Submission (#5653) Approved

30 June 2023, 11:32:40 PDT (1 year ago)
2 July 2023, 10:25:57 PDT (1 year ago) by tatter


Gift writing for character: MYO-ELN587
Link to the character:

Linked gift stories from two different perspectives.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm, orange glow across the meadow, my heart sank with a sense of foreboding. Wem, my rambunctious twin, was a constant source of trouble, and I, Mew, had found myself reluctantly caught up in his misadventures yet again.

Bounding through the tall grass, my eyes scanned the surroundings with cautious unease. My pink fur seemed to pale against the vibrant hues of the sunset, and my blue eyes mirrored the wariness that weighed heavy on my heart. Wem, with his carefree blue fur and eyes that sparkled with mischief, was my partner in chaos.

As our spiraling fates entwined, a feeling of resentment gnawed at me. Wem's pink horns stood out against his blue fur, a flamboyant display that only accentuated his penchant for attracting attention. I, on the other hand, blended into the background with my subtle hues, longing for a moment of peace amid the chaos.

The enticing scent of baked treats wafted through the air, drawing us closer to Mrs. Flufferton's bakery. I couldn't help but feel a knot of guilt tighten in my stomach as Wem's eyes lit up with excitement. His paws skillfully grabbed the pastries, and my heart sank deeper. Why did I always let myself get swept away in his wild schemes?

As the sound of approaching footsteps echoed in my ears, a wave of panic surged through my veins. Wem was carefree, impulsive, and I had become his unwilling accomplice. We ducked into the bushes, hidden from prying eyes, as I scolded myself internally for getting involved once again.

Mrs. Flufferton emerged, and relief washed over me when she passed by without suspicion. But the guilt remained, a constant companion that whispered words of reproach in the depths of my mind. I was tired of being the sensible one, the voice of reason overshadowed by Wem's adventurous spirit.

Under the moon's watchful gaze, we scurried back to our den. Curling up beside Wem, I couldn't help but question why I continued to follow him down this path. Perhaps it was the fear of missing out on the thrill, the longing to break free from the confines of my cautious nature. Or maybe, deep down, I craved the connection that bound us as twins, even in the midst of chaos.

As sleep claimed us, my thoughts drifted towards the future. I yearned for a balance between adventure and sensibility, a way to indulge in Wem's spontaneity without losing sight of my own desires. The road ahead was uncertain, but I vowed to find my own path, to embrace the wildness within me while forging my own identity.

For Wem and me, life would always be an unpredictable journey, but I was determined to navigate it on my own terms. As the moonlight filtered through the den, casting a gentle glow upon us, I closed my eyes, envisioning a future where I could be both the responsible one and the free spirit. And with that hopeful thought, I surrendered to the embrace of dreams, knowing that tomorrow would bring new opportunities for growth, discovery, and the chance to carve my own place in our wild twin tale.



Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 2


Thumbnail for MYO-ELN587: Mew

MYO-ELN587: Mew

Reward Amount


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Item Source Notes Quantity

binghu's Bank

Currency Quantity