Submission (#5668) Approved
1EC bonus for Pomu
Regional affinity: Ahza
Vesper wasn't one to settle only in one place. He had been traveling around for some time. He and his pomu Fireworks were quite a team. Often that Vesper never felt alone with his little shadow around. His time in Ealei had come to an end. He had now made his way to Ahza, which was a dry sandy place.
At first he wasn't so sure if he was going to like it here. He almost missed the rocky Ealei. What he had most enjoyed was climbing and fishing. In Ahza there was no rock to climb, simply some sandy dunes. Having spent some time in one town he had learned from the locals that there were indeed places to fish. He was quite amazed to discover that even most of the terrand was covered in sand. That there was some nice breezy shade that could be found around an Oasis. He knew where he and Fireworks would venture next
After traveling through a few towns, which he found really interesting as the houses here were built on ground and from the sand. Who knew that such a thing could be done. He finally got wind from the townsfolk of where he could locate one of these illusive Oasis. From the sound of it, it was almost like people only ever saw one as a mirage. But the little kittom and his pomu was quite the adventurer and he was also quite driven. After all, who wouldn't want to see a palm tree ?
He had gathered all he would need from the last town to be able to survive for while with his pomu. Not that the little shadowy friend needed much but the two really were inseparable. If one got into trouble well it was a given that the other wasn't far off doing the same thing. It was surprising how hot the weather and the sun were. The two comrades weren't quite used to the climate here yet that their little feet would scorch in the sand. Now Vesper understood why all the locals wore sandals to walk. Fireworks was quite lucky as he could just sit on top of Vesper head and travel that way. But sadly the kittom didn't have that luxury. However that was just one little roadblock for the two.
Vesper fur seemed lighter than what it previously was. At first Fireworks thought it was hilarious and they both thought it was due to the scorching sun. But really it was caused by all the sand that got trapped in his fur. Even the little pomu who was usually dark black was now more of a lighter almost dark sandy color. Even his white face, hands and feet were now a nice beige tone. They both wondered how the locals managed to stay sand free.
The two at some point almost got desperate as they were soon to be out of water and food. They had followed the locals instructions and should have found the Oasis by now. They had camped out in the desert 3 nights and on the fourth day they should be laying eyes on it. Vesper wasn't sure if he could keep going on. His water was running so low and the days were so hot and yet the nights were so cool. He wondered if this was maybe it for him. Vesper wondered if the locals had played a joke on them and that after the first night, they would have turned around and gone back.
He was running out so low of energy that he simply laid in the sand for what seemed like days before he wouldnt feel so exhausted to keep going. But from the corner of his eye he saw it⦠or at least he thought he was seeing it. There were these big tall palm trees in the distance. He could also feel the breeze rustling his fur. Something which he hadn't felt in days. He thought this was it, a mirage he was losing. Fireworks wasn't as tired as Vesperso he simply ran for it. He was jumping up and down in joy making his way to this paradise. What little Vesper had left in energy made him get up and bolt his way in the same direction as his companion.
At first he blinked a few times thinking this had to be a mirage. But his eyes weren't playing tricks on him. There were palm trees all around and a nice pool of water. The struggle it took for these two to get here didn't seem to matter anymore as long as they made it. The first thing they did was jump in the water to freshen up and get rid of some of that sand in their fur. They made sure to set up camp and gather whatever they could to make a fire at night. The two still couldn't believe how hot it got during the day but how cool it would get at night in comparison. They even had built their own little shelter. They would spend their days fishing, gathering coconuts and swimming. Vesper and Fireworks really were the perfect pair. As long as they had each other to spend time it didn't matter all the trouble they endured. As long as they would always be together everything was as it should be. These two lived in perfect harmony and they are all the other would ever need
Reward | Amount |
Elecite Coins | 9 |
ELN1278: π Vesper π
Reward | Amount |
AP (Ahza) (Currencies) | 1 |
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wintry-chan's Bank
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