
Offsite Profile MYO-ELN008: Shion

Owned by Rainywren
  • 🍀 name: Shion
    🍀 music:  TBD ♪
    🍀 pronouns: he/him
    🍀 appearance: masterlist accurate
    🍀 traits: TBD
    🍀 vibe: TBD

  • 🍀 bonds:
    ♡ TBD

  • 🍀 about: 

    A certain determination glints in his eye as of late...

    Shion has never been an elnin of many words, often coming across as skittish and cowardly, sulking, and even a touch callous. When confronted by others for good or ill, he swiftly makes an exit elsewhere if he's given the chance. There's an obvious intelligence about him in how he speaks and carries himself, but most of his energy seems directed at keeping others at a severe distance.

    While working at the library allows him some amount of isolated comfort, his previous guardian made certain that he would still be forced to socialize and improve this bitter attitude. It's had mixed results, especially now said guardian moved away to experience the world with a new caravan company.

    A slow realization is dawning on Shion that he cannot wait for anyone else to lead the way into his future, showing a renewed determination to study magic and anima...

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