Submission (#2015) Approved

17 January 2021, 14:28:50 PST (3 years ago)
17 January 2021, 15:06:55 PST (3 years ago) by tatter


Submission 2

Regional Affinity: Zevija
Claiming Regional Affinity for: (ELN1200)
Word Count: (1,454)


Even though a carved mouth had been the entrance to the mines below Zevija, the inside seemed far less sculpted by the Elinin who had called it home for so long now. While aboveTiny drops of water could be heard falling down and splattering on the grounds below. Perhaps at some time the entire cave had been nothing but jagged rocks and unstable paths but now it seemed there was a worn down spiraling path that could lead to the underground city that rested here. Paws had long ago come and gone up and down the steps until they we’re smooth now, carved by magic or older Elinin, Taiki wasn’t sure. 


The small kittom stood at the entrance, swallowing hard to himself as he pondered over just how deep the mines went. He had traveled all over but underground had not been something he had tackled just yet. Already he missed the sunlight that felt like an eternity away and he found himself contemplating just turning around instead. “Scared?” he could hear a voice echoing around him, breaking him from his trance as he shook his head in hopes to get rid of the taunting voice in his sleek pink ears. 


“N-No! I’m coming.” Taiki retorted back, starting his way down the mines steps. Though it was dark down here, gems seemed to glint and glow the way as he squinted to make out the fluffy blue and white tail swishing as Zephryos walked a few feet ahead of him. To think some Elinin lived down here, he couldn’t even begin to fathom being so far from the surface. What perks could the town here even hold? He was tempted to peek, to see just what drew kit and adult alike to the jagged gem clustered town but it already seemed so far away. Winding pathways and tunnels lit up just enough to make out the shape of minecarts only seemed to make it look more and more all the same. 


The ceilings went higher and higher, sloping upwards to give a ceiling of sharp stones and clusters of vibrant colors that glimmered with any flash of light or candle flicker that reflected off the untouched gems. To some it might have been beautiful but to Taiki he seemed simply awestruck, eventually stopping his slow careful trot to look upwards and paused. From here, the shimmering colors reminded him of stars or even soft glowing fireflies dotted about like constellations on a summer night. His heart swelled then with appreciation, his peachy eyes getting a bit wider as he almost had the urge to ask the crystals just what it was like to be so high above but so colorful. He knew they wouldn’t answer however so he shook such questions off, figuring he could ask an adult instead and they’d surely have the answers he was seeking. 


“Hey do you think we’re almost ther-” 


Though Taiki’s voice seemed to bounce and echo back to him in the large cavern, no white and blue fluff could still be seen from where he was among the crystal and stones. Somehow, he had gotten separated from Zephyros and now he felt his heart drop quickly and his ears press back against his head. Did this mean he was lost? He was usually good with being adventurous but also keeping close enough to towns and adults to not have to worry too much. Now however, the large walls seemed even higher and he wondered if he’d even be able to find his way back on his own. 


Slowly glancing around, he decided staying in one place would be little help and so he moved forward, finding himself down winding tunnels and skipping over small crystals that had cracked or fallen. The caverns seemed to have no end; it seemed as Taiki squeezed through a cluster of rocks and eventually admitted to himself he was thoroughly lost. An adventure to get Velia a shiny new trinket had ended up being a very dark and lonely trip instead. Would someone find him? He wasn’t sure but instead, the pink hued kit swallowed hard and slid his bag from around him, shaking it off onto the stone ground. He didn’t have a Pomu of his own to light the way and the sudden pang of not having one a second festival filled him with a bit of dread. How long until one did show up to guide him through the Miasma months while he protected them in a lantern? 


Though he had planned to wait until he was back home to make his lantern this year, he couldn’t help but rustle about in his satchel and dig out the things he had purchased or collected instead. The paper from the market above with it’s golden swirls painted on it. Flower petals he had carefully pressed into a little book from home--the pinks and whites still as soft as they day he chased them when they fluttered down from tall branches above. Even the sea shells he had carefully wrapped up for Velia we’re soon uncovered and shimmering in the reflective lights of crystals. He had been to so many places this last year and had collected so many trinkets and memories. New friends and friendly rivals alike we’re now a part of their club which meant he couldn’t possibly be alone. Zephyros would find him for sure and until then he was determined to build a lantern instead of waiting in a dark tunnel for a rescue party. 


Black and white paws made quick work as he began to construct what he only hoped would eventually protect a little Pomu of his own. Carefully placed paper and ribbon in the soft lavenders that reminded him of Velia’s fluff tied it the edges together. Once he had his circular shape, he walked around it slowly, seeing it coming to life. Sea shells tied to the ribbons into neat bows made him already feel calmer. Somehow this lantern was going to be better then his last, all his memories placed onto one canvas. Even if he made another after this, he knew he’d always keep it next to his sloppily made one from Ahza from the year before. 


Continuing his craft, he quickly ran to one of the cavern walls' edges and picked up a sparkling crystal in his mouth, trotting it back over to the lantern with a tilt of his head. Where to place it? Finally, he decided to dangle it from the long string in the middle, tying it as secured as he could with his paws and swishing his silken tail behind him with a bit of pride in the motion. Perhaps at home he would have painted it as well but somehow the one he had built was nearly perfect as it was. Picking the lantern string up in his mouth and carefully placing everything back into his bag, Taiki slid the satchel back on and squeezed past the crystal obstacle. He already felt much more safe and confident as he tried to follow the sound of dripping water. 


What had originally felt like hours was now just a few minutes as he found his path once again, the sight of the mining town glowing down below a warm and welcoming sight. Squinting, he could almost swear he could see white and blue fur heading back up the long slope towards him--probably Zephyros and whatever adult he could convince to go looking for his friend. 

Excited, Taiki went to rush forward but gave a surprised grunt at the sudden weight behind him, glancing quickly over his shoulder. Over his dark black fur around his neck it was nearly hard to see but he saw something--a shadow of sorts--shifting and moving as it slid into his lantern. What in the world could have possibly decided to hitch a ride? Before he could drop the lanterns string and complain and quickly tell the animal that the lantern was already reserved, he watched as the lantern began to glow instead. The gilded swirls and lavender ribbons fluttered as the paper lantern lifted from the ground and began to float with a peachy glow that matched his own horns and eyes. 


A soothing feeling seemed to wash over him as he watched it for a moment just bobbing behind him and cast light against the stagglite walls. Perhaps the cavern wasn’t that scary after all? With new found excitement, he rushed forward to meet Zephyros along the path to town--already vibrating with happiness that perhaps his journeys would now have a whole new companion to experience the world with him--a friend he could have forever.  


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 8


Thumbnail for ELN1200: Taiki

ELN1200: Taiki

Reward Amount
AP (Zevija) (Currencies) 1