Submission (#5700) Approved

5 July 2023, 00:26:34 PDT (11 months ago)
11 July 2023, 15:58:36 PDT (11 months ago) by AliLV


+2 Adult Requirement
+Adventuring Outfit
1294 Words total!



The pink and tired noble Elnin awakens one morning to the sound of desperate cries outside. He runs a tired hand down the side of his face in exasperation and curses some higher being. For a brief moment he considers laying in silence in the hopes that the kittom outside will give up on her plight and move onto some other unsuspecting victim. But judging by the furious pounding at his door high up in the tree-tops of Nahalo, that option's likelihood is slowly beginning to diminish. He sighs in defeat and begins to make his way to the door, grumbling along the way. Upon opening the door to the world, however...

"YA GOTTA HELP KARA!! ISSA EMERGENCY!" Sora scrambles into Kara's home, her furious pleas continuing on as she paces the humble home of the older Elnin. There's a certain level to her theatrics and it causes Kara to hide a couple of chuckles behind a well-timed cough. Kara had only recently become acquainted with the young and energetic kittom, but she's certainly made herself no stranger at his place of residence. Sora is...quite the character and her love for Manaberries seems to know no bounds. Honestly, Kara only believes that she's stayed in Ealei for as long as she has just because the precious fruits "taste so much better her" according to her...Sora is still mid-rant when Kara puts an end to her monologuing. 

"I can't really help you...if I don't know exactly what you are requiring assistance with, Sora." He does his best to calm the young kittom down, and hopes that his voice (still a little groggy) is able to convey such a meaning. He really doesn't get paid enough for this. He doesn't get paid at all, actually, but it is all about the principle. Sora calms herself down, placing a paw over her racing heart and trying to slow down her breathing, a technique she learned from the Elnin standing across from her. Her pink eyes open after a few seconds and she does her best to calm down the stars shimmering from her coat, as well as her four tails from swishing rapidly during her speech. She definitely feels a lot less stressed than moments prior and she's actually able to control her speaking a little better.

"I was down at my favorite spot earlier...y'know, the one with all the manaberries?" Kara knows this spot very well, indeed. "And, and, well I couldn't believe it! Do y'know how much litter and fishing line I found around there? Like some folks had themselves some big ol'party and then left it like that!! I tried to clean it up myself but..." Sora's voice trails off at the end, ears flattening slightly in dejection, and she doesn't meet the eyes of the Elnin in front of her in a mixture of disappointment and shame at her powerlessness. Her spirits are lifted slightly when she hears the soft chuckles coming from Kara. He regards her with a kind expression that makes her slightly more embarrassed, but there's no sense of resentment coming from him at all. 

"Let's go pay Elias a visit, Sora."

A quick visit later to Elias, a fancy Elnin who prides himself on being helpful and courteous, and Sora finds herself on the floor of a well-furnished building. Elias and Kara have been bickering for the last few minutes on what to bring down to the special spot in the mangrove that Sora has been so flustered about. She pokes at the supplies laid out before her. Some are for herself, such as longer pants, padded gloves to help avoid any shards of glass in the waters, a well-spun ball of twine for tying together debris, as well as a medicine pack in case (despite the best effort of the two adults before her) she does manage to end up with some cuts that need disinfecting. The other supplies are meant to be handled by the adults, and she pokes aimlessly at the small bladed knife that is safely tucked within its casing. 

"Alright, alright, enough fussing Elias." The aforementioned Elnin scoffs in astonishment at the accusation. Him? Fussy? Why he's never! Except he has, multiple times. The brown Elnin turns his attention to Sora. Safely sweeping the blade away from the much-too-curious Kittom and at a safer distance. His red eyes are kind and he crouches a bit to place a comforting head atop Sora's head, ruffling her white hair. 

"Shall we head out and clean that area up, whatcha say, Sora?" She's moved, honestly, and tears threaten to spill out of her pink eyes. Her starry coat begins to sparkle a bit more, overwhelmed by such generosity and kindness. To help her in such a task...she's really quite lucky to have such experienced Elnin to whom she can call upon for help. She's up in an instant, tails perking up and energetic all over again.

"Let's go!!"

Sora definitely underestimated how much time this would take...even with the help of such experienced Elnin. There must have been quite a party for so much debris to wash up...and sometimes she would have to reach down in-between the tangled roots of the trees in order to fish out a bottle or some other junk. She's incredibly thankful for the gloves that Kara had provided her, and despite the pants being new and made of study material, she's afraid they're sporting a few new tears and nicks here and there. She blows a couple of strands of hair off her forehead in frustration at a particularly hard piece of trash to gather. Elias shadows over her a moment later and gently pries away some of the thicker roots, allowing her to safely remove the debris. She shoots him a toothy grin, which he returns, before heading back to prattle about safety precautions to Kara, who has taken up muttering some unfamiliar and harsh sounding words under his breath. After she's collected a decent amount of items in her bag, she ties the top with the rope given to her by Elias, and knots it in the way that he had shown her hours before. Once tied she stands up and stretches, satisfied at how much cleaner the area is looking after some much needed TLC. Her eyes delight at the sight of manaberries begin to float their way down, no longer tarnished by the trash and other hazardous material that had been plaguing the area moments before. 

At the sight of the sun starting to set, the three of them lay on a particularly large root system, munching on some of the freshly plucked berries from the clear water. Elias hums a tune here and there, and the sound is quite pleasing to the kittom's ears. Despite the nice melodies, Kara will sometimes nudge him in order to stop and then the two of them will bicker over "starting it" or something like that....Sora isn't really sure. But she's sure glad she was able to clean up her favorite spot. She doesn't know how long she might live in Ealei...and the thought of the area becoming overrun with garbage makes her heart feel a bit unsteady. Maybe she can ask the two of them to keep an eye on the area...and as the sun starts to cast the water ablaze, Elias lets out a yelp. Kara has shoved him into the water. His thick tail splashes the snickering adult, causing him to let out a string of unsavory words and dive in after the other adult. Sora munches more on her favorite snack.

Yeah, maybe they can keep this place clean for her while she travels.  




Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN398: Kara

ELN398: Kara

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN1752: Elías

ELN1752: Elías

Reward Amount
Thumbnail for ELN2152: Yumemi

ELN2152: Yumemi

Reward Amount
AP (Ealei) (Currencies) 1


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