Submission (#3188) Approved

20 February 2022, 18:04:29 PST (2 years ago)
21 February 2022, 20:41:07 PST (2 years ago) by tatter


Elnin: Sunflower [ ]
Region: Faerindell
Aspect: Pink Trees / Colorful Flowers / Faerie Shrouds
Word Count: 386


Her father had given her the name ‘Sunflower’ based off the design on her back. In her home region of Kyendi, there isn’t any flower that reminds her of the design she was born with.

When she visits Faerindell, her entire perspective of what a flower truly is would change. Her eyes would be momentarily blinded by all the different colors of the petals of faerindell flowers. Once her eyesight returned to her she would step out into the region and take in the sight of all the flowers and the lush green grass hidden underneath them. Not only would there be yellow and orange flowers, colors she expected based on the design on her back, but she would also see flowers that are bright pink, deep purple, and petals the same blue color of the sky.

Sunflower would be almost hesitant to approach the flowers. With pink petals floating in the wind, she would worry that a single touch would send the flower petals on the plant flying and destroy the flower. Upon closer inspection and watching the ‘pink petals’ falling from the trees, she would see that they weren’t petals at all, but the leaves on the trees! Instead of green leaves, the trees had pink leaves! With that in mind Sunflower would step over and gently brush a paw against one of the pink flowers, enjoying the velvety touch of their petals.

While it wasn’t pink flower petals floating from the sky, that didn’t mean there weren't flowers up there. Sunflower would look over at one of the trees with pink leaves and notice something purple hanging off the branch. It was a mass of purple flower pets dangling down and was almost as long as the kitten was. The branch had several more dangling flowers, ranging from purple to blue to pink. If she got on her hind legs, Sunflower could reach up and touch one of the blue dangling flowers. A passerby noticed her curiosity and informed her that those flowers were called Faerie Shrouds.

So many types of flowers, and there was so much of Faerindell to explore to see them all. While Sunflower doubted she would ever get used to seeing so much color at once, she would be happy to see all the flowers Faerindell had to offer.


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AP (Faerindell) (Currencies) 1


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