Submission (#6638) Approved

30 December 2023, 20:14:37 PST (8 months ago)
1 January 2024, 09:48:05 PST (8 months ago) by tatter




In the heart of Silveil, nestled within the enchanting embrace of one of the area’s many bioluminescent mushroom forests, lies a serene clearing that seems to shimmer with ethereal light.  Towering mushrooms with caps resembling curved ceilings stretch towards the obscured heavens, emitting a soft, otherworldly glow that casts a gentle radiance over the entire space.  The air is thick with the sweet, earthy scent of moss and mycelium, creating a natural ambiance that brings tranquility and a sense of connection with nature.


The clearing, as away as it is from the hubbub of Silveil’s famous cities, is a haven of quiet beauty, a garden illuminated by the natural luminescence of the mushroom canopy overhead.  The ground beneath is blanketed by a carpet of moss, with tiny twinkling ambient glows that twinkle like small stars on the clearing’s floor.  Luminescent spores can also be spotted dancing lazily through the air, adding to the sense of being surrounded by a night sky’s worth of stars.


The mushrooms themselves are not to be understated in this clearing.  They are alive with a symphony of colors, painting the surroundings in hues that range from soft blues and greens to warm purples and pinks.  Each species of mushroom that surrounds the clearing contributes to the enchanting nature of the spot, creating a breathtaking display of bioluminescent diversity.


While the glow of the surrounding flora and fauna obscure what would be the moon hanging pale and bright over the night sky, the clearing forms a kind of timeless sanctuary, bathed in the ever-present glow of the life that surrounds the idyllic spot.  The distant whisper, chatter, and rustle of unseen creatures adds to the atmosphere of the clearing, with their presence felt rather than seen enhancing the wonder an elnin can feel upon tumbling into such a sight.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN1199: Ren

ELN1199: Ren

Reward Amount
AP (Silveil) (Currencies) 1


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