Table of Contents
Flavor Text
Welcome to the Garden! Or, rather, a Garden, one that you're free to imagine is located in any number of places. There are in fact many Gardens scattered across Eyre, at least one or more in every major city with a few locations in smaller towns scattered here and there.
What is a Garden, you ask? Well, to put it simply, it's where elnins go when they want to improve themselves, mana-wise. There was at some point a totally witty acronym associated with the name, something about growth, advancement, re-synchronization, etc and so forth, but it has mostly fallen out of common use as the imagery of a garden being a place where you "grow" has since... taken root 8D... in its place.
There are many elnins who work exclusively at their local Garden, helping other elnins to reach their full potential. One of the more common forms of assistance the Garden provides is called resonance therapy. It involves an elnin returning to the Garden after spending some time out in the world, and bringing particular impressions and memories back with them. They share these memories and the residual ambient mana picked up during their adventures with a Garden adept, who works with them to seek insights and personal discoveries through reflection and exploration of these captured memories. The therapy isn't entirely psychological, however, as the adept will use these deeply meditative sessions to gently make synchronization adjustments to the subject elnin's mana, bringing them closer in harmony to the greater flow of energy through Eyre itself.
(What does all this fancy talk actually accomplish? It makes it significantly easier for an elnin to increase their rank, as well as providing a few little perks to use when ranking up/growing. For details on how the discount rewards work, please read the rewards breakdown section below!)
Quest Availability:
This quest can be done once per elnin at any time in their lifetime.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest does have different requirements if any act is undertaken as a kittom.
- Keep in mind, you must complete an act at the stage your elnin is currently at unless otherwise specifically noted in the act description (ie, flashback acts).
- If you complete any Resonance act as a kittom in the art (including acts marked as "flashback" eligible), you must also include one of the following items to fulfill all quest requirements.
- One additional act of Any category. This will be considered "Act 4".
OR - Include an adult elnin (kyunru or kyulin) in at least two of your acts OR including at least two in one of your acts.
- Elnin/kyunru/kyulin present for this requirement must also meet the 75-80% body visibility rule that the primary subject follows. This can be a bit subjective, but please try to be careful with hiding too much of an elnin's body via perspective or backgrounds/props/etc.
- For writing the secondary adult character must be actively present throughout most (75-80%) of the act.
- One additional act of Any category. This will be considered "Act 4".
General Requirements: A minimum of 3 Acts is required to complete the Resonance Quest. Category requirements if any will be listed below. Acts for Resonance quests do not have to be done in any specific order, however.
- Act 1 : Any category
- Act 2 : Any category
- Act 3 : Any category
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Resonance Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
- See the full list of all available Resonance Quest acts and their details.
- Act categories available for the Resonance Quest are: Bravery, Character, Exploration, Support, and Study)
Important If you are planning to purchase growth or rank upgrade slots after you complete the Resonance quest, keep in mind that most ranks have their own specific requirements that you may want to include in your acts.
- These could require completion of a particular category of act or depicting specific events/imagery of your elnin's personal journey, so it's a good idea to review them to see what you might be able to include during your quest!
- Comprehensive breakdowns for rank unlocks can be found in both of the design edit pages for [Adult Elnins] and [Kittoms]. The costs are different depending on if you're ranking up an adult versus growing a kittom, so be sure to check out the appropriate guide!
- An example walkthrough of a Resonance Quest being done for an elnin can be found here.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- AP [x3]
- Resonating Mana [x3]
- Permanent "Resonant" status.
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- AP rewards are dependent on which area your elnin is in during Acts 1-3. You will not receive additional AP for completing an Act 4. (Ex: You get +1 AP for Ahza if your act takes place in any location with an Ahza-themed background/setting).
AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin. You do not need to complete all of your acts in the same region. Just remember that if you want to apply a mutation with AP, you must have the appropriate amount of AP for that mutation's specific region of origin (You can't purchase a Bellmoril mutation with Ealei AP, and so forth).
