An Odd Find...

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by Starbask

Nestled amongst some oddities in a certain something a bit peculiar. Elnin have been hearing rumors scattered amongst communities of finding these compact little surprises left on elnin doorsteps and sometimes directly in bags. This must be one of them! Is that an egg of sorts? Some older elnins mentioned similar occurrences in olden days but the records are quite sketchy. The most impactful advice older elnin can give is to treat these eggs gently and care for them.

Additionally the miasma this season seems unusually thin for the time being. There are more rumors that the eggs have something to do with feyfolk and that feyfolk have been actively working to push miasma back this season. It's unclear how long this odd behavior will linger for or what these strange eggs are but they have to hatch eventually, right?



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