masterlist moderator will remove it from your account and remove the related cooldown. (Specifics will be announced should this come up.)
    • If you are found attempting to trade a prize from this raffle prior to its cooldown being over, you will receive a warning and the prize will be removed from your account. If the prize is discovered to be part of any under-the-table trades, both you and the other party will receive warnings. You can, of course, swap or gift your elnin after the cooldown is over, but nothing should be part of a deal made prior to the cooldowns running their course.
    • Any group member found soliciting winners for their prizes will also be warned for doing so. If you win a prize and are approached by another group member to trade your prize, you are welcome to submit a ticket to the moderator team on site and we will handle it. We may take more severe actions than just a warning if a user is found to be persisting to solicit the same user or soliciting other winners. Please be kind to fellow group members. No one wants to be harassed for something they won.
  • Prizes in this group are free gifts. Any profiting or attempting to profit from them by way of trade is frowned upon and grounds for a warning. As users must enter themselves manually into these raffles, we will be taking this to mean you want the prize for yourself. Trading or attempting to trade implies otherwise and will not be tolerated as it is directly taking opportunities away from other community members that participated. Again, if you do not want the prize at a later time (before art is updated), you can always submit a ticket asking for the design to be given back to the group. At that time, a masterlist moderator will move the design to the Yggdrasil account.
  • These prizes have a 1 month cooldown!
    • This cooldown starts once the design is sent to the winner's account.
  • Additional Guidelines:
    • Please do not contact artists relative to the premade free raffle designs! Thank you.
    • No co-ownership
    • All designs may only be traded for other Berry-Bazaar CS/gifted after their specified cooldown.
    • These designs cannot be turned into the Sanctuary.
    • Cooldowns start once winners are rolled and confirmed.
  • Form entries must be submitted by March 15th, 11:59pm PST.
  • Entries that miss this deadline are not eligible for the prizes. No extensions, no exceptions.
  • If you fear you may have somehow entered the raffle form twice by accident (via being signed in through another family member's account or some other means), please submit a ticket! The form will be limited to 1 response per google account, so if we see names appearing twice, we will reach out via modberry prior to March 16th at 11:59pm PST time. If we do not get a prompt response before the time the prizes are raffled on March 17th, then any names found to have entered more than once will be entirely removed, both the initial entry and the duplicate entry. Email receipts are also on for this raffle, so be sure to check your email and junk mail too as an additional check to make sure form submissions go through! If you don't get an email or see an edit option when returning to the form page you can submit a ticket at that time to see if our team can check.


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