


Species: Elnin
Category: Crown

Crown MP: 4

Resembles a diminutive living plant or flower.

Trait Examples
crown-flora-1.jpg Flora
crown-flora-2.jpg Flora
crown-flora-3.jpg Flora


  • Flora crowns can cycle through the natural lifecycle of that flora.
  • Flowers should generally be no more than two (2) main flowers and a few buds.
    • Accompanying foliage is OK and won't read as a second plant as long as the foliage is cohesive/make sense. If it looks like it is a second plant then it is not acceptable.
      • YES: Roses with Thorns, Cherry Blossom with Branch/Twig.
      • NO: Tulip with Thorns, Cherry Blossoms with Ferns.
  • Only one stage of growth can be displayed at a time (no flowers and fruit together).


  • This type of crown is not exactly mobile, but it can bloom if based on flowers, or wilt or shift colors if it has leaves (following natural seasonal shadings).


  • Flora crowns are actual plants, and can lose petals or provide pollen just like any other type of plant.
  • A fruit crown could, theoretically, be eaten, but it would be exceptionally disturbing for most elnins (not quite cannibalism level weirdness, but it would be like if someone wanted to eat your hair or fingernail clippings).


  • Previously known as "Living", split from "Orbital"
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