- For information on mutations and which regions they come from, please see our [Mutations List]
- For information on the regions themselves, take a look at our Region Guides by visiting their pages.
- Resonating Mana is a reward you can use to acquire more MP for your elnin! A single Resonating Mana is equal to adding 1MP to your elnin. MP acquired by using this reward must be applied specifically to hair length, ear fluff length, and/or tail sizes only. It cannot be used to upgrade, add, or change tail styles or crowns. Resonating Mana cannot be used to apply MP that would bump a noble elnin above the noble maximum 13 MP threshold.
- "Resonant" means that your elnin's mana flows smoothly and is in harmony with the greater flows of energy through Eyre. The resonant status is currently only used to reduce the rank cost of growths and/or rank upgrades, but could evolve further uses as we are able to expand our ARPG.
- Mechanically, the resonant status affects how easily your elnin achieves particular ranks. For example, the base EC cost to grow a kittom into an adventurer rank elnin is 42 EC (that's the cost of the adventurer rank just by itself, and does not include any edits/mp additions which are calculated separately). That's pretty high up there, but still achievable if you've banked EC. However, if you complete a full Resonance quest for your kittom, the cost of the rank drops all the way to 11 EC! The full discount breakdowns for resonant elnins can be found on the rank upgrade or growth slot purchasing pages, as the amounts are slightly different depending on if you're growing a baby elnin or ranking up an adult.
- Lore-wise, an at-rest resonant elnin gives off a pleasant "thrumming" vibe when perceived by other mana-sensitive creatures. Nothing overt or distracting, more like a silent, subtle purring- the kind of thing that you tune out immediately, but gives you a sense of calm and relaxation on a subconscious level. The company of resonant elnins has also been proven to lower your blood pressure and reduce stress.
- Mechanically, the resonant status affects how easily your elnin achieves particular ranks. For example, the base EC cost to grow a kittom into an adventurer rank elnin is 42 EC (that's the cost of the adventurer rank just by itself, and does not include any edits/mp additions which are calculated separately). That's pretty high up there, but still achievable if you've banked EC. However, if you complete a full Resonance quest for your kittom, the cost of the rank drops all the way to 11 EC! The full discount breakdowns for resonant elnins can be found on the rank upgrade or growth slot purchasing pages, as the amounts are slightly different depending on if you're growing a baby elnin or ranking up an adult.
Flavor Text
Stories told of multi-tailed elnin go back quite far and extend all across Eyre. However, the most notable stories and experiences are still confirmed to occur in the Kyendi region. Perhaps it’s the way the mist rolls in or hangs throughout the region, or the dense undergrowth covers the jungle floor there, but elnin can experience some very strange things. Usually when elnin are alone, they can find themselves following winding paths or ending up in odd places.
It's worth mentioning that some quests seem to draw elnin to them rather than elnin actively seeking them out. Hydra-tailed elnin in particular will often describe a series of similar experiences that occurred prior to discovering they suddenly have more tails than they used to. Rather than the acquisition of tails feeling like an active choice, these elnin are left wondering if a trick has been played on them instead. Who might play such a trick? No elnin is quite sure. Some of the recurring ruins in the tales shared are consistent enough though that more than a few elnin suspect a different entity beyond feyfolk might be involved.
[This quest is intended to grant the hydra tail mutation to an elnin, please read the rewards breakdown section below!]
Quest Availability:
- This quest can be done up to 1 times a year per user, for the current annual year in PST time.
- This mutation does not stack with Twin tail, Trine tail, and Tetra Tail mutations, so if one of these mutations is present on the elnin you are questing, that mutation will essentially be replaced by the Hydra Tail mutation when the art is updated.
- An elnin cannot complete this quest more than once. The same elnin cannot acquire more than 1 type of tail mutation since they do not stack.
