Submission (#6778) Approved

31 January 2024, 08:31:20 PST (7 months ago)
8 February 2024, 10:06:11 PST (7 months ago) by tatter



Nestled within the towering, almost claustrophobic confines of the mist-draped forests of Kyendi, one can find a unique species of flora henceforth named the Mist Blossom.  Residing in the heart of the temperate jungles, the plant exhibits a unique morphology seldom seen in similar specimens of Rafflesia, though upon first inspection, one can mistake it for one of the parasitic plants found in similar forests through Kyendi.


The Mist Blossom is uniquely adapted to its surroundings, with certain variations that seem to take advantage of the mist that oftentimes clings to this elevated jungle floor, up in the twisting ranges.  It boasts large petals of a diameter of around one meter or just over three feet petal to opposite petal.  The petals exhibit a complex venation pattern, that vary slightly from specimen to specimen, perhaps proving to be unique by individual.


During the day, the Mist Blossom presents a unique biochemical response to its environment that turns its initially translucent petals with a tracery of veins flow with sudden color wherever the light strikes.  It seems the rays of the sun cause a response on the pigments of the flower that go from a near translucent, almost skeletal-looking flower from hues of lavender to blush pink to deep maroon red, underscoring some cooler colors upon the sequence in shades of deeper purple towards the center of the bloom.    This unique display of colors matched with a strong aroma reminiscent of jasmine, it helps to attract pollinators not only to itself, but to the plants it springs from.  Its petals are also known to provide shelter for small critters, be it bird or small mammals such as mice, that will make a home upon the shade of their protection.


While seemingly rare, the Mist Blossom found in this particular high-laying part of a Kyendi jungle holds promise to what other unique species might be discovered in the unexplored depths.




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Thumbnail for ELN1199: Ren

ELN1199: Ren

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AP (Kyendi) (Currencies) 1


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