Submission (#6788) Approved

2 February 2024, 07:08:58 PST (7 months ago)
8 February 2024, 10:54:49 PST (7 months ago) by tatter



Near a small settlement of elnin in Kyendi, one of Ren’s favorite spots can be found—a charming, almost picturesque petite waterfall within the edges of the untamed jungle.  Simply known as The Waterfall to the dwellers just by it, the small cascade stands on a clearing that forms a tranquil oasis that has formed a refreshing outing for everything from small celebrations to group gatherings, and even private rendezvous.  But for Ren, today, this is merely a chance to look upon the falls with only the company of his pomu and explore the wonders of this natural wonder.


The path to the waterfall is thus like this: one travels the footpath of plants worn thin, curving gently around trees or dense overgrowth until one hears the bubbling murmur of water, which beckons those searching closer.  This is apparent too by the worn paths, as here they divert, widen, show the multiple ways countless of elnin had traversed this same area to get to different areas of the clearing just ahead.  The thick vegetation becomes sparser here, until it clears out completely to reveal the marvelous little clearing.


Here, the sunlight is dappled, filtering through the canopy above.  On the right time of day, the sunlight bounces off the water of the falls and the droplets splashing below, making the whole clearing sparkle, or so he has heard.  At this time of day, the spectacle is more muted, but no less impressive.


Wile modest, the crystalline waters cascade with the purr of falling water, bathing the rocks below in a fine mist that rises from the pool formed just below.  The pool itself is a welcome sight—not perfectly round by any means, but roughly so, surrounded by rocks towards the waterfall, and petering into pebbles and sand that seem to invite any wear souls to pad nearby and sink into the waters below, which is just as Ren wishes to do right then and there.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN1199: Ren

ELN1199: Ren

Reward Amount
AP (Kyendi) (Currencies) 1


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