- If the trait gained from this quest is dropped and no longer present on the elnin, only then will a user be allowed to repeat this quest to re-earn it. Keep in mind that repeating this quest for an elnin will need to happen the following year since repeated quests will count towards the availability limit this quest has.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest must be done by elnin in their current stage of life. So if they are a kittom, this quest would be done by them entirely as a kittom, and if they are an adult elnin, this quest would be done by the elnin entirely as an adult.
General Requirements: All acts listed below must be done in the order they are listed below to complete this quest. All of the acts below fall under the category called special to indicate they are a part of quests that can only be done for traits acquired under special conditions.
Important Note: All acts for this quest must take place in the Kyendi region!
- Act 1 : Mysterious Ruin
- Act 2 : Shrine of Reflection
- Act 3 : Triangulated
- Act 4 : Illusory Peak
- Act 5 : Something Extra
- Act 6 : The Nine-tailed Shrine
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind that even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- The Hydra Tail mutation
- AP (Any Region) [x1]
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- The Hydra Tail mutation will be added to the "Notes" tab of your elnin's masterlist entry and must be applied alongside their next art update.
- The AP reward for this quest is a bonus and not region specific. Completing acts in specific regions will not earn you any additional AP for this quest. AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin that are both hereditary and have an associated region.
Flavor Text
A wise elnin once said, "Breath is channeled from within, but it can take some searching outside oneself to truly hone a breathing style." Some would argue how an elnin breathes is not merely a style, but something pre-existing that's drawn out from within through experiences. Regardless of the actual details, a number of elnin have shared a recommended process for culminating and exposing breath in a visible way.
In this process, the first breathstorming step is debatably the most critical, since an elnin should be capable of producing some ideas of their own before following the recommendations of others. Having a firm idea about what they're seeking will also help better define the breath they're pursuing. Ultimately, the breath an elnin exposes at the end of this journey will align with the region best known for providing observations associated with a particular type of breath.
[This quest is intended to grant a single breath mutation to an elnin, please read the rewards breakdown section below!]
Quest Availability:
- This quest can be done up to 3 times a year per user, for the current annual year in PST time.
- Which type of breath you are trying to acquire does not matter. (ie. You could earn cloud breath for 3 of your elnin that do not have it every year, OR 3 fire breath, OR 1 Fire breath and 1 Cloud breath and 1 Bubble breath. The number of breath mutations a user acquires overall for their own elnin in a year cannot exceed 3.)
- An elnin cannot complete this quest more than once. The same elnin cannot acquire more than 1 type of breath mutation since they do not stack.
- If a trait gained from this quest is dropped and no longer present on the elnin, only then will a user be allowed to repeat this quest to re-earn it. Keep in mind that repeating this quest for an elnin might need to happen the following year since repeated quests will count towards the availability limit this quest has.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest must be done by elnin in their current stage of life. So if they are a kittom, this quest would be done by them entirely as a kittom, and if they are an adult elnin, this quest would be done by the elnin entirely as an adult.
General Requirements: All acts listed below must be done in the order they are listed below to complete this quest. All of the acts below fall under the category called special to indicate they are a part of quests that can only be done for traits acquired under special conditions.
- Act 1 : Breathstorming
- Due to the potentially ambiguous nature of depicting theorizing, we recommend including 1-3 sentences about what an elnin's theory is in the act submission’s comments (for drawn or written pieces). While this is not required, we may request this type of direct note in the comments of any piece that we find to be unclear.
- Act 2 : Whirlwind Workout
- Act 3 : A Deep Breath
- Act 4 : Lofty Observations
- Must take place in the region associated with the breath mutation the elnin wants to acquire! Cloud breath is associated with Ealei. Fire breath is associated with Zevija. Bubble breath is assosicated with Palu'au.
- Act 5 : Fresh Air
- Act 6 : Newfound Breath
- Must take place in the region associated with the breath mutation the elnin wants to acquire! Cloud breath is associated with Ealei. Fire breath is associated with Zevija. Bubble breath is assosicated with Palu'au.
