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[RUR-1] Villager Rank Unlock
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A prompt for submitting standalone Villager Rank Unlock Requirements.
You would only submit to this prompt if you are growing or ranking up your elnin and these rank unlock requirements were not fulfilled elsewhere (if they were a mini-requirement). Please see the Unlock Requirements section on the Kittom Edits & Growths page or Elnin Edits & Rank Ups page for guidelines.
No rewards.[RUR-2] Adventurer Rank Unlock
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A prompt for submitting standalone Adventurer Rank Unlock Requirements.
You would only submit to this prompt if you are growing or ranking up your elnin and these rank unlock requirements were not fulfilled elsewhere (if they were a mini-requirement). Please see the Unlock Requirements section on the Kittom Edits & Growths page or Elnin Edits & Rank Ups page for guidelines.
No rewards.[RUR-3] Noble Rank Unlock
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A prompt for submitting standalone Noble Rank Unlock Requirements.
You would only submit to this prompt if you are growing or ranking up your elnin and these rank unlock requirements were not fulfilled elsewhere (if they were a mini-requirement). Please see the Unlock Requirements section on the Kittom Edits & Growths page or Elnin Edits & Rank Ups page for guidelines.
No rewards.[LG-001] My Faire Elnin
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: July 9, 2016 (12:00pm PST) - August 14, 2016 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #01 Draw your elnin at the Starfall Faire!
This year's Celestial Vigil is hitting full swing, and the Starfall Faire is the best place to be for it! (Read about the Celestial Vigil [here] if you haven't already!) What does your elnin do to celebrate? Do they visit the festival stalls where they can find a mountain of food and fun games to play? Do they spend the nights watching fireworks and falling stars? Or do they join the tavern barbecues and get silly drunk with their friends? It can be just about anything!
No rewards.[LG-002] Masquerade
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: November 2, 2016 (12:00pm PST) - December 31, 2016 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #02 Draw your elnin with a warding mask.
This year, the miasma seems to be rolling in especially thick, and it has become fashionable for elnins to wear masks for protection from bad spirits. It is an old practice (previously rarely seen outside of certain rural villages) stemming from old stories about malevolent spiritkin not being able to see you if you wear a mask. There is actually some truth in this, as many spiritkin will react strangely to masks- some types becoming confused or frightened if they can't see your true face, as if you are some kind of faceless monster, while some other types of spirits will become flustered if you wear a mask on the back of your head or anywhere else on your body because they won't know which face to talk to. Warding masks range from whimsical to threatening, depending on the elnin and their own personal superstitions, but are usually elaborately carved or decorated with charms, bells, or other miscellany designed to drive away hostile apparitions.
No rewards.[LG-003] Lightbringers
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: January 24, 2017 (12:00pm PST) - March 31, 2017 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #03 Draw your elnin with a pomu lantern!
One of the quirky things that happens at the beginning of every year, is that all pomus enter a hibernation state, where their bodies transform into a chunk of phasmic crystal that casts a shimmering and warm light. While in this form, pomus will float along behind their elnin host as if tethered by an invisible string. If separated or otherwise removed from the elnin's vicinity, the pomu crystal will simply vanish and reappear nearby. Some speculate that this hibernation state is caused by the miasmic suppression that happens at the start of the year. Being that pomus are highly sensitive to ambient mana shifts, this theory seems very likely. Elnins have taken this odd behavior and turned it into their own special tradition by crafting lanterns designed to hold the floating pomu-crystals. During the first month of the year (and sometimes into the following month, length of hibernation varies between pomus), it is common to see elnins with these pomu-lanterns attached to their tails as they go about their day. It has become an almost reverent act over the years, the lanterns being a symbolic light that banishes the oppressive darkness of winter. Many elnins will attach bells and pieces of parchment or fabric to their lantern with wishes written on them in hopes of bringing luck for the new year.
No rewards.[LG-004] Gift Giving
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: July 7, 2017 (12:00pm PST) - August 31, 2017 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 3
Prompt Description: #04 Draw gift art for another person's elnin!
This year, while organizing Nalnalo's Grand Faire, Diel Mogurin had the notion that it would also be a wonderful thing if everyone could celebrate in the spirit of giving. Bearing this in mind, she coordinated a few fun raffles for this year's fairgoers to run in tandem with the usual events, where tickets would be handed out to folk that were seen doing good deeds for their fellow Eyresians.
