
[SQ-CC-3] Artful Marks

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Cobbled Crowns] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


While imagery is not found in sigils across Eyre, contour lines and pictures were a starting point for practicing coordination with a brush. Eventually such artful marks led to the creation of Eyrescript and sigils that have depth and meaning. While sigils written on their own with a simple brush and ink may not have much power to them, as crowns they are beautiful creations that can translate to very simple spells. Depict your elnin practicing calligraphy to write Eyrescript, some vague written sigils that hold no magical power, or a drawing of something found in nature with only ink strokes. Think about how the experience might bring them more in tune with writing, language, ink mediums, and typography.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-CC-4] Adored Antiques

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Cobbled Crowns] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


There are a lot of old items in Eyre that come with stories of those who have kept them. Some elnin understandably become very attached to certain objects unlike those found in the natural landscape. At times they even collect them in one location or just keep one to enjoy at home. Depict your elnin either looking at an antique item they own or helping out with the cleaning and organizing of items at a local antique store.

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[SQ-CC-5] A Semblance of Flames and Clouds

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Cobbled Crowns] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


A mix of cool temps, breaths of condensation, and crackling fires can be found in the region of Strynhalde. Depict your elnin enjoying some time by a fire, watching the clouds, or enjoying an activity that combines the two in this chilling landscape. Maybe they've even found a nice hotspring to soak in while some stones are warmed over flames for a relaxing time later?

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-CC-6] Life's Imitation

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Cobbled Crowns] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Sometimes it's not right to contain other living creatures due to a lack of knowledge or resources to care for them. That doesn't mean that elnin don't dream of having small creatures by their side though. When left to the imagination they may try to create a new friend of their own. Depict your elnin building figures of critters or plants out of other materials, to make their own fake imitations of small living creatures found across Eyre they wish they could have. While these little crafted figures are not the real creatures, they act as an inspirational guidepost for elnin who are fond of crowns resembling fauna.

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[SQ-CS-1] A Light Fright

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Colorful Showers of Light] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Depict your elnin being startled by a sudden shower of prismatic light. Are they genuinely terrified or just surprised? What actions do they take to calm their nerves in such a situation? They can onset fairly quickly and pass just as fast.


The light showers display as streaks of color with small motes of light left where they land. The streak’s light and motes vary in color, but are generally bright and show up better when it's dark. A field of fireflies would be a good example of how the motes look, only on the ground or very close to it, and with more variation in color. They could be green, pink, purple, etc. but are generally hues closer to white.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-TT-2] Shrine of Reflection

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: A Tale of Tails] [Region: Kyendi] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


A still pool of water sits at the base of an overgrown shrine in Kyendi, nestled amongst the jungle vegetation. The shrine itself just looks like a tree stump with a very smooth rock on it. Small vines appear to wrap around both stump and rock to tie them together. Floating islands sometimes cast shadows overhead, and elnin who look into this pool claim to see something odd. Their appearance is reflected just as it always was, only they have two tails. When they turn to look behind themselves though, the tails are nowhere to be found. When accompanied to this shrine, it is said that no one aside from the elnin themselves can see the odd reflection. Depict your elnin encountering this phenomenon when looking at their reflection in the shrine pool.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-TT-3] Triangulated

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: A Tale of Tails] [Region: Kyendi] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


There is a jungle clearing in Kyendi where three large boulders are equally distanced from one another to form a triangle. It is rumored that elnin that wander into this space end up lost for the better part of a day, only to wake up around dusk and hurry home. After this experience, a few elnin are left with a sensation that they’re forgetting something or have lost something for about a week. The sensation usually does not last longer than that though.

Depict your elnin investigating the large boulders and clearing. Do they pass the day immersed in curiosity or have a sinking feeling they’re lost? Are they drawing marks in the ground or attempting to make a map in the clearing? How does your elnin handle this confusing time?

