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Offsite Profile ELN2991: 🌱 Kiriko aka Sprout 🌱

Owned by wintry-chan

Name: Kiriko  (child of the Paulownia tree) 摐子

Nickname: Sprout (given by Hazel as she sprouts things)

Mate: N/A




Hazel: Adoptive older sister that puts up with Kiriko and watches over her shenanigans. Sometimes poor Hazel is a bit hopeless with Kiriko as she goes around sprouting stuff all over when she gets excited and up to no good, which tends to exhaust all her energy. Hazel has been trying to teach the kittom to hone her craft instead of burning herself out quickly. But it can't be help the kittom gets easily excited. Hazel gave Kirko the nickname of "Sprout" as she goes around making plant sprouts from her Altar of Renewal.

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