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[SQ-BB-5] Brilliant Bottom

Category: Special Quest

[Special Quest: Bewildering Behind] [Eligible: Kittom | Adult] — Show details for more info.


After becoming a little more well versed in the tail variety seen in Eyre, a little improvisation is necessary! What sort of materials can be mustered up to fashion one stunning tail? Depict your elnin fashioning some flourishes for their own tail out of various materials either entirely inorganic or a mix of both organic and inorganic items. These decorative changes made should be clearly fake though and affixed in some way. False tails can be worn either through a creative article of clothing that attaches near an elnin's waist or tail base.

Feel free to be creative. You can use materials like mud, beads, rope, fabric, sticks, feathers, and scales as long as the more organic creature-based materials like scales or feathers are attached in a clearly artificial way, like barrettes or beads that help braid the feather base or wrap around scales to help clip them to fluffy areas of fur.

Notables: An elnin's tail style should still be present beneath the false tail fashioned, so just be sure if you're braiding items in, the braids connect to fluff that already exists on an elnin's tail or connect via rope, and so on. No replacing tails with other known tail styles or stealing tails off other creatures. Please don't depict faux fur tails, you could maybe fashion grasses as an alternative to get a poofy tail of strands but nothing should look like a live animal's tail with these additions!

Additional Information

This is an Act. For details on what Acts are and what they're used for then please visit the Questing Guide.


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