Submission (#1461) Approved

13 December 2020, 13:48:53 PST (3 years ago)
13 December 2020, 17:52:24 PST (3 years ago) by tatter


Word count: 322

Region: Enmir

AP: 1


If going to Faerindell is similar to walking into a vibrant storybook, then Enmir is like walking into a more mysterious and spooky story. Still, Pride finds herself interested in visiting the southern region called Enmir.
While the large trees casting a shadowy darkness below would remind Pride of home, everything else wouldn’t. It would take some time for Pride to get used to the muggy air and the swampy lands. When trying to make her way through the swampy ground Pride would feel much more comfortable walking on the wooden bridges connecting the tree houses together. Heights don’t bother her in the slightest and she’d find all the trees connected by bridges fascinating. Though, the closer she reaches the treetops the more sunlight she’ll see, which is something she isn’t particularly used to. Seems like in town she can’t have both darkness and dry paws.
If dry paws can’t be a guarantee in Enmir, Pride would reluctantly try riding in a boat through the waters. It’d be the first time she’d be on a boat and would quickly get seasick. Leaning over the side for fresh air and to take her mind off her stomach, Pride would find some enjoyment in watching the water rush by and noticing small creatures lurking in the water before swimming away from the boat.
Her favorite part about Enmir would be the glowbugs. Plants and humidity isn’t really her thing, but if it’s the price she has to pay to watch glowing lights floating through the dark sky she would be more than happy to deal with it. The idea that they’re bugs and not magically glowing lights would confuse her as she isn’t the biggest fan of bugs but the glowbugs are so gentle and pretty!
All and all, Enmir would have it’s up and downs but the tree houses up in the trees and the glowbugs would be the highlight of her trip!


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN332: Orris 🌠

ELN332: Orris 🌠

Reward Amount
AP (Enmir) (Currencies) 1