Submission (#6085) Approved

30 September 2023, 20:45:47 PDT (11 months ago)
1 October 2023, 11:11:23 PDT (11 months ago) by Picnyx


Regional Affinity: Silveil
Claiming Regional affinity for (1AP)Estelle
Word count: 1145
2EC bonus for 900+ words


Estelle wasn’t one much for keeping a lot of items as she mostly moved around; she only brought with her what was necessary. However there was one thing that she really was attached to, a plushy yellow star the size of a pillow, which had been sown for her when she had arrived at the nursery as a kittom. Este really treasured that star and slept with it every night. She found comfort in its soft fabric and often buried her face in it. Wherever she was, she would feel at home as long as she had her star with her. Unfortunately Estelle had owned her star for so long that it was starting to unsew itself. Frantically she had tried to fix it as it meant so much to her, but sadly she had no idea how to sew anything. All her efforts to fix it were in vain and the rip was still very much present. 


Estelle had decided to go around the city to try and find a sewing shop. At first she had no idea where to even start looking. She had spent many days wandering about the streets of Silveil but she had never much paid attention to a place that sold or did any sewing repairs. The streets of Silveil city were as lively as ever with its moonlit sky. People were bustling around and about all hours of the day, never ever knowing when a new day started and another ended. Looking up at the stars in the sky which seemed brighter than ever to her a tear started to form in her eye. She wondered if her precious star could be fixed. 


She traveled through the streets looking up at the sky every now and then as she couldn’t shake her despair. If her yellow star couldn’t be fixed at least she would get to look up at the stars in the sky whenever she wanted here. It somehow brought her a little bit of comfort that maybe her little star would make it to the sky. After all, maybe she had outgrown it, as she wasn’t the same old little kittom she used to be. But somehow she couldn’t shake off the feeling, she still needed her plush yellow pillow and it was super precious to her. When she had been at the nursery not many people paid attention to her, but one day an elnin came by and had sewed a few pillows for the kittoms to find comfort. For Estelle it had been her most prized possession and not to mention the elnin that had made it for her had been so sweet and kind to her. Most of the other kittoms had gotten simple square pillows but Este had been lucky she had gotten a special star shaped one. The seamstress had taken a liking to her and asked her specifically what she wanted and she had granted her wish. Unfortunately Estelle did not remember her name but only what she had told her about the place she was from with the most beautiful bright stars. She had wondered if maybe the elnin meant she had come from Silveil city, the only place where the stars never left the sky. That’s why she had asked her to make her a beautiful star so she would never feel lonely and so she would always have a star in her life like the place the seamstress was from. 


Not even realizing how many blocks and shoppes she had passed by, Estelle had been wandering the streets of Silveil lost in her memories staring up at the sky which was adorned with galaxies. That’s when she tripped in a dip in the ground, dropping her lantern. Luckily it didn’t break but it knocked her out of her hypnosis. Looking around again at her surroundings she was a bit lost. She wasn’t even sure anymore of which turn she had taken or how to find her way home after this. But that’s when she spotted a place she had been looking for. Right in front of her she saw the sign with a thread and needle. Este had found a sewing shoppe. She wasted no time and walked right in almost running as the bell rang as she went through the doorway. She looked around and saw no one to her disappointment. She wanted a little bit, but no one was to be found. She wondered if maybe the place was closed and they had simply forgotten to lock up. At least she had finally found a place to fix her star but sadly she might have to wait some more to have it restored. Walking back towards the door as Estelle emitted a deep sigh, the doorbell rang. The shopkeeper was back, holding a stack of fabric. She couldn’t see the elnin face but they looked familiar to her. “I am so sorry I just left for a moment to pick up an order of fabric for a dress I have to make, how may I help you today?” The elnin moved gracefully placing her fabrics on the counter, that’s when Estelle gasped. It was her who had made her star! 


Estelle began to cry holding out her star to her. The elnin looked at her funny at first wondering what all the crying was about. But that’s when she recognized the work she had done and the kittom holding it. The fabric wasn’t just like any ordinary yellow plush material, this one was made with some sparkle fabric. She had picked it out just for that little kittom, which reminded her of herself when she was once a kittom. She too had taken a special liking to all the glitz. “What’s wrong little one?” she said softly trying to calm down the crying kittom. Between her sobs and tears Estelle managed a few words “ It’s broken ! SEE?” she began to cry even louder as she showed the rip in it. Minako hugged the small kittom to bring her some comfort and softly talked to her,“Long time no see, little star.” “ Don’t you worry I will fix it for you” she said as she grabbed it and found the proper thread to match the colour and sewed it back as if it never even had a rip in it. Opening her eyes and wiping away a few tears as she sobbed a bit more, Estelle looked up at her star and it was all fixed. Minako smiled at the kittom and Este began to brighten up as she saw her star was just as it used to be. Hugging it tightly as she buried her face in it, the kittom was no longer sad, her precious star was all fixed and she had reunited with the Seamstress who had given her, her most precious possession. 


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 8


Thumbnail for ELN1276: 🔮 Mina 🐇

ELN1276: 🔮 Mina 🐇

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Thumbnail for MYO-ELN566: 💫 Estelle 💫

MYO-ELN566: 💫 Estelle 💫

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AP (Silveil) (Currencies) 1


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