
Spectral Trait

Species: Elnin
Type: Arcane
Rarity: Exotic
Region: N/A
Is Hereditary?: No

The limb is no longer corporeal, appearing translucent and ethereal, almost as it it only half exists in this world.

( Guide Images Pending!!! )

Trait Examples


  • Limbs take on a spectral appearance either in transparency of the limb or wispy silhouette appearance.
    • Spectral traits can be transparent, but it is not required.
    • If a spectral trait does not have transparency it's silhouette should have a wispy quality to it that still resembles the body part or mutation it's influencing. Silhouettes must be clear enough that it's clear what the trait that has the spectral quality applied to it.
  • Stylization should not cause any trait to exceed it's natural size.
  • Spectral traits do not inherently glow or float, they just give off a more intangible, if not haunting, look to an elnin.
  • While not all wispy pieces of a spectral trait need to connect, they must stay in relatively close proximity to one another and not trail excessively or be too far detached.
  • Spectral traits usually only impact a target area (tail, arm, leg, etc.). Multiple areas (leg and tail, etc.) being affected on an elnin is not typical for this trait unless specified that the trait has been acquired in multiple locations.
  • If other mutations are present on a spectral trait, like scales on a limb or tail, the scales or more physical non-fx mutations can either share similar qualities to the spectral trait, like transparency, or display on top of it.
    • These interactions will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, and generally interacting mutations will not be labeled as having spectral influence unless the entirety of the mutation is overtaken by a spectral look.
  • As a rule of thumb, unless the spectral trait is being explicitly applied to a mutation upon grant it's safe to assume the trait itself will not be applied entirely to a mutation or physical feature (arm/leg/tail) the elnin has. This means that mutations must appear elsewhere on the body in normal ways even if they have a little influence showing up on the limb itself.
    • An example of this would be if the masterlist entry says "Spectral trait (Tail and Plate Scales)" then the spectral trait would affect the tail and all plate scales on the elnin's body. If a masterlist entry says "Spectral trait (Tail)" but that elnin happens to have scales on it's tail and underbelly, then the plate scales on the tail could look spectral but the plate scales on their underbelly would look solid and normal.
  • What mutations can display on or around the spectral trait?
    • YES: Featherlight (will cause wisps to float more on tails but they still must be in close proximity) and Twin/Trine/Tetra tail mutations will be completely spectral if the spectral trait is applied to the tail. The following mutations must display elsewhere on the body: Starlit Suffusion, Emberglow Suffusion, Luminous Suffusion, Metallic Suffusion, Iridescent Suffusion, Scales, Plate Scales.
    • NO: Anything else not listed under YES.
  • If any mutations are not listed here then we have no definitive answer for it. Please check with us first before going forward if the mutation is not on the list. Keep in mind most traits must show elsewhere on the elnin's body unless they are exclusive to just one limb such as trine/twin/tetra tail mutations
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