Submission (#1359) Approved

30 November 2020, 23:49:38 PST (3 years ago)
1 December 2020, 17:19:08 PST (3 years ago) by tatter


AP: Ealei
Elnin AP is for: Amirynth -
Other elnin: Malis -

Word count: 1,339


     "Half a basket so far an' only the mornin' past!" A large blue kittom bounced from branch to branch, a pawful of berries in hand and a bulging pouch at her side. "Think we'll get t' most gathered by t' time we get back?" Another jump brought her to the next berry-laden branch and she started picking, periodically reaching down to fill the second pouch on her hip. "How ya doin' anyways? Ya holdin' out ok?" The kittom looked down towards the small red faenin as she worked.
     Rynn dangled her feet over the water while sitting on a large root of the tree that Malis was climbing on. She looked up at her friend and nodded, paws wrapped around the basket that was half filled with mana berries. " Yes, I am fine. It is p-p-peaceful here." The faenin took a deep breath, tasting the salt on her tongue as the cool air filled her lungs. The lingering sweet cravings still followed her but at least now she was able to make small trips out. She was grateful for the change of scenery though, especially after the healers had mentioned the restorative properties of being out near the ocean was. The waters stretched out before her, the darkened shapes of the Palu'au Islands along the horizon. It was a clear day and she could even see the floating islands of Ilrian if she squinted. Well, if she turned her head and squinted, her eye never truly healed from the attack, leaving the world a milky white fog if she closed the good eye. Rynn took another deep breath and rolled a shoulders a few times. The healer had told her of a few stretches to do if she felt her energies start to 'wobble' as she called it. That funny sensation of bring pulled away into darkness from the pit of her stomach. Maybe that was why she craved sweets, to combat the hollow gnawing at her soul? No, she was not going to get sucked into that thinking again, not out here. Rynn shook herself and rolled her shoulders once more, throwing off the darkness for a little longer.
     Malis broke the peaceful silence, "Maybe we can go see the fishers an' hear t' stories about t' White Serpent later on if ya feel up to it?" The larger kittom swung down, hanging from her legs upside down as she regarded her companion. Even though she was smiling her usual toothy grin there was still an aura of concern in the corner of her eye. "Ya sure ya be ok?" The blue elnin swung herself down and flopped beside the tiny faenin reaching a berry-stained paw to tap her on her shoulder. "I'm here ya know?" she added encouragingly.
     As Malis' voice shattered her reverie and Rynn smiled, nodding once more. "I s-s-should b-b-be fine for at least a little longer. Are you s-s-sure you d-d-don't need any help?" While their friendship was still kinda new she always felt safe around the larger nin, her fur in many shades of blue reminding her of the ripples in the water. It was pure chance that brought them together, Rynn knew she was lucky that Malis had been around that day, but the larger nin's dedication of friendship was slowly winning her over when it came to actually trusting her. She still couldn't understand why Malis suddenly decided to look after her but she was glad it happened that way. Amirynth couldn't help but smile as the blue kittom bounced back up and struck a pose.
     "Nah, I'm good! I'm t' fastest an' strongest. Soon as I've finished my healin' trainin' I'm gonna be a knight an' protect those who need it most!" The heroic pose was only marred by the berry stained paws and slight hint of juice at the corner of her mouth. "Here, how much more do we need t' collect?" She carefully piled the mana berries from her pouches into the basket and peered in after them. With a quick nose scrunch she was back out into the branches to pick some more mana berries, using the roots as leverage when she needed to get higher up. "One more trip should do it an' then we'll go back an' see about that White Serpent! I've always wanted t' see it as it scares t' fish towards the fisherman an' such. Ya think if we asked it nicely that it'd give us a ride?"
     The crimson kittom shook her head, "B-b-but you don't like b-b-being in the water, Malis, how would you ride the serpent if it spends all it's days in the ocean?"
     "Ya got a good point t'ere! How about you go on t' ride an' I'll watch!" came the reply from above.
     Rynn giggled a little at the thought of Malis clinging onto the serpent's neck for dear life. While she was sure the blue kittom would never let herself in that position it was still amusing. She let her thoughts drift again as she watched the waves crash around the twisting roots of the wicker trees. In the little nook they were harvesting, the waves ended up as mere ripples and when Rynn looked down into the clear waters she could see fish and other creatures. She gasped as a few rainbow-coloured fish swam close to the surface, sunlight glinting off their scales. At some point she decided to make a mental note to look them up in a book for next time they came out here. It was very different from the flower-laden gardens of the hospital in Faerendell. The air was crisp and clear, almost crystalline in its sharpness with the salt adding that little kick to it. If it wasn't for Malis' distaste of the ocean she would suggest a longer visit. For now, however, she was happy to sit and relax, letting the beautiful view calm the nightmares that lay below the surface of her mind. It was almost time for the sun to start setting and she knew her companion would want to get back to the main village on the outskirts of Skyhaven before it was dark out. While most of the places were well lit, especially around the beaches, the village they were staying at was a little more inland and so wasn't quite as populated.
     Almost as if Malis came to the same conclusion, the shock of red dreads came into view followed by a grinning tusked smile. "I'm starved! How about yaself?" She flipped back over and deftly deposited the last of the mana berries into the basket. "Now where did t' straps on this basket go?" Malis hunted around for the rest of their walking gear before suddenly having a thought. She strode over to one of the near by trees and inspected the more streight branches. After picking out a sturdy one she took her knife to it and hacked off a good length. Stripping it of the fronds and then giving the tree a quick, thankful bow, she ran her paws over the smooth surface to check for splinters before handing it over to Rynn. "Here this should make t' trip a little easier for ya!" She then shouldered the basket after attaching the back-pack straps and turned to glance at her friend to make sure she was set.
     With a small blink of curiosity, Rynn suddenly understood what Malis meant. "Oh thank you." She took the staff and used it to get up off the root she had been sitting on. Testing her feet before taking too many steps she took a deep breath before starting her walk back. "I d-d-do believe food would be very nice when we get back to the village." She smiled as she added in jest, "Race you there?"
     Malis laughed in response, "Maybe in a month or two ya know?!" She linked Rynn's arm in hers and they made their way back before the sun set to enjoy some dinner after their harvest efforts.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 8


Thumbnail for MYO-ELN229: ⚔️ Amirynth ✩

MYO-ELN229: ⚔️ Amirynth ✩

Reward Amount
AP (Ealei) (Currencies) 1