Submission (#5705) Approved

6 July 2023, 09:54:44 PDT (1 year ago)
4 August 2023, 17:04:38 PDT (1 year ago) by AliLV


Quest: Resonance - Act3
Act type: Bravery
Word count: 1285
Regional Affinity: Silveil
Claiming Regional Affinity for: Vesper [ELN1278]

Adventurer Rank requirement complete: Complete an act of Bravery


The little adventurous kittom and his pomu had found their way to a new destination. After having done some farming in some rather sunny place they had found themselves in total darkness. The night sky blew Vesper away, the galaxies that exploded across the sky with so many stars covering the night. He had seen the night sky in various regions before but nothing quite like this one. He couldn’t even count the stars in the sky. There were too many dispersed across. It was like millions and millions of little lights shining like diamonds in the sky. Who truly knows how long the little kittom stood there in awe admiring the night sky. 


Vesper had come to Silveil City without a plan but he was refreshed from his time in Faerindell and had a bit of an inkling of the kind of job he wanted. He had always gone and done some hardious work but he wanted something a bit more laid back. At first he found the city a bit strange as it never slept and there were always people bustling around and about at any time of the day. It was something he had to take some getting used to. It was an odd concept to him at first as he was always used to daytime and a nightime. But here people did everything surrounded in darkness and no one really knew what time of day it was and to be frank no one really cared. Vesper found himself doing little odds and ends here and there but he hadn’t found any work that really interested him. The local residents found him quite odd as well as he was always asking people if they knew the time. Somehow the little kittom found it quite alarming that no one tracked time. He never knew when to start working or when to stop working which drove him mad. He needed to find something that wouldn’t matter when he started and when he finished. The kittom and his pomu were slowly getting adjusted to the nightlife but not fast enough that he was properly functioning in it. As much as he loved the galaxies and the stars that were always so beautifully displayed all day long, he wasn’t sure how much longer he would stay here. After all, maybe this wasn’t the place for him and his pomu. Sure there was lots of gambling he could be doing but that either wasn’t much his style. He did however find a pure interest in the bioluminescent flora and fauna that was found in Silveil. How cool were glowing mushrooms ! One of his favorite parts too were the jellyfish, he had never seen glowing ones before. 


After having tried odds and ends here and there Vesper had successfully found a job he was really enjoying. It also got him used to the life here and no longer bothered him anymore. Besides, the whole city was always illuminated by lights and street vendors. He found it amazing that whenever he was hungry he could just stop and pick up a treat from a vendor. It didn't matter what time of day it was. There was always scrumptious food being cooked somewhere and it always had a pleasant food smell lingering in the air. He didn’t have to wait till daytime to eat something or wait for a vendor to open their stall; everything was always hot and ready. The little kittom often needed a pick me up as he was running around the city all day delivering mail. It really was the perfect job for him. He would go to the post office and verify the mail and letters that needed delivery and come back when he was done. At times he was also sent places to pick up packages that needed to be delivered. It really was the perfect job for him as he had a lot of energy to bust around the city. 


One strange day, Vesper got sent to an address in town where he had never been to. I found the address a bit odd considering it wasn’t in a part of town he had ever been before. He had to ask for a map to locate the street. The little kittom had been warned a few times there were certain parts of the city he had to avoid due to the heavy presence of the Thieves Guild. Being a young kittom it wasn’t a place for him to go. However this wasn’t those quarters. He asked the mailman in charge a lot of questions before he even left the office. His path had been all marked down with which street to take to get there and an x on the house he had to stop at. As he made his way through the streets to his destination he found it really odd as the lights got dimmer around as he saw less and less of them. There wasn’t much traffic from the locals either and he no longer could spot any vendors. The little kittom threaded his way cautiously and started looking at his map wondering if he had maybe taken a wrong turn somewhere. As he and Fireworks looked over the map under one of the remaining street lights, they had indeed been following the right path. Vesper wondered if maybe he should turn around as something didn’t feel right. But his destination was just a street away. Being the little adventurous kittom he was, he decided to carry on. It was only on the next street after all ? How different could it be from this one?


When he turned the corner he noticed there was no street light anywhere and that all these houses seemed abandoned. No one had told him any of this when he was at the office, they had simply mapped out his route and told him to pick up a package at a specific house.  He threaded carefully taking a few steps at the time as the pomu took out a lantern from his void to light their way. The air was so eerie around as there was no sound to be heard, no lights and no movement. Vesper held his small pocket knife in his hand ready for anything that would pounce at them. You could hear the echo of their steps in the street as they moved along. After passing a few abandoned houses with barely legible addresses, he wondered if it wasn’t time for him to turn around and take a run for it. Why would anyone drop a package where it was left in ruins? Some of the houses had roofs caved in and others had walls missing. Some didn’t even have steps anymore. He finally located the house he was supposed to pick up the package from. It was sitting on the front steps. Vesper thought it was the strangest thing he had ever experienced, wondering if maybe his co-workers were playing a trick on him. He didn’t wait a second longer and grabbed the package and took a run for his life never looking back. 


The little kittom wondered after that experience if he should even go back to work. He had gripped the package so hard that there were dents in the cardboard. Everyone laughed at him when he got to the office but they were glad the kittom had gone through with it and accomplished his task. It was a bit of initiation they did to new recruits to see if they were cut out for the job. Vesper truly had an adventuring spirit and they were glad to have him. He and Fireworks had finally found their place.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN1278: 🌌 Vesper 🌌

ELN1278: 🌌 Vesper 🌌

Reward Amount
AP (Silveil) (Currencies) 1


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Item Source Notes Quantity

wintry-chan's Bank

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