Aquatic Influence
Type: Arcane
Rarity: Exotic
Region: N/A
Is Hereditary?: No
Aquatic influence provides a few fishy interactions with different traits and mutations an elnin may currently have.
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- Fluff mutations an elnin already has (facial fluff, leggy fluff, pantaloons, maned, and spinal ridge) can take on a more finny appearance as long as the sizing of fins in place of these mutations stays roughly the same and does not obscure other traits.
- Cuttlefish style frills, frilled tendrils with a bell where they connect to the body, or a short small connected group of thick tendrils can be added in place of fins.
- The whiskers mutation may adopt a catfish-like tendril quality to them but sizing must stay roughly the same as what is allowed for standard whisker length.
- An elnin’s ears can be replaced by fins entirely or acquire fin-like accents on the ears themselves and either accent or replace an elnin’s existing ear fluff with fins.
- Finned ears must match the sizing of standard ears or any respective ear mutations in terms of fin size or direction.
- Be mindful if ears are replaced by fins or acquire fin-like accents elnin can still apply other ear mutations (pointed, rounded, petite, and oversized), but if you're applying a rounded ear mutation ears should appear rounder overall and if you're applying a pointed ear mutation ears should be coming to a sleek point. Mutations can be a bit undershown but nothing should be counter to what is present, so if you're trying to apply a rounded ear mutation alongside a more fishy ear but the ear looks pointed adjustments will be requested.
- Any finned ear accent fins can only drape as long as the elnin’s ear fluff would MP-wise.
- Fin accents can go along the edges of ear fluff, connecting where outer ear fluff typically would or replace the ear fluff entirely with long draping fins coming off of the ears.
- Finned ears must match the sizing of standard ears or any respective ear mutations in terms of fin size or direction.
- Additional Note: We understand that keeping fins appearing finny may be a challenging task and that some interpretations may appear to border on looking feather-like or plant-like.
- We ask an effort to differentiate fins from feathers be made by group members. Staff may recommend adjustments if needed. In general we want mutations and subtypes to be somewhat distinct from one another so we're asking that finny features not intentionally mimic feathers.
- For fins that appear reminiscent of plants, we just ask that specific plant textures be avoided in these areas. We know some fins may have plant motifs to them but they are still to remain fins or tendrils and not actual plants.
- Undine elnin with the "Aquatic Influence" arcane trait, can optionally sport mermaid-like tails when in gijinka state. (This change cannot appear in bipedal state.)
- An elnin's top half in a merjinka form always follows all human gijinka guidelines
- Their mer-tail style in gijinka form will always match one of the following, dependent on which the elnin has:
- Undine subtype tail style: Either a Flare (Finned), Bulb (Finned), or Whip (Finned) depending on which the nin has on their maserlist entry.
- Overwild (Aquatic) tail style: Matching whatever fishy tail the elnin has.
- Standard tail style: If Aquatic Influence is present on an elnin with a standard tail style their fishy tail gijinka option would be just a default fish tail that mirrors the elnin's standard tail colors and tail markings.
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