
Emberglow Anima

Emberglow Anima

Species: Elnin
Type: Mutation
Rarity: Exotic
Region: Faerindell
Is Hereditary?: Yes

Emberglow mutation causes small motes of glowing light to float off of the anima's surface, creating a small trail of ember-like lights around the horns and eyes. Coloration should be consistent with the color of the anima. Will also cause eyes and horns to glow softly. Emberglow lights are generally less "sparkly/twinkly" than the Starlit mutations, and are more focused on larger "color-heavy" glowing particles.

Trait Mockups
emberglow-anima.jpg Standard Emberglow
emberglow-anima-2.jpg Standard Emberglow
Trait Examples
emberglow-anima-1.jpg Standard Emberglow
emberglow-anima-2.jpg Standard Emberglow
emberglow-anima-3.jpg Standard Emberglow
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