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-TT-4] Illusory Peak

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: A Tale of Tails] [Region: Kyendi] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


At the top of a fairly high mountain in Kyendi, it is said the sky displays a full panorama of light cycles an elnin can encounter in a day, regardless of time. The horizon displays dawn, midday, dusk, and midnight with their boundaries blurring into one another. Unfortunately, the view is a once in a lifetime trip, and it’s said an elnin can only experience it once before a thick fog conceals the view. Some claim that they’re the tricks of feyfolk, while others say the light bends in irregular ways to produce this phenomena. A local legend tells a much simpler story of a tetra-tailed trickster that cast a peculiar spell on the mountain top that split the sky by the number of tails they had, and a fog would play tricks on the eyes of any returning visitors trying to repeat the experience. Regardless of what locals believe to be the cause, it is said that visiting this peak at least once can be quite eye-opening. 

Depict the view from the top of the mountain, the point where your elnin sees the four horizons. The view can either be presented as a full panorama, or sectioned into 4 panels as though your elnin has turned to look at each section on their own.


The shift in the sky should a horizontal transition (left to right or right to left) where the times of day appear very abnomal/mystical.

An example of a panormaic sky view shifting through the cycles of the day.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-TT-5] Something Extra

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: A Tale of Tails] [Region: Kyendi] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


While journeying around Kyendi and having visited many unusual spots, elnin can start feeling like they have something a little extra on their rump. Looking back, they are surprised to find that instead of seeing the number of tails they normally have, they now have five whole tails connected to their rump. What’s more surprising though, is they’re the only one that can see this oddity. How do they react? Do they marvel at the extra tails, or is it more concerning that no one else can see them? For better or worse, they wake up the next day and they no longer have five tails and are back to the number of tails they normally had.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-TT-6] The Nine-tailed Shrine

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: A Tale of Tails] [Region: Kyendi] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


A familiar fog rolls in at the twilight hour of a full moon and the night is quiet. The atmosphere seems dreamlike, but a dampness sticks to their paws. Elnin who have seen a great deal of unusual ruins, shrines, and fog in recent travels can find a mysterious stone path in the late hour. The stone path and rolling fog seem to lead you through a less familiar part of Kyendi’s jungle. Through twisting vines and past more ruins, eventually these journeying elnin are led to a cave behind a waterfall. Moonlight pours down on a shrine of moss and luminous cave flowers. At the cave’s center is a smiling stone elnin statue that feels quite familiar, with its closed eyes and nine meadow tails curled in various directions around it. The statue is a bit mossy and overgrown itself, with a blossom sometimes atop its head according to the rumors.

Depict the elnin encountering the statue. Does it leave an impression on them? Does the smile on the statue appear friendly or ominous? By the next morning, elnin find that they are safe and sound in a local Kyendi village with the experience feeling much like a dream. One thing is sure, they can tell something has been gained from the experience. The memory of those nine curved tails etched into their thoughts.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-BE-1] Breathstorming

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Breathing Exercises] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Depict your elnin ideating theories on how they might acquire the breath of their choice, or depict them taking a more forward approach attempting to collect air with a container (like a bottle or jar) from a location that seems viable.


If an elnin is ideating or brainstorming, their ideas must be visible in some way. Ideally, this would be depictions of them jotting down notes or referencing books that they think relate to the topic, or perhaps running theories past an elnin friend. It’s important to note that the elnin should not be actually attempting theories on the spot for this act. So if they’re theorizing that relaxing in a hot spring is somehow going to help them with acquiring a certain breath mutation, you could have them scribble a doodle of a hot spring on a note but they would not actually go to a hot spring.

Due to the potentially ambiguous nature of depicting theorizing, we recommend including 1-3 sentences about what an elnin’s theory is in the act submission’s comments (for drawn or written pieces). While this is not required, we may request this type of direct note in the comments of any piece that we find to be unclear.

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[SQ-BE-2] Whirlwind Workout

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Breathing Exercises] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Channeling mana into visible breath can be hard work, especially if the body isn’t sturdy. Depict your elnin doing exercise to build up their endurance a bit. Do they do rigorous activities to boost their stamina? Do they train in colder climates so that they can visually see how their breath should look visibly?

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[SQ-BE-3] A Deep Breath

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Breathing Exercises] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Depict your elnin holding their breath to work on their lung capacity. Are they able to do this easily, or do they struggle to do so? Do they train themselves to hold their breath in places where it’s hard to do so, such as underwater, or at higher elevations where the air is usually thinner in the first place? Do they get help from their friends, such as having a competition to see who can hold their breath the longest, or perhaps having their friend tickle them or distract them so that they need to really focus to hold their breath in?