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind that even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- A Breath mutation (Cloud Breath or Fire Breath or Bubble Breath depending on which place the act "Lofty Observations" took place in.)
- AP (Any Region) [x1]
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- A specified Breath mutation will be added to the "Notes" tab of your elnin's masterlist entry and must be applied alongside their next art update.
- The AP reward for this quest is a bonus and not region specific. Completing acts in specific regions will not earn you any additional AP for this quest. AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin that are both hereditary and have an associated region.
Flavor Text
In recent years, light storms have fallen intermittently across Eyre. At first, elnin were suspicious such occurrences might align with certain star cycles, or that the storms fell during times of the year when weather was running particularly rampant. Now these storms have tempered significantly falling as soft colorful showers of light. They've also become another somewhat regular occurrence.
With the more regular small light showers, another oddly-colored phenomenon is occurring. Pomu are surfacing from elnin shadows that have been hit repeatedly by these storms, only their bodies appear dyed in a single different solid color in the places that were once a striking black. While the light storms are definitely not the only source of oddly-colored pomus in Eyre, they've definitely increased in number with the increase in light storms. The source of these storms or why they're occurring are still largely unknown.
These gentle light showers are not as strong as the light storms that might surface in a year, as the storms tend to have more density of falling light beams, frequency in a shorter span of time, and sometimes more significant impacts on pomu coloration.
(The light showers display as streaks of color with small motes of light left where they land. The streak's light and motes vary in color, but are generally bright and show up better when it's dark. A field of fireflies would be a good example of how the motes look, only on the ground or very close to it, and with more variation in color. They could be green, pink, purple, etc. but are generally hues closer to white.)
[This quest is intended to grant a single oddly-colored pomu to an elnin, please read the rewards breakdown section below!]
Quest Availability:
- This quest can be done up to 1 times a year per user, for the current annual year in PST time.
- An elnin cannot complete this quest more than once. The same elnin cannot acquire more than 1 type of colorful pomu mutation since they do not stack.
- If the trait gained from this quest is dropped and no longer present on the elnin, only then will a user be allowed to repeat this quest to re-earn it. Keep in mind that repeating this quest for an elnin will need to happen the following year since repeated quests will count towards the availability limit this quest has.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest must be done by elnin in their current stage of life. So if they are a kittom, this quest would be done by them entirely as a kittom, and if they are an adult elnin, this quest would be done by the elnin entirely as an adult.
General Requirements: All acts listed below must be done in the order they are listed below to complete this quest. All of the acts below fall under the category called special to indicate they are a part of quests that can only be done for traits acquired under special conditions.
- Act 1 : A Light Fright
- Act 2 : Light Research
- Act 3 : Catching Light
- Act 4 : Lighting Up the Dark
- Act 5 : Lucky Light
- Act 6 : Light Struck Shadow
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind that even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- A Pomu (Oddly-colored Variant)
- Note: This pomu must be a standard-looking pomu with a different solid base color in place of their usual black body. This is not a quest for any oddform version of this mutation.
- AP (Any Region) [x1]
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- A Pomu (Oddly-colored Variant) mutation will be added to the "Notes" tab of your elnin's masterlist entry and must be applied alongside their next art update.
- The AP reward for this quest is a bonus and not region specific. Completing acts in specific regions will not earn you any additional AP for this quest. AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin that are both hereditary and have an associated region.
Flavor Text
When paw toe beans are made for walking, well, that’s what they will do. Potentially, they might even do more than just walking…like running, skipping, jumping, and maybe even disturbing some of the local Eyre wildlife. Just be sure to rest those paws every so often as well!
It's said that with enough determination, experience, and creativity, an elnin’s trail might just stick in a slightly more intangible way, creating a phantom step at their heels. Elnin can also confirm that the acquisition of a phantom step is not simply an accident stumbled upon by uncoordinated paws. Very proactive steps are being taken to make sure such feats last and ensure nothing unintentional is afoot instead.
