Doe-eyes (Fae)
This mutation is characterized by huge, dilated pupils and an iris that takes up the entire eye. The sclera is not visible and there is a distinct ring of color and freckling around the pupil in the fae accent color. This accent color is also visible as speckling in the core of the horns.
There is also a noticeable spark of light within the depths of the pupil that marks an ability to see through Faefolk illusions.

Chimeric & Prismatic Anima
- Keep in mind that since the large area in the center of the eye is actually the pupil, it always needs to be black or very close to black. You can have a tint of color to match your elnin's eyes better but it should appear black at a glance.
- The spark of light (sometimes referred to as glint) in the center of the pupil must match the anima colour/accent color or be a close neighbour color.
- So, what does the doe-eyes accent color affect?
- ALWAYS: Horns and Eyes
- POSSIBLE: Mouth (with Mana Saturated), Toe Beans, Antennae
- NEVER: Puca Tail, Crystallization, Splintered Anima, Emberglow Anima, Emberglow Suffusion
- If any mutations are not listed here then we have no definitive answer for it. Please check with us first before going forward if the mutation is not on the list.
This mutation is only inheritable directly from faenin (must explicitly list "faenin" as a subtype on their masterlist entry). Normal elnin with doe-eyes (fae) can only pass on the standard version of the doe-eyes mutation to their children.
A mutation characterized by huge, dilated pupils and an iris that takes up the entire eye. Sclera is not visible in doe-eyed nin. Has no visible effect on horns.
- Keep in mind that since the large area in the center of the eye is actually the pupil, it always needs to be black or very close to black. You can have a tint of color to match your elnin's eyes better but it should appear black at a glance.
- What can affect doe-eyes?
- YES: Some anima mutations can affect the iris around the pupils like Starlit anima, Emberglow anima, Heterochromia, Chimeric anima., Prismatic anima, Grafted anima, Kaleidoscopic Anima, Luminous anima, Dual-toned anima, Anima patterning, and Decora anima.
- NO: Polycoria
- If any mutations are not listed here then we have no definitive answer for it. Please check with us first before going forward if the mutation is not on the list or you are unsure how something might work.