Submission (#6691) Approved

5 January 2024, 14:03:04 PST (11 months ago)
3 February 2024, 17:55:12 PST (10 months ago) by tatter


Regional Affinity: Kyendi


Niyari had always spend most of their live in places with a lot of trees. The warm orange and red colors in Bellmoril or the lush green to sometimes even teal-leaning trees in Enmir and Faerindell. Niyari knew how to hide, they were an expert of climbing up trees and jumping between them, covering huge distances without ever touching the ground while they spied on others or accompanied an important delivery while also looking out for any ambushes. Never had they encountered a forest as dense as the woods in Kyendi though. Jumping from tree to tree didn't seem like a huge feat when the crowns were all hugging each other, casting dark shadows without leaving much room for sunlight to get through. At least that's what they heard. Niyari wanted to see the jungle for themself and discover what secrets the forest had to offer. Overgrown ruins where rumored to wait in the deepest parts for brave Elnin to discover them. It sounded like adventure and treasure, something Niyari couldn't wait to encounter! It was a big contrast to the otherwise wide and open seeing region with their floating islands. It felt like a game inside of another game. Spying from atop floating islands to see what was going on but not able to see into the forest and just easily spot the ruins from above. From above the floating islands you had a great view and could see far away villages, planning your next travel destination with ease. Niyari loved being on high places and having the best view without having to worry much about someone sneaking up on them from behind. The floating islands sounded like amazing places to relax for a bit and enjoy a night, sleeping even closer to the stars than usually.  Niyari couldn't even decide what they wanted to see first, the forest ruins or the floating islands. Both of these features made Kyendi to an exciting region to visit and Niyari was sure they could spend weeks trying to discover new mysteries. And maybe they could even jump into the many branches of the famous Eldertree if noone saw them.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN1749: Niyari

ELN1749: Niyari

Reward Amount
AP (Kyendi) (Currencies) 1


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ShinPurple's Bank

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