Submission (#2832) Approved

19 October 2021, 17:54:34 PDT (2 years ago)
24 October 2021, 12:34:54 PDT (2 years ago) by night-class


Elnin: Dawn ( ELN2396 )
ft. Marco and Mason
Region: Silveil
Word count: 1008


Autumn was in full swing now. Even in the dark regions of silveil the change of weather was noticeable. The wind that was gentle and warm now had a bite and chill to it, threatening to give those who decided to wear light clothing a sniffle and cough if they weren’t careful. The cooler weather also brought about the Feyhallow to Eyre. Feyhallow celebrations were in full swing in Silveil, but Dawn wasn’t contributing much to them. It wasn’t like she didnt like the autumn celebration, it was just that there were others she enjoyed more.

Dawn found herself in the heart of Silveil City. A dark sky hung above her, as usual. The lights here were far from what she saw on a daily basis. Dawn lived in the more rural part of Silveil right outside of the city, where the main source of light were the soft glows of the fauna and flora, like glowing mushrooms and flowers to light her way. In Silveil City, the lights were much more bright and powerful than those of the mushrooms and flowers outside the city. The light colors were much more intense as well, illuminating the city with yellows and oranges rather than blues and purples. The kitten found herself rubbing her eyes often, having a hard time getting used to the change.

In the midst of rubbing her eyes and being distracted, she was caught by surprise when she heard someone calling her name. Dawn forced her eyes open and looked around to see her friend Marco standing nearby, waving both his paws in greeting. What on earth was he doing here? Silveil was a good distance from Bellmoril. Regardless, Dawn smiled softly as she trotted over to give him a warm greeting and a hug. Marco explained that he was here with his brother. He also went on to say that the Feyhallow celebrations were different here than they were in Bellmoril, which was pretty neat. Dawn listened curiously as Marco then began to explain that he heard that elseworlds also celebrated Feyhallow, but instead of wearing masks they wore full blown costumes! She was amused by the dreamy look in her friend’s eyes as he said that. When Marco finally took a moment to catch his breath, Dawn asked if he wanted a costume of his own? She watched the other kitten’s eyes light up and said yeah, he would! But where could he get one? Dawn suggested that they could make it together. She had supplies back at her house which isn't too far from the city. If they were going to be in town for a while, she would be happy to help him make one. Marco loved the idea, and after he checked in with his brother to make sure it was okay to step out of the city for a while Dawn took his paw and led him out of the city.

The change between the urban and rural area of silveil was significant, especially for Dawn’s friend who wasn't used to living in the region. Marco stayed close to Dawn and tried his best to see around in the darkness. Dawn was silently amused by how big Marco’s eyes were in the dark, trying it’s best to use the light from the nearby glowing mushrooms to make sense of his surroundings. She was happy enough leading ehr friend through the dark, and eventually they two kittoms reached the small house where Dawn lived.

Marco believed that the hard part was over, meanwhile Dawn believed the actual crafting of the costume would prove more difficult than walking down a path. Dawn rummaged around her house and pulled together many materials they could use - cloth, a tape measure, dyes, paper, thread, scissors, sewing needles, dried flowers, bendable twigs, sequins, buttons. Dawn helped her friend pick out what they needed for what he envisioned and the two began working on Marco’s costume. Or rather, Dawn began working on the difficult parts while Marco did his ebay to help where he could and kept her entertained by chatting with her.

Thread, buttons, and cloth began to take shape before their very eyes. Dawn ignored the small sharp pokes of pain that nipped at her paw pads every now and then from the sewing needle, not wanting to worry her friend. She was more focused on getting their project done than her own well being and she was tough, she could handle a few pokes. Eventually her hard work and time proved fruitful, as several hours later Marco was now wearing a gold and brown outfit that made him look like a dragon, complete with a dragon head hood that went over his head so he could still see clearly while looking like the beast he had told Dawn about. The yellow kittom was delighted, rushing over to a mirror to admire himself. While he was away from the workspace she created Dawn scooped up the remaining thread and cloth and put them away.

She turned and began to ask Marco if he was ready to go. She saw the other kitten standing in front of her. In his paws was a flower crown made out of the dried leaves and twigs she had in her collection of materials. He flashed her a smile and said that he hoped it was alright if he used these, but he wanted to make Dawn something. She wasn’t a fan of wearing costumes, but perhaps something small like this would be alright? Dawn nodded and smiled, which grew brighter when Marco placed it on her head. Now the two were dressed up for Feyhallow.

Returning to Silveil City was a little easier for the two kittoms. The bright yellow lights in the distance were enough to guide their way, and they returned to the city much more quickly than they had to Dawn’s house. The two met up with Marco’s brother, and the three spent the evening eating dinner together and enjoying the Feyhallow mood in the city.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 8


Thumbnail for ELN2396: ✿ Dawn ✿

ELN2396: ✿ Dawn ✿

Reward Amount
AP (Silveil) (Currencies) 1