[This quest is intended to grant the phantom step mutation to an elnin, please read the rewards breakdown section below!]
Quest Availability:
- This quest can be done up to 1 times a year per user, for the current annual year in PST time.
- An elnin cannot complete this quest more than once.
- If the trait gained from this quest is dropped and no longer present on the elnin, only then will a user be allowed to repeat this quest to re-earn it. Keep in mind that repeating this quest for an elnin will need to happen the following year since repeated quests will count towards the availability limit this quest has.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest must be done by elnin in their current stage of life. So if they are a kittom, this quest would be done by them entirely as a kittom, and if they are an adult elnin, this quest would be done by the elnin entirely as an adult.
General Requirements: All acts listed below must be done in the order they are listed below to complete this quest. All of the acts below fall under the category called special to indicate they are a part of quests that can only be done for traits acquired under special conditions.
- Act 1 : Artful Toe Beans
- Act 2 : A Hop and a Skip
- Act 3 : Kicking Up the Rough
- Act 4 : Trails Through the Overgrowth
- Act 5 : A Path Less Traveled
- Act 6 : Paws at Rest
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind that even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- The Phantom Step mutation
- AP (Any Region) [x1]
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- The Phantom Step mutation will be added to the "Notes" tab of your elnin's masterlist entry and must be applied alongside their next art update.
- The AP reward for this quest is a bonus and not region specific. Completing acts in specific regions will not earn you any additional AP for this quest. AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin that are both hereditary and have an associated region.
Flavor Text
Some elnin are described as real gems, known for being wonderful and curious individuals. On the other hand, some elnin have a strong desire to be real gems, infusing their bodies with mana to produce a glass-like appearance to certain areas instead. While crystallization always has a smooth polished look to it, some elnin start their observations with other gemstones that may be more rough.
Only after acquiring an in-depth understanding of how these crystals look and become refined, can they settle down at a mana well to channel some of these properties onto themselves. This journey is considered a particularly time-consuming one for most elnin, since it requires a significant amount of sampling. Locating such samples can entail traveling far and wide.
[This quest is intended to grant crystallization to an elnin, please read the rewards breakdown section below!]
Quest Availability:
- This quest can be done up to 1 times a year per user, for the current annual year in PST time.
- An elnin cannot complete this quest more than once.
- If the trait gained from this quest is dropped and no longer present on the elnin, only then will a user be allowed to repeat this quest to re-earn it. Keep in mind that repeating this quest for an elnin will need to happen the following year since repeated quests will count towards the availability limit this quest has.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest must be done by elnin in their current stage of life. So if they are a kittom, this quest would be done by them entirely as a kittom, and if they are an adult elnin, this quest would be done by the elnin entirely as an adult.
General Requirements: All acts listed below must be done in the order they are listed below to complete this quest. All of the acts below fall under the category called special to indicate they are a part of quests that can only be done for traits acquired under special conditions.
- Act 1 : Observing Gemstones
- Act 2 : Sand Crystals
- Act 3 : Heat Exposure
- Act 4 : A Smooth Surface
- Act 5 : Sculpting
- Act 6 : Crystalline Offerings
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind that even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- The Crystallization mana flaw
- AP (Any Region) [x1]
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- The Crystallization mana flaw will be added to the "Notes" tab of your elnin's masterlist entry and must be applied alongside their next art update.
- The AP reward for this quest is a bonus and not region specific. Completing acts in specific regions will not earn you any additional AP for this quest. AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin that are both hereditary and have an associated region.
Flavor Text
Sometimes elnin have unexpected encounters of a more foreboding nature, stumbling upon corrupted areas that may result in some adverse effects from the exposure. These areas can vary in terms of how much they are corrupted, destabilized, or have miasma lingering around. One thing is certain, elnin do not intentionally seek out these miserable experiences as the repeated exposures build up and often lead to a more permanent form of corruption.
