Submission (#5261) Approved

19 April 2023, 13:34:45 PDT (1 year ago)
30 April 2023, 11:11:34 PDT (1 year ago) by AliLV


Quest: Resonance - Act2
Act type: Character
Word count: 1232
Regional Affinity: Silveil
Claiming Regional Affinity for: Sunniva [ELN1267]


The miasma season had rolled passed and Miyako was encouraging Sunniva to help her do a spring cleaning in the library. Dust and unuseful things had accumulated in the library. It was time to clear it out and dust away the cobwebs. Soon many elnins would begin to travel again and other than locals, they would visit the library and Yako liked to have it in a presentable manner. In the miasma months not many would even visit as the locals often had things delivered by Sunni so they wouldn’t see many people within the walls of the library. So what if during then a bit of dust and spider webs formed. They also kept the lighting to a minimum with a few candle sticks here and there and mostly carried a lantern to guide their way to help them see in the dark. Oftentimes they left whatever window without curtains to let the moon shine and create light within those areas of the library that was lucky enough to have a window. Silveil city was always shrouded in nighttime but the people in the city were always bustling around and there were also lots of lights coming from the streets. From street signs to street vendors there was always some light within the city that helped illuminate within. But as more visitors came the library needed a bit more light to help accustom people not native from Silveil. They were used to the light of day and seeing better. Unlike the residents of Silveil they were used to lighting their way through the darkness of each day. You could say that the people here were a bit more nocturnal, at least that’s what Sunni had thought at first. But unlike a passerby she got used to the nightlife here. 


When they both started to inspect the library they had noticed how bad of a job they both had been upkeeping during the winter. Every room needed dusting and cleaning. Sunniva had been set to the task of cleaning the book halls while Miyako took care of other areas. There was a lot of ground to cover so the little kittom would rise each day and start cleaning one bookshelf at a time. She had to use the ladder to reach the top of the bookcase and corners where the cobwebs had formed. It freaked her out a little to realize that so many spiders might be living within these walls. Sunniva pomu would help her clean, often appearing on top of her head and dusting areas she couldn’t quite reach. Sunni and Snowdrop were quite the team. Cleaning was maybe not their forte but there wasn’t much to break here. If she dropped a book or a whole row by accident, well they always survived the fall. Every now and then she would take down the curtains and dust them outside. Boy did those ever accumulate dust, as the kittom and her pomu coughed as the dust flew all over as they were hitting it with the broom. There was just this giant cloud of dust surrounding them that they couldn’t even see anymore. It was a good thing that there were always glowing mushrooms that adorned the outdoors so they could still somehow make out things. 


Miyako had tasked herself with cleaning the rooms in which people could stay in if a visitor came and stayed for a few days, weeks or months for research. She then had moved on to cleaning out Sunniva's room, where she found this strange collection of rocks. To her surprise she wondered why the small kittom would even prize these random sized little unimpressive pieces of stone. Sure she had seen people collect these beautiful precious stones but these were just regular rocks anyone would find on the ground outdoors. Sunniva had adorned all the nice shelving that was in the room with these rocks. Yako saw no use to them and gathered all of them in a box to later dispose of. I mean if she wanted to continue this collection she could just go out and find more. Though really Miyako would hope she would find something better to keep. I mean plain rocks really ? Surely the kittom would want to keep something more pretty. She decided to leave behind her desk after tidying up her room a nice book on precious stones. Maybe then the small kittom would start collecting shimmering shiny stones. 


After having taken a nice bath with her pomu as they were both covered in so much dust, they both looked like their fur was gray. They both had worked so hard and were both so exhausted that they hadn’t even noticed how clean the room was when they crashed and fell asleep. The next day when Sunniva woke up, to her surprise there was a book on really nice looking rocks which she didn’t care much for. She had no use or interest in it. I mean who cared about these shiny things anyways? She looked around her room as other things seemed a bit out of place and she wanted them back the way they used to be. But to her horror she couldn’t find her collection of rocks ! She had systematically placed them on her shelf and they were nowhere to be found. Shocked, she ran out of her room, with Snowdrop tagging along to go find Miyako. But to their dismay she was nowhere to be seen. She had left to go shopping to replenish supplies in the library for the future visitor. 


Sunni was so angry that she began to stomp around the library like she was a giant monster in search of her precious collection. But unfortunately it was not to be seen within the library. She ran outside hoping that Yako would surely not throw it in the trash. Rummaging through the garbage she found a box with all her rocks. The kittom took a deep breath as her heart felt lighter now that she had found her stones. Sunniva went happily back inside and put back her collection safely where it belonged. To take her revenge she took the book and tore out all the pages and spread them in the Miyako room. How dare she touch her stones. 


Once Miyako came home and saw the carnage Sunni had caused in her room, she confronted the little kittom and that pomu of her that most likely helped cause the damage. If she didn’t like the book she could have just returned it. But the little kittom didn’t want to speak to her and she saw that she had placed her rocks back in the room. Instead of punishing the kittom she asked her what those were about. That's when Sunniva began to cry being so upset she even threw them out. The kittom went on telling her the story of how she and Snowdrop used to dig in the snow each day to find rocks. In Strynhalde these were hard and rare to find. To her they were special rocks even though to anyone else they were just plain. Also in a way these were a piece of her home. Consoling the kittom Miyako apologized and promised to never touch them again. All was back to how it should be even though Yako still questioned the kittom taste. Rocks really?


Reward Amount


Thumbnail for ELN1267: 🎐 Sunniva🎐

ELN1267: 🎐 Sunniva🎐

Reward Amount
AP (Silveil) (Currencies) 1
Thumbnail for ELN2707: ✿ Shika ✿

ELN2707: ✿ Shika ✿

Reward Amount


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wintry-chan's Bank

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