Submission (#5368) Approved

15 May 2023, 14:40:24 PDT (1 year ago)
20 May 2023, 15:43:46 PDT (1 year ago) by tatter


Plant: Beary Berry - Grown on golden bushes in Bellmoril, these berries peak out from golden leaves as they mature. These leaves will gain small bumps to each side, almost as if like a bear's ears (thus its namesake). It isn't exactly a good berry for cooking or baking, due to a very underwhelming flavor, but it is still popular just due to the fact it has a gimmick. The only thing it is good for in any dish is adding a slight red tinge. It will still frequently be used in pastries (which frequently will be made into bear shapes as well). Anybody want a Beary Berry Pie?

Regional Affinity: Bellmoril
Elnin: Ari [MYO-ELN307]



Reward Amount


Thumbnail for MYO-ELN307: Ari

MYO-ELN307: Ari

Reward Amount
AP (Bellmoril) (Currencies) 1


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LizzyJun's Bank

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