The Grand Faire opens officially on the 15th, but there are already stalls and games going up all around Nalnalo. Spirits are high as everyone spends the warm summer nights under the growing array of festival lanterns all around, enjoying the cool ocean breeze, good food and merry music. Now get out there and have some fun!
No rewards.[LG-005] Faire Weather Friends
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: September 1, 2017 (12:00pm PST) - September 30, 2017 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #05 Draw your Elnin with another Elnin they met at the Starfall Faire!
The Faire is over and done with, but the friendships made during the festivities continue on.
Draw your Elnin with a friend after the Faire. Are they succumbing to common post starfall blues and need a companion to keep them company while they contemplate the coming dark months over a cup of hot tea? Maybe they're residents of an outlands region, already helping to get everyone ready for the coming hardships by stockpiling food, repairing buildings, etc. The months following the Grand Faire are usually a somber time, where folk will go back to their hometowns to be with family and friends, or just as commonly they go to Silveil with a new buddy to gamble away any melancholy. How does your elnin decide to spend their time with their new friend(s)?
No rewards.[LG-006] The Aegis Veil
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: October 1, 2017 (12:00pm PST) - October 20, 2017 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #06 Design a warding mask for your fellow Eyresians.
It would seem that recent years are showing an alarming trend of higher and higher miasmic density during the already treacherous months of fall and winter, when the normally reclusive feyfolk walk the mortal realms more openly. What was once an old practice (rarely seen outside of villages in fey infested territory), the act of wearing a mask to ward off malevolent spirits is becoming more and more common. Most of the feyfolk will react strangely to masks- some types becoming confused or frightened if they can't see your true face, as if you are some kind of faceless monster, while some other types of spirits will become flustered if you wear a mask on the back of your head or anywhere else on your body because they won't know which face to talk to. A few of the more unseelie variety of spirits might be dissuaded from attacking you directly if they feel threatened by your mysterious second face, viewing the mask as an unsavory unknowable element (many tell stories of angry whispers heard from close behind, malevolent fey wondering aloud if a mask will avenge the gruesome death of its wearer).
This year, on top of the usual weirdness surrounding the increase of fey activity, people have noticed some highly peculiar pumpkins popping up in equally peculiar places. Outside of houses, next to rarely traveled forest paths, inside of closets.... Pumpkins that seem to be pre-carved. And rather chatty on top of that, shrieking "TRICK OR TREAT!" at any who wander near. The pumpkins whisper when they think that no one is watching, hissing strange things like "Dark wings... darker hunger", "Dreamers, masked, unmask nightmares", "Frail veil veils wails.." and other such grim nonsense. The pumpkins also seem to be exhaling a thick fog, nothing poisonous as far as people have been able to tell.. but if enough of this dense substance gathers around, some have reported being able to see into the fog, as if there is something.. some place?... lurking beyond its murk.
No rewards.[LG-007] A Fey Sojourn
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: October 23, 2017 (12:00pm PST) - November 30, 2017 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 3
Prompt Description: #07 Design your elnin's feydream form.
It has now been a few weeks since the mysterious talking pumpkins first started springing up throughout Eyre. And now there are more and more reports that portals have begun to open up near the odd squashes. Disturbingly, these portals emit an almost irresistible call to everyone in the vicinity. The urge to enter the portal creeps into your dreams, manifests in whispers heard over your shoulder at dinner, a persistent itch somewhere unreachable that never quite goes away.
People have started to disappear...
It turns out the pumpkins are opening portals into the mysterious Aegis Veil. The squat gatekeepers will not let you enter the portal unless you are wearing a mask, hissing rude things at those who approach unadorned. But those that approach with faces veiled are welcomed greedily. When you come out on the other side you will find yourself... no longer yourself. The fairy realm is a strange place, and can do strange things to those who do not belong. In this case, it is transforming those that enter into fantastic creatures, hybrids of their former selves and the mask they wear upon entering. This phenomenon is being called the feydream form, a state of being that defies all logic, yet exists all the same. Some say that your feydream form is an echo of your spirit as the fey might view it, and in their realm it becomes your reality.
No rewards.[LG-008] Reflections
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: December 1, 2017 (12:00pm PST) - December 31, 2017 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 3
Prompt Description: #08 Draw gift art for another person's elnin!