Early encounters are infrequent but usually more casually stumbled upon, like seeing familiar areas destabilized during the miasma months early in the year. Uncomfortable boundaries are found or unpleasant experiences are had while traveling. As exposure continues, elnin find themselves having nightmares of daeva. For some the experience stops there, but for others less fortunate, they might find evidence of daeva while traveling. When confronted with evidence of daeva, elnin are obligated to help protect their fellow community members and by transporting smaller pieces of evidence (like shards) to a place where the evidence can be purified. This may not be the case for all discoveries (as larger evidence cannot be transported), but after what’s assumed to be pretty significant exposure to destabilizing areas already, it’s the best those elnin can do to help.
(An important note: Experiences from these acts should not be portrayed in general prompts elsewhere in the group. While these experiences are ones that are phrased in a way they can be stumbled upon and feel a little less intentional, it’s assumed these are not the experiences elnin would have with any regularity in their daily lives. This is just a reminder in normal prompts or acts outside of these, that elnin will not be encountering these types of boundaries, corrupted areas, and evidence casually. Our general prompts are to remain focused on the prompts themselves, whereas these experiences are separate.)
[This quest is intended to grant a single mana flaw trait to an elnin from a specific list of mana flaw traits, please read the rewards breakdown section below!]
Quest Availability:
- This quest can be done up to 4 times a year per user, and up to 2 times per trait rarity (rare or exotic) for the current annual year in PST time.
- A user can do this quest up to 2 times a year for rare mana flaw traits listed: Gloom Kissed or Capricious Shadow.
- A user can do this quest up to 2 times a year for exotic mana flaw traits listed: Splintered Anima or Veins of Corruption.
- The same elnin cannot complete this quest for the same mutation more than once. This means you could do this quest on an elnin once to acquire the Gloom Kissed mutation and a second time to acquire the Capricious Shadow mutation, but the same elnin could not get the Capricious Shadow mutation twice.
- If a trait gained from this quest is dropped and no longer present on the elnin, only then will a user be allowed to repeat this quest to re-earn it. Keep in mind that repeating this quest for an elnin might need to happen the following year since repeated quests will count towards the availability limit this quest has.
- If you have any questions about how this quest's availability works, we highly recommend asking in our #questions channel on discord or submitting a support ticket on the site under the "Prompts & Quests" ticket category prior to doing this quest.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest must be done by elnin in their current stage of life. So if they are a kittom, this quest would be done by them entirely as a kittom, and if they are an adult elnin, this quest would be done by the elnin entirely as an adult.
General Requirements: All acts listed below must be done in the order they are listed below to complete this quest. All of the acts below fall under the category called special to indicate they are a part of quests that can only be done for traits acquired under special conditions.
If you are trying to earn a rare mana flaw trait (Gloom Kissed or Capricious Shadow) you only need to do Acts 1, 2, 3, and 4. If you are trying to earn an exotic mana flaw trait (Splintered Anima or Veins of Corruption) you must complete all 6 acts. Side note: This quest is not for the Crystallization mana flaw trait, please look for the "Properties of Crystals" quest if you want to earn that mana flaw trait.
- Act 1 : Darkened Scenery
- Act 2 : Unnerving Boundary
- Act 3 : Unsettling Displacement
- Act 4 : Lingering Nightmares
- Act 5 : Finding Evidence of Daeva
- Important Note: No actual Daeva should appear in this quest act and it should not be implied that your character has actually seen one either. This type of encounter is purely about finding evidence of a Daeva that may have been in the area recently.
- Act 6 : Purifying Evidence
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind that even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- If acts 1-4 have been completed: Gloom Kissed or Capricious Shadow. (You must specify which mutation you are earning in your claim!)
OR - If all acts have been completed: Splintered Anima or Veins of Corruption. (You must specify which mutation you are earning in your claim!)
- AP (Any Region) [x1]
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- A specified mana flaw trait (from a list under the "Availability" section of this quest) will be added to the "Notes" tab of your elnin's masterlist entry and must be applied alongside their next art update.
