Offsite Profile ELN1751: Airi

Owned by Nalico
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Female | TH |

An elegant regal Elnin with a heart of gold.
Wise but still a child at heart.

Airi, is the heirress of a rather prominent hotel in Sulapei, Kyendi known as the Black Lace. She grew up in the prominent upper-middle class at her father's knee. He taught her the basics of customer service, and took her on several adventures around the Eyre teaching her how to strike a bargain, how to determine the sale price of things, and how to run a company. Although young, Airi took to learning about things, like a fish-to-water. She adored her father, but when he went missing in Shaedmoor on a particularly dangerous adventure to make a deal with a supplier, she felt like she had lost a part of her. Grief ate away at her heart, and for a time the Black Lace sunk to the bottom of the ratings, their beloved heiress gone on a soul-searching travel across the Eyre hoping to find her father in Shaedmoor. However, over time as her grief settled and she learned to cope, she found herself wanting to remake the hotel and make it bigger and more extravagant than ever before! Nowadays, Airi can often be found in the hotel making subtle changes to the styling and upkeep, occasionally planning trips to visit suppliers like her father before her. But to this day, ever year she makes an annual trip to the edges of Shaedmoor, hoping for her father to return once more. 




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