Submission (#5434) Approved

27 May 2023, 13:46:50 PDT (1 year ago)
30 May 2023, 18:55:01 PDT (1 year ago) by LeechiPeachy


Shimmer loves Gloom like a child of her own. It's so adorable


Shimmer and Gloom, the inseparable duo, ventured into the swamps of Enmir, carefully navigating the treacherous terrain. Most beings avoided the swampy reaches of the Shaedmoor, but the allure of the large stretch of eastern wetlands known as the Cindermarsh called to them. It was said to be a place of hidden wonders, and the two were eager to explore its secrets.

As they delved deeper into the swamp, the air grew thick with moisture, and a symphony of croaking frogs and buzzing insects filled the atmosphere. Gloom’sluminous fur shimmered in the dappled sunlight that filtered through the dense canopy above, while Shimmer’s sleek fur blended with the shadows of the undergrowth and swamp water. Together, they made a striking pair, embodying the harmony of light and darkness.

Their adventure led them deeper into the heart of the marsh, where the landscape transformed into a mesmerizing tapestry of moss-laden trees. It was there, amidst the verdant beauty, that Shimmer's keen eyes caught a glimpse of something extraordinary.

A soft glow emanated from a cluster of flora nearby, drawing their attention. With cautious steps, they approached the source of the ethereal radiance and discovered the Sylvermoss. Shimmer and Gloom exchanged an excited glance, their tails twitching in anticipation. They had heard tales of the remarkable properties of Sylvermoss, and the allure of its shimmering embrace beckoned them. Together, they carefully began to harvest small portions of the silver moss, ensuring to leave the majority undisturbed, so that it could continue to flourish and grace the swamp.

As Shimmer and Gloom embarked on their Sylvermoss harvest in the swamps of Enmir, their devoted Pomus, Glimmer and Gleem, eagerly joined in the endeavor. With their small frames and nimble paws, the two Pomus hopped and scurried through the dense undergrowth, attempting to gather strands of the shimmering moss.

However, their efforts soon met an unexpected challenge. As the Pomus ventured deeper into the Sylvermoss thicket, the entangled strands grew thicker and more intertwined. Despite their agile nature, the Pomus found themselves ensnared, their tiny bodies caught amidst the verdant web of moss. They struggled and wriggled, their high-pitched chirps filling the air, but their attempts to free themselves only seemed to worsen their predicament.

Shimmer and Gloom, ever watchful of their companions, rushed to their aid. With gentle paws, they carefully untangled the Pomus from the grasping strands of Sylvermoss. Their delicate touch and soothing whispers calmed the frightened Pomus, reassuring them that they were safe in their care.

After freeing the Pomus, Shimmer and Gloom made a collective decision. Aware of the treacherous nature of the Sylvermoss, they instructed the Pomus to stay in their shadows, ensuring their safety.

With the Pomus safe and sound, Shimmer and Gloom went back to gathering some of the Sylvermoss.As they worked, they marveled at the interplay of light and shadow, their paws brushing against the velvety moss. The silver strands, delicate to the touch, emitted a soothing coolness that brought a sense of tranquility to their hearts. With each delicate pluck, they reveled in the magic that seemed to resonate from the plant, feeling connected to the ancient forces that pervaded the marshland.

Their harvest complete, Shimmer and Gloom gazed upon their collection of Sylvermoss with pride. The silvery strands shimmered in the sunlight, a treasure they would cherish and use responsibly. They knew that this remarkable plant held potent energies and that its gift must be respected and used judiciously.

But as the day wore on, the adventures of the swamps took their toll on young Gloom. The kittom's eyes grew heavy, and his tiny form curled up, seeking respite from their explorations. Sensing his fatigue, Shimmer, with her gentle nature, gracefully lowered herself, allowing Gloom to find comfort and rest upon her back.

With Gloom nestled comfortably, Shimmer resumed her steady stride, her lithe body carrying them both through the labyrinthine paths of the marsh. The soft, rhythmic patter of her paws upon the muddy ground blended with the harmonious sounds of the swamp, lulling Gloom into a peaceful slumber.

As they made their way back home, the swamps seemed to embrace them with a sense of tranquility. The fireflies danced around them, their gentle glow illuminating the path. The night air carried a symphony of croaking frogs and the distant hoots of nocturnal creatures, serenading their journey back to familiar territory.

Shimmer's eyes gleamed with affection as she stole glances at the slumbering form of Gloom resting upon her back. Despite the weariness that settled in her own bones, she reveled in the warmth of their bond, finding solace in the trust and companionship they shared.

The journey through the swamps had been arduous, yet it was moments like these, when she carried Gloom on her back, that she understood the true meaning of their connection. They were not merely friends or companions but kindred spirits, each offering support and strength to the other.

Shimmer's agile steps carried them steadily onward, her senses attuned to the rhythm of the swamp. She navigated through the twists and turns, her movements fluid and graceful, never once jostling Gloom from his peaceful slumber. It was as if she possessed an innate understanding of the swamp's intricate dance, a connection forged through countless explorations and shared experiences.

As they neared their home, a small clearing nestled amidst the swaying cypress trees, Shimmer paused to breathe in the cool, earthy scent of the marsh. The Sylvermoss they had harvested earlier was carefully secured, a shimmering reminder of their adventure and the gifts of nature they had respectfully gathered.

With tender care, Shimmer gently lowered Gloom from her back and nestled him in a soft bed of moss. She watched over him for a moment, her emerald eyes filled with a mixture of love and pride. Gloom stirred slightly, his nose twitching in a dream-filled slumber, as if sensing her presence and finding comfort in her watchful gaze.

Knowing that Gloom would be safe and sound, Shimmer stretched her body and settled beside him, allowing the soothing ambiance of the swamp to envelop them both. The night breeze caressed their fur, carrying with it a sense of tranquility and the sweet fragrance of blooming night-blooming flowers.

As the night wore on, Shimmer and Gloom slumbered peacefully, nestled within the embrace of the swamp's harmonious whispers. Time seemed to stand still in that moment, as if the very essence of Enmir wrapped them in its protective embrace.

With the break of dawn, a golden light filtered through the canopy, casting a gentle glow upon the sleeping pair. Shimmer stirred, her eyes flickering open, and she beheld the beauty of a new day dawning. Gently nudging Gloom awake, she whispered words of reassurance and gratitude, her voice carrying the harmony of their shared adventures.

Together, they rose, stretching their limbs and basking in the warmth of the rising sun. As they began their journey back to their cozy abode, Shimmer couldn't help but reflect on the day they had shared. It had been a day of exploration, discovery, and the reaffirmation of their unbreakable bond.


Reward Amount
Elecite Coins 9


Thumbnail for ELN526: Shimmer

ELN526: Shimmer

Reward Amount
AP (Enmir) (Currencies) 1
Thumbnail for ELN2868: Gloom

ELN2868: Gloom

Reward Amount


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Mewwsic's Bank

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