- The AP reward for this quest is a bonus and not region specific. Completing acts in specific regions will not earn you any additional AP for this quest. AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin that are both hereditary and have an associated region.
Flavor Text
Some elnin at times feel that what's behind them is a bit lacking, and so they go on a journey to observe and explore what potential their tails could have. No one said being fabulous is easy and elnin that have gone on this journey know it! How difficult it must be to get a glimpse of tail variety across Eyre when some of the inhabitants just don't want to stay still...
With perseverance though, anything is possible! Once all the observations are made, only then can elnin explore their own tails and possibly have a strange experience or two? Odd as it may be, every elnin faces these trials sometimes, but they end up for the better, right?
[This quest is intended to grant an Overwild (Furred or Aquatic) tail upgrade to an elnin with a 4MP tail style, please read the rewards breakdown section below! If you do this quest with an elnin that has a 3MP tail style or lower, keep in mind you will need to pay the difference to upgrade your tail to 4MP at the time you go to apply this quest reward! This quest only serves to help breach the 4MP threshold and upgrade the tail to either a 5MP Overwild (Furred) or Overwild (Aquatic) tail at this time. It is worth noting since this quest reward is not a mutation, your elnin cannot exceed their current rank without paying for a rank up. Some MP may need to be dropped from other traits and areas of a design to apply this quest reward.]
Quest Availability:
- This quest can be done up to 2 times a year per user, for the current annual year in PST time.
- Which type of Overwild tail upgrade you are trying to acquire does not matter. (ie. You could earn an Overwild (Aquatic) tail for 2 of your elnin that do not have it every year, OR 2 Overwild (Furred), OR 1 Overwild (Aquatic) and 1 Overwild (Furred). The number of Overwild tail upgrades a user acquires overall for their own elnin in a year cannot exceed 2.)
- An elnin cannot complete this quest more than once. The same elnin cannot acquire more than 1 type of Overwild tail upgrade since they do not stack.
- If a trait gained from this quest is dropped and no longer present on the elnin, only then will a user be allowed to repeat this quest to re-earn it. Keep in mind that repeating this quest for an elnin might need to happen the following year since repeated quests will count towards the availability limit this quest has.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest must be done by elnin in their current stage of life. So if they are a kittom, this quest would be done by them entirely as a kittom, and if they are an adult elnin, this quest would be done by the elnin entirely as an adult.
General Requirements: All acts listed below must be done in the order they are listed below to complete this quest. All of the acts below fall under the category called special to indicate they are a part of quests that can only be done for traits acquired under special conditions.
- Act 1 : Fluffy Friends
- Act 2 : A Fishy Flourish
- Act 3 : Scaley Strangers
- Act 4: Playful Plumage
- Act 5: Brilliant Bottom
- Act 6: Bothersome Backend
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind that even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- Either an Overwild (Aquatic) or Overwild (Furred) tail upgrade to a 4MP style tail.
- If you do this quest with an elnin that has a 3MP tail style or lower, keep in mind that you will need to pay the difference to upgrade your tail to 4MP at the time you go to apply this quest reward!
- This quest only serves to help breach the 4MP threshold and upgrade the tail to either a 5MP Overwild (Aquatic) or Overwild (Furred) tail at this time.
- It is worth noting since this quest reward is not a mutation, your elnin cannot exceed their current rank without paying for a rank up. Some MP may need to be dropped from other traits and areas of a design to apply this quest reward, otherwise rank up costs will apply.
- AP (Any Region) [x1]
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- The Overwild (Furred) or Overwild (Aquatic) upgrade will be added to the "Notes" tab of your elnin's masterlist entry and must be applied alongside their next art update. You do not need to specify which variant you are pursuing when you submit your claim, but must specify which variant you want when you submit your art update.
- The AP reward for this quest is a bonus and not region specific. Completing acts in specific regions will not earn you any additional AP for this quest. AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin that are both hereditary and have an associated region.
