Submission (#6625) Approved

30 December 2023, 18:10:58 PST (3 months ago)
6 March 2024, 16:36:53 PST (1 month ago) by FruitCrepe


the ambiguity has been removed!


In the heart of Eyre, where the essence of mana permeated every leaf, every petal, and every blade of grass, there lived a small and nimble faenin by the name of Wish. With her playful spirit and gossamer wings, she delighted in the art of mischief. But one day, curiosity tugged at her mischievous heart and led her on a journey along an ancient elnin path - a path infused with mana and woven into the very fabric of Eyre.

As the golden rays of the sun filtered through the dense foliage, Wish discovered the entrance to an ancient elnin's path, a secluded path imbued with mana that held the secrets of the past. The entrance to the path was hidden beneath a cascade of trailing vines, their verdant tendrils inviting Wish to explore the secrets within. With a playful twirl of her tail, she slipped through the foliage and entered the secluded path, where the air seemed to shimmer with a magical resonance. The mana-laden path unfolded before her, leading her through the heart of the ancient forest.

As Wish followed the path, she discovered small stones adorned with delicate etchings - symbols that only Elnin could decipher. Each stone held a piece of the trail's history, its mana-drenched markings whispering tales of generations past. Wish's eyes sparkled with delight as she traced the intricate patterns, absorbing the magical history embedded in the stones beneath her paws.

Occasionally, worn wooden signs appeared along the path, bearing messages written in the Old Eyreish script. The signs served as markers and offered encouragement, or helpful hints to those treading the ancient path.

"Embrace the dance of the fireflies, for they carry the laughter of generations."

"Amidst the shadows, find the moonlit meadow where dreams take flight."

"Follow the whispers of the breeze; they carry the tales of our ancestors."

Wish, eager to unravel the secrets of this elnin trail, stopped to inspect one of these signs.

In faded Old Eyreish script, the sign read, "Follow the laughter of the leaves, and you shall find joy in the heart of the forest." Wish grinned at the equivocal advice, her eyes darting toward the dancing foliage overhead. With a leap, she ascended the moss-covered stones along the trail, as her laughter echoed through the enchanted realm.

The elnin trail continued, weaving through and between towering trees and sunlight-dappled clearings. As Wish ventured deeper, she encountered a clearing bathed in a soft, golden glow. In its center stood an ancient tree, its trunk adorned with carvings that told tales of elnins who had walked this path before her. Wish gently traced her paw along the intricate engravings, feeling the long gone memories that lingered in the air.

The clearing offered a moment of serenity, a pause in the playful chaos that often defined Wish's usual adventures. She closed her eyes, allowing the ambient mana energies to envelop her. The whispers of the forest, the rustling leaves, and the distant songs of bygone creatures formed a symphony that resonated with the very heart of Eyre.

As Wish continued her journey, the elnin trail led her to a babbling brook, its crystal-clear waters reflecting the hues of the surrounding flora. Along the water's edge, small stones arranged in a pattern caught her attention. They formed a mosaic that depicted the phases of the moon, a celestial guide for elnins traversing the trail by night.y

With each step, Wish marveled at the intricate details woven into the elnin trail—the stones, the signs, and the nostalgic feeling that pulsed beneath her paws. Wish touched the stones with her tiny paws, feeling the residual mana that lingered from ages past. The forest, alive with the memories of the past and the visions of the future, seemed to respond to her presence, embracing the playful faenin as a kindred spirit.

As she ventured deeper into what feels like the heart of Eyre, the trail ascended a gentle slope, revealing a panoramic view of the lands below. From this vantage point, Wish could see the intricate patterns of the trail intertwining with the vibrant tapestry of the forest. It was a sight that filled her playful heart with a sense of awe and gratitude.

In the distance, Wish noticed a particularly old stone, weathered by centuries of enchantment. Its surface bore markings that hinted at ancient rituals and ceremonies held by elnins long ago. Drawn to the ancient stone, she approached with reverence, feeling a connection to the innumerable number of elnins who had left their mark on the trail through the ages.

The stone, in its quiet wisdom, seemed to impart a message to Wish. In Old Eyreish, it read of the interconnectedness of all living things and the magic that bound them together. Moved by the profound wisdom, Wish bowed her head in gratitude, acknowledging the legacy of the elnins who had come before her.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over Eyre, Wish reached the end of the trail. The path culminated in another serene grove, where ancient trees stood as silent witnesses to the passage of time. In the center of the grove, a small shrine adorned with glowing crystals marked the completion of the sacred journey.

Wish, surrounded by the tranquility of the grove, felt a sense of fulfillment and connection to Eyre's magical essence. The elnin trail had not only provided a playful adventure but also a profound journey through the enchanted history of the land. With a contented sigh, Wish spread her wings and took flight, leaving the grove with a heart full of gratitude for the shifting mana-infused trails that wove the stories of Eyre's past and present.


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Thumbnail for MYO-ELN211: Wish🌼

MYO-ELN211: Wish🌼

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