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[SQ-BE-4] Lofty Observations

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Breathing Exercises] [Region: Ealei for Cloud Breath | Zevija for Fire Breath] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Depict your elnin observing the elements of the region and the breath they wish to acquire. (For example: Fire, lava, and hot temperatures in Zevija for fire breath. Fog, mist, high altitudes/clouds in Ealei for cloud breath.) Do they take notes on their surroundings, or are they just surveying the scenery?

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-BE-5] Fresh Air

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Breathing Exercises] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Depict your elnin familiarizing themselves with the feeling of wind. This should be either a location where wind currents are particularly strong or noticeable. The environment should depict a breeze or stronger gusts either through the leaves on trees, ripples or waves on untouched lakes, or sand or snow being kicked up by gusts.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-BE-6] Newfound Breath

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Breathing Exercises] [Region: Ealei for Cloud Breath | Zevija for Fire Breath][Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Depict your elnin in the region the breath mutation they’re pursuing is associated with breathing out their new anima colored breath. While they may not have acquired a lasting version of breath quite yet they’re at that final step of a more permanent change.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-TT-1] Mysterious Ruin

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: A Tale of Tails] [Region: Kyendi] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


During times of heavy fog, it is said that elnin can stumble upon a mysterious ruin in Kyendi. The ruin appearance can vary a bit, but it is always either an engraved pillar with miscellaneous swirling patterns and no legible runes/sigils, or a vague statue of a tailless elnin with their eyes shut in cheerful arching crescents. The pillar/statue is always made of stone or petrified wood and appears to be overgrown with plants. When touched, it leaves elnin with a ticklish feeling, as if some invisible mark has been left on them. At some point in time, most elnin leave, though those rumored to stay find the statue disappears with a blink after a while, and elnin either return to their usual lives or find themselves drawn on a greater journey. Depict your elnin encountering this ruin.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-CS-2] Light Research

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Colorful Showers of Light] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Depict your elnin taking down notes and observations about a light shower. Do they draw diagrams or prefer written notes? What sort of observations are they making? Is this the first shower they’ve encountered or have there been others?


The light showers display as streaks of color with small motes of light left where they land. The streak’s light and motes vary in color, but are generally bright and show up better when it's dark. A field of fireflies would be a good example of how the motes look, only on the ground or very close to it, and with more variation in color. They could be green, pink, purple, etc. but are generally hues closer to white.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-CS-3] Catching Light

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Colorful Showers of Light] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


Depict your elnin trying to catch some of the light shower that’s raining down. They’ll soon discover this is near impossible, but it can be a far-fetched dream or a fun game depending on the participant. Are they grabbing a bottle, barrel, or bag to attempt to capture some of the light? Maybe they’re darting around with toe beans flying every which way to try to capture the elusive motes. While there is no known successful method, elnins still feel compelled to try, filled with a strong desire to contain the dots of fallen light within their grasp. Oop. There goes another, gone once the paw is removed.


The light showers display as streaks of color with small motes of light left where they land. The streak’s light and motes vary in color, but are generally bright and show up better when it's dark. A field of fireflies would be a good example of how the motes look, only on the ground or very close to it, and with more variation in color. They could be green, pink, purple, etc. but are generally hues closer to white.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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[SQ-CS-4] Lighting Up the Dark

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Colorful Showers of Light] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


While it’s usually cloudy when light showers roll in, they stand out the best at night. Depict your elnin encountering a shower in the darkest hours of a day. Was it an accidental encounter getting caught in a light shower while heading home on a dark night? Perhaps an elnin has been waiting for the right time to throw a neighborhood party in the middle of a light shower and one just fell at night? One can only wonder how the neighbors feel about it…but someone is surely a partynin.


The light showers display as streaks of color with small motes of light left where they land. The streak’s light and motes vary in color, but are generally bright and show up better when it's dark. A field of fireflies would be a good example of how the motes look, only on the ground or very close to it, and with more variation in color. They could be green, pink, purple, etc. but are generally hues closer to white.

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This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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