Flavor Text
While not always visible, elnin crowns are near and dear to elnin when they do display them. Some say with enough self discovery and exploration that elnin can even find their crown may show some secondary characteristics, and if an elnin's crown type is particularly high when this occurs, they may even exhibit the characteristics of multiple crowns. What imaginations run wild and ideas flourish in the minds of elnins can only lead to some wondrous and particular combinations.
If an elnin is lucky enough to pass by one of these other elnin, maybe they will also find encouragement to pursue the crowns of their dreams.
[This quest is intended to grant a Compound crown upgrade to an elnin with an existing crown, please read the rewards breakdown section below! Elnin must have at least a 1MP crown to apply this quest's reward. This quest will always Compound the existing crown by an additional 1MP. This means if you do this quest and your elnin has a 1MP crown, it would become a 2MP Compound crown. If they have a 3MP crown it would become a 4MP Compound crown, and if you have a 4MP crown it would become a 5MP Compound crown. You do not need to have a crown on your elnin to do this quest, however when you go to apply the reward you will need to purchase a certain crown style. You can also upgrade your existing crown style to a higher MP crown when applying this quest reward to pursue a higher MP Compound crown. It is worth noting since this quest reward is not a mutation, your elnin cannot exceed their current rank without paying for a rank up. Some MP may need to be dropped from other traits and areas of a design to apply this quest reward.]
Quest Availability:
- This quest can be done up to 2 times a year per user, for the current annual year in PST time.
- Which type of Compound crown upgrade you are trying to acquire does not matter. (The number of Compound crown upgrades a user acquires overall for their own elnin in a year cannot exceed 2.)
- An elnin cannot complete this quest more than once. The same elnin cannot acquire more than 1 type of Compound crown upgrade since they do not stack.
- If a trait gained from this quest is dropped and no longer present on the elnin, only then will a user be allowed to repeat this quest to re-earn it. Keep in mind that repeating this quest for an elnin might need to happen the following year since repeated quests will count towards the availability limit this quest has.
Quest Requirements:
Important: This quest must be done by elnin in their current stage of life. So if they are a kittom, this quest would be done by them entirely as a kittom, and if they are an adult elnin, this quest would be done by the elnin entirely as an adult.
General Requirements: All acts listed below must be done in the order they are listed below to complete this quest. All of the acts below fall under the category called special to indicate they are a part of quests that can only be done for traits acquired under special conditions.
- Act 1 : Melded in Tradition
- Act 2 : Fragments of Stone and Gems
- Act 3 : Artful Marks
- Act 4: Adored Antiques
- Act 5: A Semblance of Flames and Clouds
- Act 6: Life's Imitation
- All acts should be submitted to their respective Act prompt on site when you are ready to have them reviewed to claim quest rewards. We do not review act submissions without a claim, so please keep in mind that even if they are submitted to the correct Act prompt, we will only review acts once they are submitted for rewards.
Quest Rewards:
Total rewards available once all quest requirements are fulfilled:
- A Compound crown upgrade to a 1MP, 3MP, or 4MP style crown.
- If you do this quest with an elnin that has no crown or a lower Compound crown style than you'd like to upgrade to, keep in mind that you will need to pay the difference to upgrade your crown to the MP style that is 1MP less than the Compound crown you're aiming for at the time you go to apply this quest reward!
- It is worth noting since this quest reward is not a mutation, your elnin cannot exceed their current rank without paying for a rank up. Some MP may need to be dropped from other traits and areas of a design to apply this quest reward, otherwise rank up costs will apply.
- AP (Any Region) [x1]
Reward Breakdown:
- All rewards are locked to the elnin that completed the quest.
- The Compound crown upgrade will be added to the "Notes" tab of your elnin's masterlist entry and must be applied alongside their next art update.
- The AP reward for this quest is a bonus and not region specific. Completing acts in specific regions will not earn you any additional AP for this quest. AP is primarily used to purchase mutations for your elnin that are both hereditary and have an associated region.