Submission (#2052) Approved

21 January 2021, 20:58:21 PST (3 years ago)
27 January 2021, 12:10:29 PST (3 years ago) by Starbask


Regional Affinity: Kyendi
Claiming Regional Affinity for: (ELN1200)
Word Count: 1766

This is for my resonance quest, act 1, I'll also be using it for my adventuring outfit mini requirement for adventurer rank.
My Elnin (#1575) Atlas was the adult used in the act and my kittom Feya (#1069) was the lost kittom.


Vivid blue skies sprawled nearly endlessly above the region of Kyendi below, offering warm sunshine and another bright day for the lush lands. Though Taiki had traveled nearly all over Eyre now, this place was still very new to him but with Atlas by his side he wasn’t as nervous as he thought he would be. The much larger Elinin had been called there to help look for a tiny lost kittom and seeing as adventuring was all that Taiki talked about, he had offered for him to come along. 


Excited to help someone in need, he carefully stretched out his legs as he sat on the edge of a crate. It was very rare he tried to use his bipedal form and it still felt a bit foreign to him but he had been assured it would make traveling through the thick jungle easier and seeing as he had little experience in the regard--he couldn’t help but go along with it. Paws tugged on leather boots, the young kittom wiggling his toes inside with a toothy grin on his face. It felt so weird but the mud would be thick if it rained and they’d only get slowed down. The lost kittom had already been gone for a few days and the village had a small idea in which direction at least. 

Jumping up off the crate, he steadied himself and walked towards the mirror against the wall, leaning carefully there in the little INN room Atlas had gotten for them when they arrived the night before on a caravan. His satchel from home that Sybella gave him as a parting gift was slung over his shoulders and it filled him with a bit of homesickness. The leather now a bit worn compared to his fresh new boots but he refused to replace it. Instead he had paired a dark pink vest with it, the buttons black and shiny which made him glad he had been able to get something else sewn for the adventure. 


It seemed each time he thought he was headed home another adventure called him from the safe pink trees he was so used to. Carefully, he tied the cape around himself, swishing the heavy fabric playfully and trying to ignore the bad uneven stitches. He had made it himself so it lacked quality but he was so very proud of it even if it was simple in shape. 


“Taiki, it’s time to go.” Atlas walked within the little room, pulling back the draped fabric that was used as the door flap. A faint smile was on his face as he looked at the little kit once over. He was certain the pink and black kittom would be able to help him on this mission and they’d be back before they both knew it. Somehow he was proud of him though, Taiki had changed the grumpy blue and white Elinin to something a bit more nurturing--him and all his friends really over the last year. “Comin!” Taiki exclaimed, already wondering how grand of a story this would be when he returned home to the others. 


Quickly he grabbed one of the maps off the table and dashed right past the other Elinin who only smiled and followed, glad to see the boy so excited. 


The way out the town wasn’t very hard, just wooden bridges that creaked under weight that lead from the town nestled in the Jungle out into more untamed areas. The trees here seemed so very tall with leaves so vibrant in greens and vines that swung in the damp winds. Already Taiki was enthralled in the sights before him, the kittom balancing well in this form the longer he walked on two legs. “What does the kittom look like Atlas?” his voice was already half distracted, stopping to look at moss growing up a tree. The little kit could feel a paw on his shoulder that guided him deeper into the jungle and back on the path only Atlas seemed to be able to see in the tall grass and thick muddy trails. “About your age. It seems they ran off in a huff and it’s up to us to find them and bring them home. Once you're an adult there will be many times you will have to help other Elinin and even kittom one day.” 


They were wise words and Taiki truly hoped he’d be able to uphold such a thing when he was an adult himself. 


The jungle sprawled out before them the longer they walked, and soon the morning and afternoon light had settled into the beginning of evening. “We’ll have to stop here for now Taiki, go gather some wood for a fire, I’ll check the map.” Atlas reached out for the parchment and Tai handed it over, wiggling in his boots and trying to flick the mud off. “I’ll be back then!” he turned and his silky tail trailed after him, the voice of the older Elinin filling his fluffy ears. 


“Stay close!” 

