Submission (#7148) Approved

31 May 2024, 20:45:30 PDT (3 months ago)
3 June 2024, 23:45:42 PDT (3 months ago) by Angelos


WORDS: 605


The day was early, or rather, the night was early... sometimes it was hard to tell when you lived in Silveil where the sun never shone and the night reigned supreme. Caelum was born and raised here in Silveil City so he was well adapted to the environment but the city received many adventurers and travelers that were not so fortunate. Many adventurers who might even be in the town to see Solar Flare's show! The show that meant he was once again alone in the apartment.

As the child of the fashionable and star acclaimed performer Solar Flare, the kittom Caelum was quite keen with elaborate outfits and accessorizing. With Solar Flare currently at rehearsal and his brother Helix out of the apartment, Caelum was free to roam around! This meant that the starry kittom found himself in their closet on more than one occasion. That occasion was high on the night sky, and the clothes were low on the floor and flung across the furniture.

The black and white kittom with stained window, starry markings began the fashion show with a pair of golden, four pointed star earrings. A popular choice of Solar Flare, and wearing them brought a big smile to Caelum's face. While Solar Flare was not often around to spend time with the boys, often being busy with work, Caelum remembered all of their time together quite fondly. He also longed to spend more time with them and dressing up like this made the kittom feel closer to Solar Flare.

In the closet was a beautiful silk scarf with iridescent pink flowers carefully embroidered along the fabric with a kunzite gemstone stitched into the center of each flower design. The scarf a bit too big for Caelum and he had to wrap it around his neck multiple times so as not to allow the fabric to drag on the ground. It was not a scarf meant for that, and was very much a delicate fashion piece that he would hate to damage.

He looked at himself in the mirror wearing it, his ears wiggling up and down as he admired the earrings as well. The longer he looked in the mirror, the longer he felt as though he didn't appreciate the fashion attempt. He carefully undid the scarf and then tried again. He tried to wrap it more purposefully, carefully lying the fabric over each other so that the folds sat perfectly. This time he appreciated it a lot more when he looked into the mirror. Now... what was missing?

He looked around, looking for the perfect piece. He looked, and looked, and looked but he didn't find anything that spoke to him. In the end, Caelum decided what was missing was his tail style. He carefully leaned over and braided his tail as he had seen Solar Flare do hundreds of times, mimicking her style perfectly.

There! Pleased with himself, he went out onto the balcony to admire the view in style. Perhaps his neighbours could admire him as well? He looked up at the night sky, watching the lights twinkle and glitter throughout the galaxy sky. There was no moon out this day but the sky was clear and the view of the lake was phenomenal. It would be impossible to tell where the sky ended and where the lake began if the mountains and forests all around weren't to aplenty.

Seeing the busy street below, Caelum decided to go for a little walk. An absolutely fabulous walk. He would walk to the end of the street and then come back. You could call it a runway walk.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 6


Thumbnail for ELN1983: Caelum

ELN1983: Caelum

Reward Amount
AP (Silveil) (Currencies) 1


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