StandardElnin ・ Rank TBD

ELN2351: Laurel

Owned by Shanyume

- Featherlight Hair [parent] 8 EC Ealei

- Mana Saturated 16 EC or 2 AP Faerindell

- Light Reactive Coat (for the green pattern to shimmer) 26 EC + 1 AP or 3 AP Ealei

- Emberglow Anima 42 EC + 1AP or 5 AP Faerindell

- Pantaloons 6EC or 1 AP Strynhalde

- Gilded Anima 16 EC or 2 AP Zevija

- Celestial Shroud (maybe) 42 EC + 1AP or 5 AP Silveil

- Petite Ears (maybe)16 EC or 2 AP Kyendi

- Trine /Tetra Tail (maybe) 42 EC + 1AP or 5 AP Kyendi/Zevija

- Emberglow Suffusion (maybe) 42 EC + 1AP or 5 AP Faerindell

  • Gift art is allowed