End of July Update!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Starbask

July flew by and we're almost to August! Here's a quick update to address a few things!

Moderator Applications Reminder

As July comes to a close at the end of this week, the moderator application form window will also be closing on July 31st at 11:59pm! If you're interested in applying to be a moderator for the group, please read the news post about it here! The forms can also be found on that post.

DeviantArt Group Galleries

Historically, certain group galleries were open for anyone to submit to, but due to some abuse of this in the past, we've decided to adjust how we handle submissions to the group's dA gallery moving forward. Very soon, we'll require every submission to the group's dA galleries to be approved by staff before it is shared in the group.

Users are still welcome to submit their art or journals to the respective group galleries on dA. Once submitted, moderators will check regularly to make sure submissions go through if they do not break any group rules. We hope this will help keep things more vetted for community members that are still active in our dA's group spaces!

DeviantArt Masterlist

Soon we'll be putting masterlist entry deviations into storage to finalize our masterlist being fully on the World of Eyre site. We've been wanting to solidly retire all aspects of the dA masterlist for a while now, and we've stopped updating a number of things there as the years have gone on to keep our focus on the masterlist here. The manaseed account will still remain a group moderation account on dA but it will not be checked as regularly as things on site moving forward. The masterlist transfer journal on manaseed will still be active for users who want to transfer a nin but not make a WoE account, we just ask that you link the WoE masterlist entry instead of the one that used to be on dA! Thank you.

Starfall Faire 2023

This Starfall Faire will be a bit quieter than last year, but we're aiming to have it start some time mid to late August and run through September this year. We will not be doing any sales for this event. As fun as it is to have guest artists, we felt timelines this summer would be a bit tight. Rather than rush anything and end up with overwhelmed artists and staff, we're going to aim to do some smaller activities and possibly a raffle to keep things a bit lighter.

In recent years, we've been trying to rotate which events get a little more time and thought sunk into them. This year, Feyhallow will probably be a little later than usual in light of Starfall Faire running a bit later. We hope to give Feyhallow a little extra attention compared to Starfall Faire depending on how planning goes. We're excited to see what fun we can cook up for group members to enjoy!




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