Submission (#6256) Approved

22 November 2023, 15:39:14 PST (10 months ago)
24 November 2023, 09:59:45 PST (10 months ago) by tatter



Ren’s journey through Faerindell had thus far proved a truly memorable one.  As he wound through the meandering dirt roads, surrounded by the ancient twisting trees with their pink boughs, he swore he could feel the whispers of thousands of travelers that had likely wandered through these very same roads.  His pomu, seated between his shoulder blades, guided Ren through thick clusters of trees and breathtaking clearings with the help of a map, clutched tightly in his small paws.  So focused on his task was the creature, that he did not even notice when Ren abruptly stopped, breath caught in his throat as he surveyed the vast golden fields of wheat that swayed gently in the breeze under an expansive cloudless blue bowl of a sky.


As he stepped closer, Ren was enveloped in the hearty aroma of the fresh earth.  The farm’s main structure was nestled on the gentle slope of a hill, appearing in the distance as if it barely rose above the tallest stalks of the waving wheat, set against the backdrop of Faerindell’s famous cherry blossom trees.  Trees that seemed to reach to stretch their brilliant colors skyward.


Kikue, catching sight of his sibling just beyond the field, called, his voice loud and delighted.  “Over here!”


The kittoms ran to each other, collapsing into each other in an embrace that sent nearby birds fluttering into the sky.  Their laughter rang, as they separated, as they met each other’s eyes with matching crooked grins.  The meeting here had long been planned, and even the undulating field of wheat, and the flutter of pink petals on the breeze could not distract their kittoms from their much-awaited reunion.




Their makeshift kitchen was set to be outdoors.  The scenery simply too enchanting and the weather so pleasant as to encourage the use of the external stove.  The ingredients they would use had been gathered from the farm, including the freshly harvested wheat, eggs from the free-range chickens, and honey from a neighboring beehive farm, were all spread out on the rough-hewn wooden table.  The key ingredient here was that of the cherry blossoms—gathered earlier that day, and carefully washed and dried in the hopes or imparting their subtle floral notes to their bread.


With Kikue and their pomus by their side, the kittoms began the meticulous process of crafting the dough.  The pomus, working as a team, ground the wheat into coarse flower, chittering complaints all the while.  Ren worked with the eggs, the honey, and the milk, Kikue helped, taking turns with the dough until the mixture took a golden hue.  Once the dough seemed ready, they carefully folded the cherry blossom petals into the mixture, ensuring to spread their scent throughout the entirety of the dough.


As the dough rested and rose under the comforting sunlight, Ren and Kikue took the opportunity to wander and play through the wheatfields.  They played hide and seek with their tricky pomus, wandered the fields swapping travel stories, and their expectations for the bread they would craft from the dough that rested just beyond the fields, by the little farmhouse.


Once sufficient time had passed, the kittoms returned to the outdoor kitchen.  Here, the pomus were more eager to help, shaping the dough into loaves, eager to set them on their molds.  Eager and chattering about what the bread might look like, taste like.  Commenting on the delicious scent of the dough, and their excitement for what would the ultimate result be.  This event would make a celebration of their trip to Faerindell, of what they had seen and learned.

As the loaves were placed in the oven, they rested.  Laying their heads on their paws, eyes half closed at the sun dipped lower and lower in the sky.  The aroma of the bread baking mingled with the sweet scent of the grass, the fields, the cherry blossoms, creating a fragrance as unique as it was memorable.  The kittoms crowded over the oven in excitement, peering at the loaves as they reached readiness, as they turned golden and puffy in their molds.  Ren grinned, and Kikue met his eyes with a smile of his own.  Their pomus lay exhausted in a pile under the table, noses twitching as they rested.


The setting of the sun was met with a feast the kittoms had set for four under the sprawling branches of an ancient cherry blossom tree that rested just beyond the farm’s main building.  The table was adorned with freshly baked bread, creamy local butter, a decadent selection of fruit, and a variety of cheeses they would slice to try with their bread. 


The results of their labor, the cherry blossom infused bread loves, had a golden crust with delicate pink specks of cherry blossoms spread throughout its shape that made it the perfect centerpiece of their gathering.  The flavor ended up being a harmonious blend of the earth warmth of the freshly harvested wheat, the sweetness of the local honey, and the subtle floral notes of the cherry blossoms.  It proved to be an unexpected but utterly desirable blend of flavors that combined to create a feast that seemed to represent the elements of the land they stood upon.


As the night descended, the siblings watched the stars emerge upon a velvety sky from beneath the sheltered safety of the twisting branches of the cherry blossom tree.  The farm, bathed in moonlight, exuded a type of timeless beauty that the kittoms were sure to remember for many years to come.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 9


Thumbnail for ELN1196: Kikue

ELN1196: Kikue

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN1199: Ren

ELN1199: Ren

Reward Amount
AP (Faerindell) (Currencies) 1


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