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[LG-018] Winter Gifting Spirit
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Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: December 1, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - December 24, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 2
Prompt Description: #18 Create gift art of someone else's elnin. (To qualify for prizes, include a specified theme on your first entry.)
It's the end of the year, winter is in full swing (in most regions of Eyre) and it's the season for giving gifts to others. This year, there's an unusual rumour circling around -- a lesser mana spirit of some variety has been seen carting around a small number of kittoms. They say the spirit is looking for homes for these orphaned kittoms, specifically homes that are full of love and have demonstrated this by embracing the gifting aspect of the season.
No rewards.[LG-019] New Year Resolutions
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: January 1, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - January 31, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #19 Show an elnin's dream or goal to accomplish this year.
A new year means New Year Resolutions! Show an elnin's dream or goal for this year. Something they want to do, something they need to achieve, somewhere they want to go, maybe finding love this year ooooh, or is there a bad habit they need to break? Whether their goal is good or bad, show us what it is ^_~ (Let's see if they can achieve it this year.)
No rewards.[LG-020] Romantic Rendezvous
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: February 1, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - February 28, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #20 Show an elnin's romantic date, romantic attempts, or spending time with a loved one.
Once again, love is in the air~! Draw (or write) an elnin sharing their time with their partner, love interest, or if the elnin has none of those then spending quality time with a non-romantic loved one. All levels of love/romance are fine, from partners and married couples, to trying to woo a prospective love interest, to a kittom handing out gifts/cards because a parent or teacher told them to. (If you're aiming for the AP bonus, please make sure your background/location meets the theme... Surely there's romantic location somewhere in your chosen region? [Unless your aim is an unsuccessful romantic attempt, lol? XD]
No rewards.[LG-021] Spring Capers
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: March 3, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - March 31, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #21 Show an elnin enjoying springtime!
With winter gone, it's time for all elnin to make the most of springtime! Miasma has receded, the cold has thawed (unless you're in Strynhalde) -- it's time to take advantage of this nicer season. Perhaps your chosen elnin is enjoying the outdoors, whether energetically or in a more sedated manner (picnic weather even if it's not yet perfect beach weather!). Maybe it's time for gardening or just watching the flowers bloom (or baby animals out for the first time)....Maybe your chosen elnin is just really into spring cleaning! Who knows!
No rewards.[LG-022] A Growing Family
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: April 8, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - May 31, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP Per
Maximum Entries: 2
Prompt Description: #22 Celebrate Kittsunami 2019 by showing off your elnin and their family!
Spring is the time many elnin increase their families, so this month we'd like you to show off an elnin family! Maybe a new kittom with their parent/s, maybe several new kittoms together, blood-related elnin, adopted/fostered elnin/friends. All kinds of family are okay! (You're more than welcome to draw more nin/characters than is required for the bonus, though not at all required and there's no extra bonus for doing so... apart from a gorgeous family picture ^_~ ) Inside, outside, playing, napping, doing whatever your chosen elnin and their family like to do. Let's spend some quality family time together, okay?
No rewards.[LG-023] Starfall Faire Preparations
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: July 5, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - July 31, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #23 Preparations for Starfall Faire are being made!
This year's Starfall Faire is right around the corner! What will your Nin be doing to prepare for some of their own local celebrations? Perhaps they are even in a different region of Eyre to gather supplies for the Grande Faire!
Draw or write about your Elnin preparing for this year’s Starfall Faire, - are they going to make an outfit? What about fair activities? If they like to cook perhaps they are going to run a booth for others to partake in?
The Starfall Faire after all, is a giant party! Fireworks, food stalls, games and more are all activities that you can expect to see there, or perhaps expect to be setting up there!
This annual fair is one of the largest festivals in the Eyre, and run by no other than Elnin themselves!
No rewards.[LG-024] Tasty Traditional Treats
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: August 1, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - August 31, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #24 What traditional treat is your elnin preparing this month?
With the summer months in Eyre slowly waning and the end of Starfall Faire not far off many elnin are still enjoying what time is left before the miasma begins to thicken once more. All across Eyre elnin are sharing their favorite traditional foods.
What regional delicacies are being shared? Perhaps some tropical treats in the Palu'au Islands or seafood in Ealei? Surely there are plenty of foods to make. Maybe there are even a few dishes that are not so tasty...but it's polite to eat them, right?
Draw or write about your elnin making, enjoying, or sharing some traditional food they would find in the region they are in.
No rewards.[LG-025] Seasonal Shifts
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: September 1, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - September 30, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #25 How is your elnin getting ready for the coming of winter?
Unlike the seasons rumored in distant lands by visitors, winter on the horizon for Eyre has less to do with temperature and more to do with miasma. During the winter months the miasma across Eyre thickens making it difficult for kittoms and Elnin with less innate mana to spend as much time outside. For this reason the fall months are vital to taking care of any last minute preparations or activities outside.
