Submission (#7601) Approved

21 December 2024, 04:27:30 PST (2 months ago)
25 December 2024, 22:56:21 PST (2 months ago) by wintry-chan


Submission for monthly prompt 'Endearing Eggs'

Entry- 6 EC
Additional Elnin - 2EC
Pomu - 1EC

8EC total + 1 Bellmoril AP

Please and Thank you with much love for the holidays to the team!

- Syl


Fate often has a funny way of repeating itself.

At least, that was at the forefront of Cassie’s mind as her eyes wandered over the soft Belmorril scenery.

She had once again found herself in Spike’s cabin under the lidded gaze of Suki. The amber kitsune had once pledged to “Stay as long as I feel like it” in her words, but for better or worse the two had become long time companions.

The cottage was as it has always been. It’s rustic, hardwood build brought comfort and warmth to anyone who was lucky enough to nestle within it’s sturdy wooden walls, with comfortable rugs and a roaring hearth.

Spike himself was away visiting a certain white Elnin who he had spoken warmly about to the two youngsters. Said something about needing to “Melt her frosty exterior a bit” before leaving the two kittoms to mind the cottage. Classic Spike, really.

Comfort aside, Suki was growing more and more bored by the day. “What was it that Ichiko sent you here for again, marshmallow? I don’t know how much more orange my eyes can take before we hit the road again” She inquired with a tired drawl from between a nest of her own tails.

Cassie twitched an eye and turned her gaze from the soft glow of the window. She had grown to both love and hate the nickname she had been given on the day of their first meeting, but time had tempered their friendship and she checked her tone before responding.

“Well, Suki dear, Miss Ichiko had said I was missing something and suggested that I should look to my roots. This place is somewhat-“ She paused for a moment and gazed once more at the vista through the window. The soft orange glow of the loose leaves, which stirred in gentle zephyrs beneath the silver-gray boughs of the trees.

The stunning sight stirred something in the soul of the pastel blue kittom. “This is where my real life began. It’s where I met my best friend and where Mr. Spike was so kind as to-“. She was cut off as she noticed the grin spreading across the face of her mischievous friend.

Suki snickered as she twitched a tail loosely over her brow as she replied; “Ohhh getting sentimental are we? You made SUCH a good friend here? Now who might THAT be?” She rolled onto her back and flared her tails in a dramatic flourish. “Should I be jealous?” She laughed.

Turning her head to the side, Cassie eyed Suki with endearment and her mouth opened to reply, and yet, her thoughts turned to the night before. There were more pressing things on her mind than Suki’s playful teasing today.

The two kittoms had received something of a surprise the previous evening. Cassie had been foraging near the cottage in the chilly evening air. It was said that the first breath of winter would bring out certain herbs which flowered in the breeze, as if in defiance of the encroaching miasma, but she had stumbled onto something altogether different.

As her paws pressed on through the rustling leaves that carpeted the forest floor, a hint of colour had caught her eye. Through shades of auburn came a contrast of pastel green, nestled against the trunk of one of the white trees. Everyone knew that green was rare in the ever-autumn of Bellmoril and the palette of colours stood out even in the last dregs of light.

As she gently pushed the leaves aside with her tiny paw, she saw what appeared to be an egg. While it was pale green in colour and swirled with a delicate spiral upon it’s shell, the egg pulsed with a sense of familiarity.

It carried a scent fresh and floral like the first breath of spring which rode on top of the scent of autumnal decay like driftwood would ride on crests of water. Something that stood out, fresh and beautiful.

She had been brought up by a faenin and she knew fae when she saw it. Her eyes widened with recognition as she took it gently from the underbrush.

“Hey, Marshmallow? Oí, yup, we lost her-“. Suki’s voice cut sharply through Cassie’s recollection. Blue fur rippled as the kittom quickly shook herself back to her senses and she turned once more to her companion, who’s head tilted to the side in confusion.

“Thinking about that egg again?” Suki asked. “I still wonder if someone lost it. Maybe they’re worried.” “There might even be a reward” She hinted, but Cassie was hearing none of it. She had a strong familiar feeling from the egg, a need to protect it and she scoffed to herself.

Deigning not to reply, Cassie glanced to her side and into her shadow. Appearing as though from a murky pool, the face of her pomu came into focus before climbing clumsily onto the hardwood floor. “I’ll be needing my scarf, dear.” Cassie intoned softly to her companion.

With a nod, her Pomu reached into the shadowy pool and began to pull from it, claw over tiny claw, a red scarf. It had been a gift from Miss Ichiko to keep warm in the miasma season and had become somewhat mixed in with Cassie’s teacups which jangled and broached the shadowy surface like a school of hungry white fish. Much to Suki’s amusement.

Cassie smiled with thanks to her tiny companion and then began to wrap the scarf around the egg in an attempt to keep it warm and then placed the soft brush of her tail on top of it. She sighed deeply as her mind pondered the meaning of this egg. Was this what Miss Ichiko had sent her to find?.

“What are we, birds now?” Suki quipped. “Look, if we’re going to do it, let’s at least do it right. Give it here.

The sudden interest came as something of a surprise to Cassie, who rocked onto her side somewhat before hurriedly trying to place her small tail back on the egg. “What? Really? But this felt like something I was supposed to do!” Cassie retorted.

“Haven’t you learned anything, marshmallow? Nothing wrong with asking for help. C’mere.” And she stepped forwards with purpose before wrapping the egg in her nine tails in a protective embrace.

She was soft and warm.

As Cassie felt the soft fur wrap over the top of her own tail, she could swear she felt the egg pulse with happiness, but it was hard to say for sure. What she did see however was he close friend’s gaze shift away as if to say ‘Tell no nin’ but the words she received were entire different.

“I’ve seen that look before. It means you’ve probably seen something important and it usually turns out that way. You got a good eye for this stuff, Marshmallow.” Her tone was muffled as though she wanted no other nin to hear her admit it, but it was also kind and brought a bright Smile to Cassie’s face.

As the two kittoms sat warming the egg in the window glow, It was clear that over time the two had shared not only their experiences and their friendship, but they had each taken a small piece of the other into their soul. They had grown, and perhaps soon they would grow even more.

Perhaps even grow to see new life into the world, for who knows what would emerge from the egg? Time would tell.


Reward Amount
Miju 1
Elecite Coins 9


Thumbnail for ELN026: Ichiko

ELN026: Ichiko

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN056: Spike

ELN056: Spike

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN1237: Satsuki

ELN1237: Satsuki

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN2280: Cassie

ELN2280: Cassie

Reward Amount
AP (Bellmoril) (Currencies) 1


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Item Source Notes Quantity

SylSyl12's Bank

Currency Quantity