StandardElnin ・ Rank TBD

ELN2925: Sylus

Owned by Katsuki
Image #4806
Basic Attributes
- Flare (Fiendish)
Spectral trait influence
FULL REFERENCE Click to view watermarked image.

The following mutations may be added free of charge in the next update if desired:

  • Spikes
  • Infused Teeth/Claws
  • Scales
  • Winglets (Fiendish)
  • Fire Breath (Cloud breath will be dropped)

If any of these traits are not included in the next design update, they will be considered dropped and will need to be purchased (if applicable).

The full list of applicable traits can be found here: 

Auction add-ons:
+Standard Noble MYO growth slot, up to 13mp. Up to 3 exotic mutations, 3 rare mutations, 2 Uncommon mutation, and 1 Common fluff mutation can be added. Mutations picked must be hereditary with an associated region. Slot MP can be put towards use for hair MP length, ear fluff MP length, and tail size MP. Hybrid crown upgrade (buyer's choice of 2MP, 4MP, or 5MP hybrid crown) to be added to the MYO growth slot. Tail style must stay the same.

Uploaded: 5 June 2023, 21:58:46 PDT
Last Edited: 13 June 2023, 18:58:23 PDT
Card Frames Unlocked
[Default] Standard