What sort of things are elnin doing while they're still able to go outside more. Are they gathering food closer to the outskirts of town? Cleaning and airing out their homes before they hunker down for the winter? Playing outside or maybe learning a craft they can do to when going out is a bit more limited?
Perhaps elnin with more mana are preparing traveling supplies for a busier work season? Those that can travel may be working hard bringing supplies to those unable to leave home without feeling sick during the winter months. No matter what an elnin is doing from the commotion you can tell they are making the most of the remaining summer and coming fall weather.
No rewards.[LG-026] Masquerade Merriment
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: October 1, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - October 31, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #26 How is your elnin dressing up for the masquerade?
The Masquerade invites have been dispersed and many elnin are preparing to attend. They have to get dressed to impress though! What are they wearing? Are they in a specific region drawing upon the inspiration for a high fashion debut or maybe just passing through areas decked out in their best garments? Maybe they are off looking for that final accessory to finish off their ensemble. It's supposed to be quite the party so surely the attendees are doing their best.
Alternatively, they could still be following tradition with a more full cover mask to keep any concerning feyfolk away this Masquerade. Or maybe they just... didn't quite get the memo and arrive missing a mask altogether. It's a party, you never really can be sure what will happen or who might turn up.
No rewards.[LG-027] Tranquil Memories
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: November 1, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - November 30, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #27 With the nights getting longer and the miasma settling in for the season, what does your elnin do indoors to keep themselves entertained?
Everyone does something different. Perhaps they stay with family members to recall past adventures or celebrate the life of somenin they once knew at their town temple? This time of the year some elnin are not even able to leave their homes. It's time to get those cozy nin-tatoes ready for the lounge chairs with some snacks or perhaps they like to cozy up by the fire with their favorite plush toy? Play with a friend to build forts and play castle! For all one knows they like to relax with a nice large pile of books to read.
Bring the outdoors indoors by including a window and showing how each home is subtly influenced by the region your elnin resides in across Eyre. Do the Cherry Blossoms in Faerindell make it indoors to your dinner table? Perhaps a marsh moss collection from Enmir decorates your window sill? Do they bring a snownin into their home in Strynhalde only to have it melt in front of the fireplace? Some elnin might like to build their own Palu'au Beach scene indoors but with a roof, four walls, a door, and windows to keep them safe!
No rewards.[LG-028] Generous Gifting
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: December1, 2019 (12:00pm PST) - December 30, 2019 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP Total
Maximum Entries: 3
Prompt Description: #28 Create gift art of someone else's elnin or kittom!
Once again the end of the year has come around. Miasma is still strong during the winter season but what better way to spread some generosity and cheer than to make some gifts! It seems there are a few more orphaned kittoms that need homes this season and an adult nin looking for a place to stay. Maybe with all the good will they can find their home around Eyre.
No rewards.[LG-029] Returning Light
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: January 1, 2020 (12:00pm PST) - January 31, 2020 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #29 Draw or write about your elnin or kittom with their pomu lantern, or working to craft one either for themselves or helping a friend who may have their pomu already!
The annual quirky happenings of pomus are back again this time of year in Eyre. At the beginning of every year all pomus enter a hibernation state, where their bodies transform into a chunk of anima crystal that casts a shimmering and warm light as they float along behind their elnin host. Anima crystals match the pomu's host elnin's anima. As per tradition elnin are busy crafting lanterns designed to hold these floating pomu-crystals that can be seen trailing after them throughout their day.
Many elnin will attach bells and pieces of parchment or fabric with wishes written on them to their lanterns in hopes of bringing luck for the new year. For the lanterns themselves elnin get quite creative with various supplies. Given the personal nature of this tradition elnin will usually accept input and help from close friends when it comes to decorating their lanterns.
No rewards.[LG-030] Expressions of Affection
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: February 1, 2020 (12:00pm PST) - February 29, 2020 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #30 Draw or write about your elnin or kittom conveying their affection to their loved ones.
What language of love does your elnin pursue? Do they snuggle up to a loved one? Are they serenading a partner or crush they have? Perhaps their expressions of love are not of a romantic nature, comprised of gifting chocolates to a close family member instead? Or do their actions leave onlookers wondering where they learned that strange dance with the paw flailing and tail shaking? (What is it supposed to mean?)
There are lots of ways elnin can express their love to those they care about. Feel free to get creative! Eyre is also fairly vast so picking the right location to give a gift or spend time together may be pretty important to them.
No rewards.[LG-031] New Horizons
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Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: March 1, 2020 (12:00pm PST) - March 31, 2020 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #31 Draw or write about your elnin or kittom taking care of things around their hometown.
With Spring on the horizon there's a lot of things to experience and work to be done! What sort of wholesome activities is your elnin busy doing? Are they fishing up a gift for a neighbor or out catching bugs? Perhaps they are designing the perfect pattern for their new wardrobe?
