


Species: Elnin
Category: Crown

Crown MP: 4

Resembles a small cloud or wisp of smoke.  

Trait Examples
cloudlet-1.jpg Example 1
cloudlet-2.jpg Example 2


  • Can be any color or combination of colors.
  • Cloudlet crowns can have some particle effects, but should not have any additional features such as "eyespots" or solid items like moons/stars/suns/etc in them.
  • Swirl designs are fine, but any pattering else you wouldn't normally associate with a little puff of smoke should be avoided.
  • Must only be one  wisp / cloud. The cloudlet should not be broken up into multiple pieces.
    • Exception: a Hybrid Cloudlet crown can contain multiple cloudlets.


  • Split from Elemental / Wisp
1 result found.