Submission (#5691) Approved

3 July 2023, 15:49:57 PDT (9 months ago)
9 July 2023, 08:47:12 PDT (9 months ago) by tatter


Region: Kyendi (1AP)
Elnin: Nico


Nico was curled up near a fireplace and listened to an older elnin his parents were talking to. The older elnin was well traveled and it didn’t take long for them to start pondering the old times and spinning yarns of their adventures in the lands of Kyendi. Drifting in and out of sleep, Nico kept listening with one ear and let his imagination run free, while the deep voice lulled him slowly to sleep.

As I ventured into the heart of Kyendi, I found myself immersed in a realm untouched by time. It was a land of ancient allure, where nature held dominion over the remnants of forgotten civilizations. The air was heavy with the smell of aged wood and moist earth, enveloping me in a mysterious embrace.
The forests of Kyendi were like guardians of secrets, their towering trees reaching towards the heavens with gnarled branches. They formed a dense canopy overhead, blocking out the sunlight and casting a perpetual twilight upon the forest floor. The eldertree, our beautiful giant weeping willow… was almost hidden, and only peeked through the leaves at times. The play of light and shadow created an alluring ambiance, as if the spirits of the past lingered among the foliage.

Wandering deeper into the woods, I encountered vines, like serpents, snaking their way around trees, their leafy appendages seeking the touch of sunlight. Mosses and lichens adorned fallen logs, turning them into green sanctuaries for tiny creatures. Wildflowers of vibrant hues burst through the undergrowth, a fleeting display of nature's artistry.
Hidden rivers emerged in front of me and wove their way through the land like serpents on a quest. The water, crystal clear and cool, meandered with a deliberate grace, cutting through the dense vegetation and exposing secret alcoves and hidden pools. Miniature waterfalls cascaded down ancient rock formations, their gentle roar serenading the surrounding wilderness. The sound was hypnotic, a natural lullaby that echoed in my ears as I ventured deeper into the heart of the old forest.

Amidst these dense woods the ruins of a forgotten civilization lay obscured by the thick foliage. Time had weathered these once majestic structures, their walls now crumbling, their grandeur reduced to fragments of the past. Vines and creepers embraced the ruins, reclaiming them as part of nature's design, an everlasting cycle of creation and decay.

As I continued my journey through Kyendi, my eyes widened in wonder as I stumbled upon a sight that defied the laws of nature. Above me, suspended in the sky like ethereal dreams, were the fabled floating islands of Kyendi. They seemed to defy gravity, as if plucked from the realm of imagination and brought to life. The islands floated effortlessly, held aloft by an enchanting phenomenon. It was said that yellow and orange sunstone crystals, imbued with mana, formed the foundation of these levitating landmasses. These radiant gems sparkled  with a golden glow in the sun, casting a warm hue upon the surrounding landscape. Each floating island possessed its own unique shape and size -they appeared like pieces of a celestial puzzle, adrift in a sea of clouds and mist.
Curiosity fueled my desire to explore these aerial wonders and witness their beauty up close. But, my dear friends… that is a story for another time.”

And from the pillows in front of the fireplace was a soft snoring sound emitting, hinting that Nico had indeed fallen asleep while the traveler told their tale about the land outside their windows.


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN2908: Nico

ELN2908: Nico

Reward Amount
AP (Kyendi) (Currencies) 1


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Llew's Bank

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