It's been a pretty crazy year, and as 2017 draws to a close, we thought it'd be nice to do another purely gifting prompt. Just keep it nice and simple to close out the year for you guys, since I know holidays are always incredibly busy. I hope everyone is able to spend time with the ones they love this year, and I hope you guys get to have a bit of fun gifting some art on the side. <3
No rewards.[LG-009] A Winter Farewell
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: January 3, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - January 31, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #09 Winter on Eyre will soon be waning. How does your elnin enjoy the final cold months?
Draw your Elnin doing any number of winter related activities, playing in the snow, running around in a snowsuit, cuddled up next to a fire with a cup of cocoa and a good friend, or maybe even spending some quality time with their pomu before the Lightbringer festival. It's entirely up to you! The main requirement is simply that it keeps with the spirit of winter. <3
No rewards.[LG-010] Love is in the Air
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Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: February 1, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - March 31, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #10 The time for romance is upon us! How does your Elnin spend time with their special some-nin?
Draw an Elnin couple doing something romantic. How do they spend their alone time together? How did they meet? What is their favorite thing to do as a couple? Or anything just generally cute and romantic! <3
If you don't have any romantic pairings, or your Elnins are kittoms, feel free to just draw platonic relationships / friendships! <3
No rewards.[LG-011] A Fey in Need
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: April 1, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - April 30, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #11 Help out the sylphs, and maybe it's possible to bring back the missing kittoms!
A spring sylph appears before you out of the blue, two brightly colored seedlings fluttering around them in agitation. "Hey!" she sings excitedly right into your face, "Listen!" It's more than a little odd to see one of the shy sylvankind so boldly approaching a mortal. But there she is, and boy is she insistent on getting your attention... "Mortal! I need your help. With a problem. My problem. Not just mine. Well, mostly mine. Or. Mostly not mine maybe?" The creature chatters in a string of short bursts, her voice high pitched and sing-songy. "Listen!" she all but shrieks in a tiny panic. "It's very important. My problem. Our problem. The Breglin should stop. Stop stealing things. Well, these things, anyway. Too many. Taking up space. Making noise. But WORSE! The Breglin! Doesn't make
. No more
for us. It's terrible. Terrible!"
From what you can gather as this tiny fey continues her endless stream of words, is that there is a particular feykind called the Breglin (who is -was- apparently a fantastic cook by the emphasis the sylph puts on the word "treats"), and this Breglin has been stealing.. stealing what exactly? You wonder, then ask.
"Furry things. They wiggle and cry. We make them sleep. Take them away. From the Breglin. Otherwise. Will use for the not treats." The slyph's expression twists into a frightening scowl. "The not treats are just. The worst. THE WORST. Breglin used to make treats. For us and ours. Delicious earthy things. Now, the worst. Would rather die!" She spins in place, her face a mask of displeasure. "Would die!" Her continued descriptions of the Breglin's shift in culinary preferences paints a vivid picture.
But the realization of what else the slyph is describing is a slowly dawning horror. Her fragmented explanation hints that this Breglin, once a friend of the Spring Court, is a victim of a serious case of gloaming sickness- the faerie equivalent of mana poisoning. But the worst part of her story, the one that takes longer to piece together is that this seems to be the explanation of the disappearing kittoms. It makes sense that it was a faerie thief, the way everyone's memory was being altered. But.. wait.. has this demented creature been.. COOKING THEM and trying to serve them to the other feyfolk?? You hastily demand more information, some clarification, a denial, anything! Your imagination immediately begins to spin wildy.. those poor poor kittoms! Thankfully the sylph chimes in immediately, "Merry maiden, no! Well.. Not anymore." She looks genuinely remorseful before continuing. "We did not know. Not at first. But after... We take them. When the Breglin returns. We take them. And make them sleep. But you know. We lose a lot of things. They are fine." The sylph gives a little shrug. "But around. Around somewhere. They'll show up. Maybe. Or!" Her expressive face rearranges itself into a giddy grin. "This can work. You help us. We help you...?"
No rewards.[LG-012] Summer Break
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Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: June 1, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - June 30, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #12 Draw your Elnin on a summer vacation or trip!
It's summer, and Elnins all around Eyre all dreaming of a Summer vacation... How would your Elnin spend their summer vacation? Are they all about fun in the sun, or do they prefer peace and quiet? Share stories of your Elnin's summer vacation by drawing or writing!
