
Offsite Profile ELN829: Balthazar

Owned by Rainywren
  • 🍀 name: Balthazar
    🍀 music:  TBD ♪
    🍀 pronouns: he/him, they/them
    🍀 appearance: masterlist accurate
    🍀 traits: TBD
    🍀 vibe: TBD

  • 🍀 bonds:
    ♡ TBD

  • 🍀 about: 

    An ominous-looking elnin with a gentle heart, who guides those lost in the forest.

    Led astray by an ill-meaning fey during his childhood, he wandered lost in the dark woodlands and marshes of Eyre, unable to find his way home through perilously shifting miasma. It would be some time before he encountered a nest of three fledgling crows, under attack by an unspeakable horror: a hideous monster whispered to be the Nightmare Stag, whose voracious appetite knew no bounds. Paralyzed with dread, his newfound pomu barely managed to tug Balthazar and the two surviving crows to safety.

    As a kittom, Balthazar was haunted by his failure to act that night and promised the crows he would protect them. In kind, the crows showed him how to scavenge the forest and survive. They became like brothers: growing, training and traveling together yet never leaving the forest's edge. Balthazar had seen the exit to the forest clearly several times since that fateful encounter, but felt bound to the woods.

    If he were to leave, who would be left to stop the Nightmare Stag?

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