
MYO-ELN306: Castelia

Owned by Silverlunarscape
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Born into an uptight family, Castelia naturally acquired a sophisticated elegance and reserved nature.  Her parents shaped her into the child they wanted her to be- she's quiet, very polite and obedient. As a result, Cassie both longs for independance and fears it. She longs to discover who she truly is, and to recover her once advenurous flair that was quickly suppressed in her youth; but the moment she leaves the family home she's flooded with uncertainty. It's not easy for her to adjust from her once sheltered life, but overly cautious Cassie eventually learns to embrace her true self - a fun loving nin with expensive taste for the upper class, who truly feels alive now she is free. The kind of girl who would buy a ballgown on a whim, forget she's wearing it, run around in the mud all day, then have it cleaned back to pristine condition as soon as she's done. 

Cassie loves the company of others and makes an effort to earn their trust, she is a good listener and is eager to hear about people's passions - in a cheeky hope that someday she'll discover something she's very passionate about. She also adores the presence of company due to her sheltered upbringing- having private education and weary parents around any potential 'friends' Cassie would make left her alone most of the time. To make up for this alone time, her parents would often try and keep her entertained by taking her to balls and other expensive parties, or buying her extravagant gifts so they could continue to work uninterrupted . As a result, she became quite close with the maids and butlers occupying her estate, as she would often see them more frequently than her mothers. 


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