Submission (#6386) Approved

12 December 2023, 18:30:55 PST (1 year ago)
13 December 2023, 14:31:05 PST (1 year ago) by tatter


Regional Affinity: [Faerindell]
Elnin: []


In the crystalline streams and enchanted ponds of Faerindell, the Chromakoi swims with vibrant grace, its scales reflecting the magical hues of the region. The Chromakoi boasts scales that mimic the diverse colors found in Faerindell's flora. From the gentle pinks of the sakura blossoms to the deep hues of blue and purple, the fish's scales shimmer with a rainbow of colors, creating a mesmerizing display as it glides through the water.

Chromakoi are social creatures that travel in schools, creating moving symphonies of color as they navigate Faerindell's waterways. The collective glimmer of their scales is a breathtaking sight, attracting both locals and visitors alike to witness the aquatic ballet. The schools are not only a spectacle to behold but also serve a practical purpose, offering protection against predators and fostering a sense of community amongst the school. These colorful fish exhibit seasonal migration patterns, guided by an innate sense of the Eldertree's magical fluctuations. During periods of heightened magical energy, the Chromakoi embark on migratory journeys, creating stunning displays of color across Faerindell's waterways.

Chromakoi are uniquely adapted to the specific conditions of Faerindell's water bodies. They thrive in the temperate climate and are known to coexist harmoniously with other aquatic creatures, contributing to the delicate balance of the region's ecosystems. They are also known for their peaceful coexistence with other aquatic creatures in Faerindell. Additionally, they contribute to the delicate balance of the ecosystem by aiding in the control of certain insect populations and creating nutrient-rich environments with their feeding rituals. They have a unique feeding ritual where they gracefully dance beneath the surface, creating ripples that disturb insects and small aquatic creatures. As the disturbed creatures rise to the surface, the fish skillfully snatch them up with their agile mouths.

During the breeding season, Chromakoi engage in intricate courtship displays. Males showcase their vibrant scales and swim in mesmerizing patterns to attract potential mates. The courtship rituals involve synchronized movements adding an extra layer of enchantment to Faerindell's aquatic realms. Female Chromakoi carefully select suitable nesting sites in shallow, secluded areas. After laying their eggs, both males and females take turns guarding the nest. Once the fry hatch, the parents continue to provide protection and guidance until the young Chromakoi are ready to join the larger schools.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN2821: Naida (Nai)

ELN2821: Naida (Nai)

Reward Amount
AP (Faerindell) (Currencies) 1


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