Submission (#922) Approved

7 October 2020, 22:46:01 PDT (3 years ago)
8 October 2020, 11:48:44 PDT (3 years ago) by night-class


pt 2 im so sorry for whoever has to read these :x


LOADING MEMORY FILE...05...81%....


      Kawa grew up surrounded by the colors of warmth. Yellows and reds often bled to orange and eventually muddled to earthly browns. Even Kawa himself was a product of his home; rich browns decorated his ears reminiscent of the ground he grew up on and he carried with him a blend of oranges and yellows that left him feeling somewhat homesick when he ventured very far. Which is exactly what he happened to be doing at this moment. Gone were the colors that he was familiar with, replaced with muddled greens, blues, and the murk that they grew from. He wasn't certain what had brought him to this particular region of Enmir, but he was here now. Mud caked the bottom of his feet, creeping up further upon the legs of his pants as he continued onwards. Unidentifiable bugs flitted to and fro oblivious to the struggles that the young kittom was currently facing on his own. Every so often a firefly would make themselves home upon him, sending out a signal to find a pair and rid themselves of the loneliness (what if he glowed? would she be able to find him again and rid him of this pain dug so deep within his heart?). He pauses upon his path. The split in the road is unmarked and there's no certainty he's on the right path at all. The uncertainty gnaws at his mind, questions upon questions continue to surface and he bites the inside of his cheek until he can taste copper. Kawa looks up to the sky. Or rather, he attempts to look. The thick foliage dwarfs him and canopies of winding trees block out most of the night sky. There's a soft voice within his mind that reminds him that it had been no longer than a month ago he gazed up but with her instead. His right hand twitches briefly, a lingering fragment trying to chase the remnants of her hand. There's no one here with him now. Kawa has felt loneliness before. (before before before, it has always been before). Mornings were spent moving ahead instead of swaddled with the scents of warm bread and the taste of good company. Afternoons were no longer explorations of familiar forests, instead that time was spent tripping over upturned roots and hissing every time a branch left a cut upon himself.  Nights were the most painful. The lights that danced down from above seemed more to mock him than to delight him. The nighttime was spent with doubts (not enough, never enough) and plagued with confusion (why did you leave? where did you go? was it something I had done?) and Kawa preferred to move forward until he had no choice to stop due to exhaustion (at least it was silent then). 

    A spark of light flies past the indecisive kittom, illuminating briefly the road upon his left. His eyes wavered and he's glad that nobody is here to see him in such a sorry state. The lights continue to graze past him but he bares no witness; crouched with his head between his knees and sobs send tremors throughout his small frame. Nights really were the worst.  

    Kawa doesn't know how long he weeps for but he's glad the sound of the insects continue on despite his moment of weakness. He brings his head up, eyes rimmed red, causing the bluer portion of his anima to stand out strikingly. He allows himself a few more moments to gather his composure, wiping furiously at the wetness upon his cheeks and he practices his breathing. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Repeat. Repeat. Repeat. (i miss you, i miss you, i miss you). The lights continue to fall and the ones that are fortunate enough to make it through the barricade of branches and leaves continue to land on his left. The colors all blend together as they fall. Pale purples don't draw awe and the green isn't quite right from what he recalls. He's ready to give up and set up camp for the time being; his earlier episode has all but drained him (emotionally, mentally, physically?) until another light catches his eye.  

   Breath catches in his throat and he's almost positive that he's hallucinating. He was told that could happen in the marshes, right? Something about fumes or mushrooms or something. Anything but reality. But no, its there. The light stays (his mind whispers that yes, maybe it is lingering a little bit more than before) flickering as it begins to dim. If the phenomenon could talk, what would the light say to him at this moment? Would the words be filled with encouragement (you're amazing Kawa! you managed to meet your Pomu! lucky~) or perhaps they would whisper kindness (you're welcome). He hopes that the universe would be kind enough to take pity on him; he knows he's looking like he could use some right about now. His right hand twitches again and he continues to stare at the beautifully colored light on the path before him that reminds him so much of a different type of home (her eyes, her eyes, her eyes). There's something uncoiling within his chest right now and his mouth feels abnormally dry. His hand twitches again. A reminder. 


Kawa takes the path to the right. 


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 8


Thumbnail for ELN1307: Kawa

ELN1307: Kawa

Reward Amount
AP (Enmir) (Currencies) 1