General Group Sale Guidelines

Created: 8 June 2023, 11:18:53 PDT
Last updated: 8 June 2023, 14:45:59 PDT

The purpose of this page is to give you a bit of background on sales within the World of Eyre group!

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Group Sale Locations

Elnin sales will always occur on the following deviantart accounts:

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Proxies and Ownership


Some sales allow for proxying while others may not! While these are our general guidelines more specific guidelines on a particular sale will take priority over these ones!

  • Flatsales
    • Proxies are allowed for flatsales (not flatsale raffles though). You may not have multiple users proxy for you (only 1 person may proxy for you). You may not enter for yourself and proxy for another user so if you are someone's proxy please be sure you are not interested in trying for a design yourself. You may not enter for yourself while having someone proxy for you as well.
  • Flatsale Raffles
    • Proxies are not allowed for flatsale raffles. Please enter only for elnin you are interested in having for yourself.
  • Auctions
    • You may proxy bid for someone else however that proxy will count for you as well. This means you can bid on a design for yourself or be a proxy for someone else but you cannot bid on a design for yourself and proxy for someone else. Only one person can proxy for a user as well. If you are proxy bidding for a user you must state whom that user is.

This group does not allow co-ownership! Each elnin can only have a single owner.

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Account Age and Activity

Our sales have specific account age and activity requirements

Account Age
  • We will not sell to new accounts (Accounts under 5 months old).
    • Specifically either your World of Eyre account or the deviantart account linked to your WoE account must be over 5 months old.
    • Exceptions are only made if vouched for by a trusted community member or if there is proof of an older deviantart account. You will be required to list a deviantart account to submit a form.
  • See the "Having existing active members vouch for new or inactive members" section below.
Account Activity
  • We will not sell to inactive accounts. Please be sure to specify methods of verifying your activity in the field provided on the form if you are not active on deviantart.
    • Make sure to check your deviantart account once a day for the few days following a flatsale raffle you entered. We will announce winners on dA after they are rolled in our discord server!
    • If an artist cannot contact you to receive payment via your dA account and/or that artist has not been contacted by you via their preferred method(s) of contact within 24 hours after your name is rolled, your win will be considered forfeit and the design you won will be re-rolled.
      • Moderators may follow up for certain official sales! (See specific sale "Contact Details" to learn more about how you will be contacted.)
  • Acceptable proof of activity (Can be some or all):
    • Regular and consistent use of DeviantArt (currently). Recent activity spam alone (ie.posting or favoriting many images) may not count.
    • Regular participation in the Berry-Bazaar discord (ie. Actively posting/interacting/conversing with other members in discord. We will ask you to supply a discord ID to cross check this if discord is your sole means of activity proof.)
    • Proof of an older active DA account if you've moved to a new dA (or other) account, or tickets submitted to the WoE site since its launch. (Account sign-up alone is not valid.)
    • Have existing members vouch for accounts with limited activity or activity only on deviantArt, prior to Eclipse.
      • See the "Having existing active members vouch for new or inactive members" section below.
    • If you've moved to a new dA (or other) account from an older active dA account, make sure there is a clear connection from your old dA account or your account on our website to other places of activity. Remember we can only cross verify with deviantArt.
      • All other sites will require some clear connection from your dA account or WoE account to verify the account belongs to you. (ie. You had a dA account post "Moving to TH please look for me there", "More active on my instagram". Alternatively, your WoE profile links to your TH, or other social media platform where you are active. The same does not work in reverse. Having a TH account that lists your dA or WoE account is not an acceptable proof that the dA or WoE account belongs to you.)
  • Having existing active members vouch for new or inactive members
    • If one or more older group members are vouching for you, please have them submit a ticket to the WoE site's "Community" ticket type category and indicate they are vouching for you.
    • If a user is already vouching for someone else, list multiple existing members that would vouch for you. Preferably 1 or more members who are not already vouching for someone else.