
ELN942: Jubilee

Owned by LizzyJun



Jubilee is an Elnin that lives up to her name and is generally a joy to be around.  That is not to say she is always beaming with happiness, but rather she is easy to get along with and tries to appease everyone she can by being pretty agreeable.  She can be seen as clever and quite logical.  Some might say she is lazy, but truth be told, if this Elnin wants to do something, she will do everything in her power to make it happen.  In a sense, she is just selectively lazy.  This Elnin likes to collect various items, depending on the flavor of the month.  Sometimes they will be toys, sometimes books, sometimes art, the list really does change a bit flippantly.  She does also enjoy playing with art supplies, and some might even say her little projects are actually even good!  She can be creative, but much like her various collections, her inspirations tends to vary randomly.


NAME ➤ Jubilee

GENDER ➤ Female

POMU ➤ Happy

OCCUPATION ➤ Sylvan Winds Courier Services

RESIDENCE ➤ Faerindell


Jubilee was born into a loving family.  Her mother, Whimsy, ran a well known Kittom Daycare in Faerindell, but that didn't mean she spent all of her time with just her mother.  Her older sister, Pastel, also ran a Bakery.  When the Day Care was sometimes too crowded, Pastel would take Jubilee off of their mother's paws.  As an easily pleased kittom, Jubilee was quite content keeping Pastel company while doing errands.  Here Jubilee gained an appreciation as a kittom for hard work.

Nobody knew why, but sometime during her childhood, Jubilee spontaneously seemed to gain a puff of fur around her neck, and two wings on her back.  Nobody could explain such a transformation, but at the same time, nobody felt the need to think on it too hard.  As far as anybody was concerned, Jubilee was simply just the same easily pleased kittom she had always been.

As time passed, Jubilee found she had a talent for helping Pastel with deliveries of her delicious baked treats.  She found it made her heart smile to see how happy the other residents of Eyre would be in receiving some fresh baked goods.  She might not have been a dire elnin, but she knew that she could carry heavy things pretty well.  This sort of appreciation for delivering goods to others became a sort of motivating factor for her as an adult.  She would apply and get hired as a Courier for a Faerindell based Courier Company, the Sylvan Winds Courier Services.  Where as they might not have given her the heaviest loads to transport (they had Kyunru for that), Jubilee was considered a reliable courier amidst the ranks, willing to travel to whichever regions were requested of her.  Though she is kept busy with her travel for her work, as long as she is able to find a bit of time to relax and flex her creative muscles, Jubilee will continue to be her usual happy self!




It might seem like he is the complete opposite of Jubilee at times, but ultimately he is her soulmate.  They met in the wastelands of Zevija while Jubilee was making a parcel delivery.  After hanging out, camping, and talking together, they found that they were quite fond of each other.  Though both of them travel quite a bit for their work, they have promised their partner that they belong to each other.  They each wear a matching Emberite ring on their paw to show their commitment to the other.


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HTML by Sharky for LizzyJun

  • Gift art is allowed