Prompt Categories
Monthly Prompt
A category for prompts that run within a monthly timeframe, almost always ending on the last day of the month at 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time (PST). Be sure to read each prompt closely for any additional info as the number of months and submissions allowed can vary from prompt to prompt.
This category is broken down into a few different types of "Monthly" prompts:
[M-###] Prompts: The group's standard "Monthly" prompts that can only be done within the current month(s) specified on the prompt itself, after which they retire.
[MR-###] Prompts: The group's "Monthly Regular" prompts that can be done a specified number if times in a single given month. The number of times a prompt can be done each month will be listed on the prompt entry itself.
Seasonal Prompt
A category for prompts that change seasonally, roughly every 3 months (though there may be exceptions), these prompts almost always end on the last day of a month at 11:59pm Pacific Standard Time (PST). Be sure to read each prompt closely for any additional info as the number of months and submissions allowed can vary from prompt to prompt.
[S-1] Prompts: Usually run January through March every year.
[S-2] Prompts: Usually run April through June every year.
[S-3] Prompts: Usually run July through September every year.
[S-4] Prompts: Usually run October through December every year.
Special Quest
The category for Acts that make up specific Special Quests. To find out more about questing see our Questing Guide.
Resonance Quest
The category for Acts that make up the Resonance Quest. To find out more about questing see our Questing Guide.
Rank Unlock Requirements
A category for standalone Rank Unlock Requirements. You would only submit to prompts under this category if you are growing or ranking up your elnin and these rank unlock requirements were not fulfilled elsewhere (if they were a mini-requirement). Please see the Unlock Requirements section on the Kittom Edits & Growths page or Elnin Edits & Rank Ups page.
Legacy Prompts
Prompts that predate the World of Eyre website. (This is currently under construction. Please do not inquire about this category. When we will get to addressing this aspect is still to be determined!) owob