The warning feel of nearly deaf ears though as Taiki found himself already a few feet away, hopping over a little bubbling stream with a playful laugh. He loved being out and about and having two legs did make things easy. Readjusting his bag a bit around him, he began to pick up sticks, examining them all carefully before getting a nice little bundle in his arms. Satisfied, he turned to look for the camp Atlas had surely made by now and found himself surrounded only by towering trees and lush bushes bearing fruit. Could he have truly gotten lost when he was supposed to be out here rescuing another?


Shaking his head quickly, he used a paw to push black and pink strands from his eyes as he blinked around. It would be dark soon enough if he didn’t hurry back and Atlas would be plenty mad if he had to look for two kittoms. Unsure and taking a deep breath, he hoped natural instinct would lead him back and began the small trek through bushes and green grass. Instead of rediscovering his path however, he found himself tumbling out onto moss covered crumbling stone, muzzle parted in awe as he looked upwards at what must have been a ruin. Large stones raised upwards, rivaling the trees and their tall branches with their arched walls. It really was a site with vines growing in a spiraling pattern upwards. What could this place once have been? 


Moving forward carefully with curiosity, he sniffed the air and was able to pick up the scents of flowers and some type of water source. Interested in what secrets could possibly be here, he moved forward, looking around with excitement. The entire place seemed forgotten to time but seemed to come alive with it’s new visitor moving through it’s old structure. “H-Hello?” Taiki found himself calling out as he stood atop a cracked old pillar that had long ago fallen over. It’s once flawless marble now entangled with vines and moss. Twitching his ears, Taiki thought he could hear the faintest sound of something else moving around. 


Remembering that they were indeed out here to find someone, he leapt down, his cape fluttering with him as he walked as quick as he could towards the sound. The sun was setting now, it’s vibrant oranges and pinks ready to give way to brillant stars. “I won’t hurt you, are you lost?” his voice sounded more confident as he moved further into the ruins, soon forgetting the way he came and cursing his bad direction sense at this rate. 


Though just as he assumed it was a lost cause and to try and find his way back even if it was soon dark, he heard the softest little cry. It reminded him of Briar whenever she got scared, his ears lowering on his head softly as he was almost certain he had found the culprit they we’re looking for. Climbing over crumbled stone, he slipped into a half caved in room, stepping over old tapestry long faded in color. Peach eyes swept the room and he found himself sigh when he saw nothing but more jungle overgrowth. Turning to leave, his eyes landed on a small little shape in a corner near the doorway, bright blue and purple eyes matching with him. 


He had found them! 


The kittom looked so small, curled in on herself and shivering, Taiki taking off his cloak to walk closer, slowly at first. “It’s alright, I have a camp with a really nice Elinin nearby, we came to look for you. We can take you back to the village.” he draped the cloak over the kittom, the new kit looking up at him thankfully as she stood and it was Taikia’s turn to look surprised. She was so small! Her tiny legs barely made her stand half his height and he tilted his head in question. He had never seen such a small kittom, even with Briar being the tiniest of them all. “I’m Feya.” she nearly whispered, chattering her teeth together as a damp cold breeze swept through the ruins. “I’m Taiki…” he held out a paw for her, which she eagerly accepted, standing close to the taller kit. “Thank you for finding me.” she added, letting Tai lead the way from where she had been holding up the last few days. 


Eventually, with it fully dark, they finally found their way out of the ruins and Taiki was glad to see light coming their way. “Over here!” he called out, glad to see Atlas with wide eyes come bounding out of the bushes. “There you are! Do you have any idea-” Atlas found himself going quiet, looking at the sight of not one but two kittoms before him. With a huff, he walked over, crouching down to look at the small purple kit glued to Taiki’s side. “You must be who we’re looking for, your parents were very worried about you. Come along.” he held out a paw but she simply clung to Taiki more, who patted her head. “He’s nice, I promise.” he began to walk past the older Elinin, smiling with achievement as the blue Elinin dropped his head with a sigh. At least he had found them. 


“Back to camp it is then.” he nodded to himself and stood, keeping a close eye on the two kittoms walking in front of him. They’d return to the village in the morning, for now, they we’re safe and sound it seemed, a mission complete. 


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN1200: Taiki

ELN1200: Taiki

Reward Amount
AP (Kyendi) (Currencies) 1