One thing is for sure, the soft rumble of furniture sliding can be heard around elnin homes this spring as many are swept up in the urge to clean or get out into the fresh air after a long and stuffy miasmic winter. Toe beans are also quite generously covered in dirt from planting flowers. Now just where did that neighbornin leave their watering can again? Maybe your elnin will find it in a tree or fish it up somewhere...
No rewards.[LG-032] Playful Pranking
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: April1, 2020 (12:00pm PST) - April 30, 2020 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #32 Draw or write about your elnin or kittom preparing a harmless prank.
After some fey mischief some years ago elnin have learned to appreciate more harmless pranks a bit more than the dangerous kind. After a season of restless time spent indoors and all the spring cleaning out of the way a bit of humor and fun seems like it would do the Eyre community some good.
What sort of harmless pranks are elnins formulating? Are they well executed that they get a good laugh or does the prank backfire and turn the tables on them? When pranks pan out do they find themselves satisfied or apologizing? Does the prank leave the other party laughing or sending a naughty kittom to their room? It's hard to say. One thing is clear though, done right a little humor goes a long way...or perhaps some karma if a bucket of water douses the prankster instead.
And let no one forget that time the neighboring kittom left a cucumber behind their foster parent's pomu while it was munching on watermelon. Some recount it as being quite lackluster while the kittom argued to strangers how they had to be there to truly appreciate it. Some great harmless pranks just aren't appreciated.
(Note pranks should be harmless and good-natured. Given the close-knit nature of elnin communities your elnin wouldn't be performing a prank that could not be forgiven or laughed off.)
No rewards.[LG-033] Favored Flora
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: May 1, 2020 (12:00pm PST) - May 31, 2020 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #33 Draw or write about your elnin or kittom collecting or stumbling upon some of their favorite flora.
Eyre is home to a variety of flora and with miasma season fading into the past elnin are now finding an abundance of their favorite plants all over the place. Few could be troubled to pick them all with miasma hampering travel and those capable of weathering it have been busy with more important tasks. Now that elnin are getting out more they might even be seeking out specific flora in the area too.
What plants do elnin find? Is it just one very specific plant or multiple kinds? Perhaps they find it and cannot simply leave with just one and promptly stuff their basket full. Do they have a determined walk in their step as they plan to deliver a bouquet to a loved one or guardian? Do their selected flora have significant meaning to other elnin in the area or is it a personal fondness?
Are the flora they find only found in a certain region? What sort of environment does the plant grow in and how does that play into how it looks or has adapted to survive? Near or far elnin surely have something they are fond of.
No rewards.[LG-034] Hot Spot Tourism
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: June 1, 2020 (12:00pm PST) - June 30, 2020 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #34 Draw or write about your elnin or kittom visiting a popular tourist spot in Eyre that they've always wanted to visit!
It's summer time and miasma is at an all time low! Now is the time for elnin to get to traveling to the hot spot tourist attractions across Eyre! Some of them actually less hot than others (see strynhalde's lovely ice caverns)! What place have they dreamed of visiting over the harsh winter. Do they pick a far away location or somewhere local that has always entertained them and attracted new visitors to meet!
It's a scoop that Palu'au is quite well known for having some of the best umbrella drinks around and the view from Yggdrasil's upper branches in Ealei is quite delightful! The hotsprings in Strynhalde are nice warm well advertised oases while the hotsprings in Zevija are...not to beconfused with acid pools everynin! Zevija does however do some lovely tours of the acid pools, prominently warning they are prettier and safer at a distance. If elnin are looking for the more lush oases though a few can be found in Azha among all that sand that keeps getting between their toebeans.
Firefly displays and lanterns are popular in Enmir while Faerindell has its own gardens decked out for tourists to visit. Bellmoril some would say elnin have to get creative with to find tourist destinations, I mean there isn't a single bit of green on most of the warm hued trees but they do have some great books! Then there's the ever popular floating islands in Kyendi, of course tourists are warned not to get too close to the edges...but that's all part of the excitement right!
So get out there everynin and bring back word and pictures of the amazing spots you've discovered!
No rewards.[LG-035] Pomu Pandemonium
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: July 1, 2020 (12:00pm PST) - August 15, 2020 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #35 Draw or write about your elnin or kittom discovering their pomu has been replaced by a strange vaguely pomu-like totem...and their shadows are now a little bit strange?
Things seem just a bit amiss in Eyre and elnin really just aren't quite sure why. The pomu have all disappeared and in their place their elnin are left with only a strange totem bearing some resemblance to their pomu. The totems appear to vary in materials and range from detailed to vague. All totems have one thing in common though, the very characteristic oval mask-like face pomus have carved into the totems material. To make matters even more peculiar some elnins are experiencing total loss of their shadow while others say their shadows no longer look like their own, shaped like something foreign entirely like another mundane eyre critter or object. (Bears and chairs, oh my...)
How are they reacting to these peculiar circumstances when there's no clear indication of when their pomus and shadows will return?