No rewards.[LG-013] Starfall Preparation
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: July 7, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - July 31, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #13 The annual Starfall Faire is coming up soon! How does your nin prepare?
Draw your Elnin preparing for this year's Starfall Faire. They could work on decorations, their own outfit/accessories, planning Faire activities. Perhaps their activities are less planning and more a celebration that the Faire is on at all -- the threat of the Breglin and kidnapped kittoms caused a long delay as no nin was quite sure if they wanted to celebrate while their youngest and more vulnerable were in danger. But the same fae that previously begged for help now report the situation is sorted and the kittoms are safe once again. What your elnin does in preparation of the Starfall Faire is entirely up to you! The main requirement is simply that it keeps with the spirit of the upcoming celestial celebration. <3
No rewards.[LG-014] Starfall Gifting
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: August 4, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - August 31, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #14 In the celebratory mood of Starfall, create a gift art of an Elnin not owned by you!
Draw gift art for an Elnin that isn't yours! It could be of that Elnin participating in this year's Starfall Faire, or if they're not the type to attend, what are they doing instead? The Faire's activities are nearly limitless: food and stalls, lanterns and lights, water activities (being based at the foot of Yggdrasil) or perhaps they wanted to venture higher up into Eyre's largest tree, Faire and festival games, fireworks, falling stars and will-o-wisps... It's up to you!
No rewards.[LG-015] Nin At Work
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: September 1, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - September 30, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #15 Show your elnin performing their current job - or for kittoms, a dream or child's version of their desired profession.
Starfall Faire is over, so it's time to get back to your day jobs! Showcase your elnin in their everyday job. Whether it's big or small, all trades are important to keeping a successful community running smoothly. Whether your elnin is a Villager or a Royal, they all have their own vital role to play in keeping Eyre functioning. For kittoms, you can draw either the kittom acting in their desired job (as if a dream sequence, aka. boardroom kittom) or a more realistic depiction of your kittom practising a necessary skill (eg. a future hairstylist making a mess of some poor other elnin's lovely hair). Please do not age your kittom up or use any unofficial designs!
Work hard, everynin!
No rewards.[LG-016] Dress to Distress
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: October 1, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - October 31, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: No
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #16 HALLOWEEN?? It's time to d-d-d-d-dress up! Draw your elnin in a Halloween costume.
Halloween is here and we all know what that means. (The spirit realm is invading our own. Wait, no, that was last year. False alarm.) It means candy and pumpkins and best of all... costumes! Draw your elnin getting into the Halloween spirit. Scary costumes, fun costumes, pretty costumes -- whatever your nin likes. Almost as important is what your nin gets up to while in costume. Are they Trick or Treating? Hoarding the candy for themselves (Rin will fite you for it, okay)? Decorating? Seance? Enjoying a less commercial form of remembering the departed?
[We do request for the sake of less confusion that if your costume involves features that can be found on certain special elnin -- such as wings, fae features, and various mutations -- that you try and make it obvious that they are 'fake' <3 ]
Party hard, everynin! Don't get too sick on candy!
No rewards.[LG-017] Fall-ing For You
This is a Legacy Prompt. Show details for more info.
Legacy Prompts are special prompts specifically open for archival purposes.
Legacy prompts will not allow new submissions. Only old prompts that were submitted and approved into their respective closed DeviantArt prompt folder will be allowed through as a Legacy Prompt submission. Those old prompts must be submitted to their corresponding Legacy Prompt on the website. Prompts must still currently be in those folders to apply. Doing this prompt will not earn you any new or additional currencies!
Please visit our Prompt Archive page for more info on Legacy Prompts and rules on submitting them as this blurb is not all-inclusive.
Original Duration: November 1, 2018 (12:00pm PST) - November 30, 2018 (11:59pm PST)
AP Eligible: Yes — 1AP
Maximum Entries: 1
Prompt Description: #17 Spend time with your family or loved ones while enjoying the Fall season.
It's November and we know what that means! Thanksgiving! Wait, that's not an Eyre holiday... It's a lovely Fall season and time to make sure your loved ones know you appreciate them! Draw your elnin (or an elnin of your choice) enjoying the Fall season with their family or friends. Inside, outside, day or night, dinners or adventures... How will each nin show their appreciation?